
Before his death, Zhuge Liang, the divine operator, left a 12-word prophecy, is it a coincidence that the consequences of the millennium are really like this?

Before his death, Zhuge Liang, the divine operator, left a 12-word prophecy, is it a coincidence that the consequences of the millennium are really like this?

Zhuge Liang's miraculous ingenuity is recognized by people. Zhuge Liang was the prime minister of the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, and also the person who invited Liu Bei, the founding emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty, to come out of the mountain three times, and he assisted the two emperors in his lifetime. On October 8, 234, Zhuge Liang died of illness in the military camp, leaving 12 thousand-year prophecies before his death. The latter is achieved. Is it just a coincidence?

Before his death, Zhuge Liang, the divine operator, left a 12-word prophecy, is it a coincidence that the consequences of the millennium are really like this?

The twelve-word prophecy is "Lord of the Water Moon, The Lord of the Bulge, the Eighteenth of the Covers, and the Reclining of the Dragon." "Song Kefa, a minister of the Qing Dynasty, worked in Sichuan during the Kangxi Dynasty. When he saw that the Wuhou Ancestral Hall had fallen into disrepair and some of it had become ruins, he planned to renovate it.

Zhuge Liang is buried in the Marquis Temple of Dingjun Mountain. Liu Bei's son Liu Zhao commemorated Zhuge Liang in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and built the Marquis Temple. Song Kefa wanted to repair the Marquis Temple built by Liu Chan. He respected Zhuge Liang very much, so he was very serious about this matter, so he paid for it himself.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang, the divine operator, left a 12-word prophecy, is it a coincidence that the consequences of the millennium are really like this?

During the construction process, a stone stele was excavated. These are Zhuge Liang's twelve words on the stone tablet. Song Kefa did not understand the meaning. He found a smart guy to read. The wise man took one look at it, smiled, and said, "These twelve words are about your repair of the Wuhou Temple." Zhuge Liangguo is really very clever", the old man looked at the stone stele and explained: "The water moon lord is 'Qing', the moon is merged under the lord to be green, and the addition of water is 'Qing'; 'Geng is not big' is small, that is, 'Kang'; 'Gai Eighteen' is Bao Gai Jia Mu, that is, 'Song'; 'Long Fu Wo', which means that the Wuhou Ancestral Hall was renovated, and together it is that the officials surnamed Song during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty renovated the Wuhou Ancestral Hall. ”

Song Kefa was deeply impressed and admired Zhuge Liang even more. This is not Zhuge Liang's only budget. As the saying goes: "Zhuge Liang in the three parts of the world, Liu Bowen in the united rivers and mountains", who is Liu Bowen? Liu Bowen was the one who helped Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, create the Ming Dynasty.

But Liu Bowen was very dissatisfied after hearing about this incident. So Liu Bowen came to the Wuhou Ancestral Hall and found a stone stele at the entrance of the temple. The stone tablet is inscribed with the words: "I have not arrived." As soon as Liu Bowen saw the words on the stele, he angrily ordered people to smash the stele.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang, the divine operator, left a 12-word prophecy, is it a coincidence that the consequences of the millennium are really like this?

After Liu Bowen was merged into the underground palace, he found a stone tablet that read: "Only Berwyn has come", Liu Bowen looked at the word "Berwen" and was a little nervous, but he still walked to Zhuge Liang's coffin and found a note: "Little Liu Xiaoliu, hurry up and add oil." "This note is pressed under the lamp.

Liu Bowen was really panicked at this time. He rushed out of the palace and ordered the people to oil the lanterns. He did not dare to talk about Zhuge Liang anymore. In fact, Zhuge Liang's coffin did not appear a note. This is obviously the deification of Zhuge Liang by later generations, but there must be a coincidence. As a result, everything is passed down from generation to generation. What do you think?

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