
How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

More environmentally friendly and smarter pure electric travel is gradually becoming a new travel trend favored by the majority of consumers. What does a safe, convenient, pure electric vehicle that meets a variety of needs look like? Quality, safety, reliability and driving pleasure, SAIC Volkswagen gave its answer with three ID. family pure electric vehicles.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

Let electric vehicles return to the essence of "automobile" to meet the real needs of consumers

2021 is the "first year" of SAIC Volkswagen electric vehicles, and the company has successively launched three pure electric vehicles, ID.4 X, ID.6 X and ID.3. Since the launch of the first ID. product at the end of March, the SAIC Volkswagen ID. family has achieved sales growth for seven consecutive months, reaching 7,052 sales in October, an increase of 41% month-on-month, and the cumulative sales volume since the listing has reached about 22,000 units, quickly establishing a good market reputation. ID.4 X is SAIC Volkswagen's first pure electric vehicle based on the MEB platform, aimed at young families who want to travel and upgrade; ID.6 X has become the preferred choice for mature families with its variable and spacious rear space of 6-seater/7-seater; ID.3 has become a new choice for families pursuing personalization in the city with the characteristics of quality and fun driving.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

According to the feedback of the market and the media, "authentic and reliable" has become the keyword of SAIC Volkswagen electric vehicles. Real mileage, real safety quality, convenient and dexterous driving experience, car and machine system that fits the life scene... Behind all kinds of praise, they reflect SAIC Volkswagen's safe and reliable car-making concept, and also embody the company's quality in research and development, manufacturing and other aspects, helping consumers enjoy a new way of life with pure electric travel.

All-round rigorous testing to create high-quality electric vehicles

In view of the safety of electric vehicles that consumers are concerned about, SAIC Volkswagen gives full play to the advantages of German quality, and strictly debugs and evaluates the key parts of the vehicle such as batteries and chassis during the development stage to ensure the most important performance safety of the vehicle.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

Breathing armored structure battery pack

In terms of battery safety, SAIC Volkswagen has set up 338 stringent tests covering mechanical, electrical, environmental, safety, function and life areas for battery packs, which is much higher than the 53 tests stipulated by national standards. Among them, the battery pack will undergo 24-hour immersion test, simulated rain, high temperature and high pressure spray and other extreme situation tests, test its waterproof and sealing performance, so that ID products can also run normally in bad weather such as heavy rain and standing water. In addition, SAIC Volkswagen also equipped the battery pack with a thermal management system, so that the battery cell can operate in an environment of minus tens of degrees. At the same time, the battery is also simulated in a variety of harsh environments to ensure that it is not afraid of extreme climate and temperature effects. The strict development process enables the ID product battery pack to achieve a balance between performance and safety, giving it four advantages of high performance, high safety, long life and all-weather.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

In November, T V SÜD Greater China issued the "T V SÜD Quality Wins Glory Star" certificate to SAIC Volkswagen, certifying the excellent performance of ID.series power batteries in terms of reliability, durability and safety. SAIC Volkswagen and its battery products are the first winner of the T V SÜD award in China.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

Chassis protection and suspension

In terms of vehicle chassis, due to the different layout of the MEB electrification platform and the traditional fuel vehicle platform, ID.products use a five-link independent suspension, a widened rear hub tire, and a lot of adjustment and testing by the SAIC Volkswagen R&D team to ensure the stability and smoothness of the start of the electric vehicle. For example, in the bolted connection test unique to Volkswagen's R&D system, the vehicle will travel five rounds totaling 150 kilometers on various impact sections to check the stability of parts. In saichiro-Volkswagen's test yard, the professional tuning team will also drive ID products to test on a variety of test roads, completing localization adjustments to adapt to domestic road conditions, so that handling and safety can be taken to a higher level.

In the first batch of evaluations of the China Insurance Auto Safety Index (C-IASI) Regulation (2020 Edition), ID.4 X received an All Good evaluation and achieved the best result in the history of C-IASI evaluation, providing an endorsement for the Volkswagen brand to adhere to quality car manufacturing. In particular, in the two major indices of "crash resistance and maintenance economy" and "auxiliary safety" with strict regulations, ID.4 X passed with a full excellent rating, showing the research and development ideas of major manufacturers that consider user car safety and car cost from the whole life cycle.

Drill down into every detail to create a convenient driving experience

In addition to safety and quality, the handling and comfort of electric vehicles are also related to consumers' travel experience. SAIC Volkswagen starts from the details, not only to meet the needs and ideas of consumers, but also to bring a comfortable experience beyond imagination.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

Taking id.4 X as an example, it adopts an innovative flat panel battery module arrangement, which has more spare space in the car than a fuel vehicle. At the same time, through the careful testing of SAIC Volkswagen R&D engineers, the setting of the storage space in the car and the use of various functions are more ergonomic and make the operation more convenient. For example, engineers classify the driver's visible area and reach, and arrange the functions commonly used in users' daily driving, such as charging, cup holder storage or touch widescreen, in a more accessible position, reducing the possibility of vision deviation and distraction during high-speed driving, and showing considerate care in detail.

In terms of handling, ID. products combine large size with dexterity. While ensuring the vehicle's long wheelbase and wide room, chassis development engineers used high-precision calculations to continuously reduce the turning radius, bringing greater freedom of maneuvering. Taking ID.3 as an example, its turning radius is only 5 meters, the body is very flexible, and it can easily turn and turn around in the narrow road of two-way single lanes, one step faster than others.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

The layout design of the MEB platform allows the battery to be located in the middle of the vehicle, with the advantages of low center of gravity and even weight distribution. This also brings the ID product a center of gravity located in the center of the vehicle and a counterweight close to 50:50 before and after, so that it can not only play an excellent performance in terms of sportiness, but also allow power to be transmitted more effectively to the wheels, so that the handling is balanced and stable, so that users can enjoy the joy of driving with relaxation.

In addition, the ID. family is also equipped with a number of upgraded driver assistance functions and a smart car connection system that meets the real needs of use, making it more convenient and reassuring for users to travel with mature and reliable intelligent technology.

How to create a real, reliable and fun electric car? SAIC Volkswagen decrypts the ID password for you

In the Blossoming Chinese electric vehicle market, the SAIC Volkswagen ID. family has embarked on its own electrification strategic path with consistent and reliable quality. The car continues to evolve, and what remains unchanged is the protection of travel safety and comfort. In the new era of electric mobility, SAIC Volkswagen will inherit the pursuit of quality, with advanced technology and strong system strength, paving a safe and convenient way forward for consumers.

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