
An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

December 7, Zhoukou, Henan. At Shaolou Primary School in Wulikou Township, Taikang County, an essay written by a fifth-grade girl about the death of her great-grandmother touched the class. Because the children couldn't stop crying, the teacher had to call them to the playground and ask the principal to come and comfort them.

According to the Chinese teacher, this essay was written on the 7th, the girl's great-grandmother died on the 5th, because it is a rural primary school, almost all the children grew up with their grandparents, so they are deeply touched.

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

In the video transmitted online, many primary school students lie on the table and cry silently. According to the teacher, parents also cried after seeing the composition written by the child, and the child's father did not dare to read it a second time. So what kind of essay is this? The editor has done a little tidying up, and its content is as follows:

Old lady, I want to say to you

My old lady was my grandfather's mother.

Old lady, I want to say to you: you have five children, and the five children are very filial to you, and bring you a bunch of delicious food every day, but you left it to me... That day, I came to your hospital and gave you my mother's pickled bacon, and you gave me a bunch of delicious food as usual, and I picked a loaf of bread in the pile of food, but the bread had expired, and I turned it over again, and it was all expired, and I told you, but you said, "It's impossible, these are the last time you came, and said it was delicious, and I was reluctant to eat it." "At that moment, I was silent... I really haven't been to my wife's house in a long time...

Old lady, I want to say to you: Nowadays, your body can't move, but I can't do anything, I feel very guilty in my heart, I also blame myself, I always think in my heart, why can't I grow up quickly and honor you. Unfortunately, you can't wait for me...

On Sunday, December 5, 202, at 12 o'clock you stopped your heartbeat, stopped breathing, and before I could look at you, you left at the age of 91.

Old lady, I miss you, I miss the egg flower soup and glutinous rice fin you made, these two flavors, forever sealed in my heart, only you can open.

Dude, I miss you...

To be honest, Xiaobian felt the same as the teacher, this is the best article that Xiaobian has read since he was literate, and there is no one. Although it also has many flaws (such as incorrect punctuation), it is not hidden. To some extent, many blind "commas" show that this composition was written by the author in one go, and it also shows that he does not want the old woman to leave him.

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

A netizen left such a comment: The big truth is the most touching!

We can praise this child for his unusual writing ability and his logical thinking. But the most critical thing is that this child is not written with logical thinking but with "the true meaning of love".

We should be proud of our children's weeping and weeping. Because they are not blinded by money and know the rare value of emotional affection. We owe a debt of gratitude to these children, for it is their cries that touch the most sensitive line of affection in people's hearts.

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

We saw the tears of the child, we heard the cry of the child. As parents, we should understand the content behind the cry and take action: go home more often to accompany our children, so that they can feel and enjoy the most precious family affection.

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

While we have many reasonable and unavoidable reasons to leave our children, we should not forget:

Although children need to be cared for with money, the care of their affection is indispensable or even more important. No matter which relative, his position in the minds of children is indispensable and irreplaceable!

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

Xiaobian hopes that relevant departments and social groups will pay full attention to and care for this group of left-behind children. Although their parents went out to work to support their families, from another point of view, they also contributed to the country. There is no reason why we should not take care of their "big rear" for them!

An essay by a schoolboy remembering my great-grandmother made the class cry bitterly, and behind the crying was action

In addition, Xiaobian also hopes that the relevant departments can protect this primary school student and his school. Needless to say, the school will be popular because of this essay. Although it is good to be famous, some live streamers will rub traffic.

Although Xiaobian did not eat the "egg flower soup and glutinous rice fins" made by the old woman, Xiaobian has ten thousand reasons to believe that they are the most beautiful delicacies in the world. We should guard the peace of the school and the daily life of the children, and we should cherish and respect the most memorable "glutinous rice fin and egg flower soup"!

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