
Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?

Every Monday, the eldest daughter cried out for a headache, and I said that she was mentally ill and had a laziness disease, and she was always unconvinced. At breakfast that day, I glanced at a few pieces of paper on the table. She actually drew a story in her own head.

Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?
Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?
Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?
Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?

The "Story in the Mind" painted by the eldest daughter

The story goes to the effect that her brain is busy from Monday to Friday, stuffing a lot of stuff, so she has to leave it empty on Saturdays and Sundays so that the scavengers in her brain can clean up. The mind without garbage shrinks as a result, and on Monday, when things suddenly squeeze in again, it gets a headache...

After watching me turn over the picture, she leaned in and asked, "Do you understand this?" ”

"Got it, explain that you are not lazy, is it necessary to go to such great lengths?"

Why can't I paint when I grow up

None of my three children have deliberately learned to paint, but they all have the habit of using creation to explain their ideas. Whether it is writing moods, movie viewing feelings, book reading feelings, and even travel records, you can naturally feel, think, and finally output. This is the most deliberately maintained part of our family education, so that children do not lose the confidence of this expression.

Most ordinary people come to this world more or less with all kinds of "gifted lunch boxes" (of course, some can make people full, and some are difficult). But why did those dreams that were embraced as children, those fires that were once ignited, end up in a past that cannot be recalled? Is it drowning in a further education-oriented education? This may be the biggest but by no means the only reason.

We all know that this is a time of rapid and dramatic change. The survival skills of the previous generation, we almost did not use. But paradoxically, when we see children's various innovative ideas that puzzle us, we are afraid again, and the phrase "painting cannot be eaten as food" will ring in our ears again.

Even with the diversity of identity, how can we make the "suspected non-pool object" really jump out of the dragon door and become the "fish" that can create good things to sell for money? Wrong! How to let children play their talents and live out their dreams?

Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?

Cultivating children's creativity, cutting pens is the daily work of the mother

How to sublimate from graffiti to creation

"Cultivation? It's expensive, right? What is more worrying is that as soon as the teacher teaches, the child's "creativity" will immediately disappear, and all of them will become "teacher's will". Are there any more useful lessons that advertise creativity in children than children's usual casual doodles? Frankly speaking, without trained hands and eyes, it is difficult to express what the heart wants. Even if your inspiration is bursting and your thinking is flexible, your hands can't keep up with the speed of your brain, and you can't practice it.

For example, LaiMa, who graduated from the higher vocational art and engineering department, worked as an art editor in a newspaper, and gave him a very solid training during that time. At that time, the newspaper's editor had to do the work of drawing illustrations. To match the text with a theme-oriented, laughable illustration, you must learn to quickly understand the key points of the text, and even use images to make up for the lack of text, and then achieve the most eye-catching effect in the length.

Newspapers are time-sensitive, and when materials such as articles, reports, or photographs are late, the editors have to deliver the documents on time at the last minute. This is the honing of "touching the line before the dead line". This led to his later high efficiency, always being able to get out of manuscripts under high pressure. Therefore, I subjectively believe that learning and training are feasible. The point is that we must use guided teachings and accept the pluralistic forms that each person will inevitably present under different characteristics.

Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?

Be prepared to model your son at any time

Teach according to the talents and cultivate creativity

My parent daughter is a girl with a strict nature. If the title given to her was to draw a map, the eight or nine that she handed over would be a neat map with a scale bar attached. In the years when the imagination is the king's way, those who are "not childlike enough and can't let go" often appear. But why not? Fortunately, we live in an era of pluralism, and "good" or "beautiful" can be interpreted in various ways. If what is drawn is always orderly, then isn't it better to develop a pictorial, ultra-delicate and realistic style?

Few people will believe that our family has never cultivated children's art skills because of their profession. If there is any, it is to create an environment at home that is suitable for children to play creatively, and to provide the right materials as much as possible. As for how far each person can play, it depends on his own creation.

Wrong! It's how much time and enthusiasm to bet on. Why not teach it? The reason is that although the practice of techniques is difficult, they can continue to evolve through training at any time. When a child is really interested and motivated, it is not too late to learn again. The most important thing is the word "creative" that is rotten. Therefore, if you insist on cultivating, then please cultivate creativity, that is the most effective.

Is it necessary to cultivate a certain skill of the child because of the professional convenience of the parents?

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