
Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

Mencius was one of the representatives of Confucianism and a famous thinker and educator in China. He was studious and diligent in thinking, taking Confucianism to a new level; he traveled around the world and made more people understand Confucianism.

Mencius, who was born into poverty, grew up dependent on his mother. In order to make him a talent, the story of Meng Mu moving three times is probably not unfamiliar to everyone.

There is a saying in the Three Character Classic, "Xi Mengmu, choose your neighbor." ”

What praises is the story of Meng Mu's three migrations, and also tells us that the living environment plays an important role in the growth process of children.

Earlier, Mencius and his mother lived near the cemetery. Funerals were often held around the cemetery, and Mencius saw more and learned to cry and worship.

After Meng Mu saw the situation, she moved her family to the market. Most of the people in the market bought and sold, and Mencius saw more butchers who killed pigs and sheep, so he learned them all.

The two moves, Mencius's imitation and learning ability, so that Meng Mother made up her mind, must take the child to live in a place conducive to learning. So they came to the vicinity of the private school, listening to the sound of reading aloud every day, imitating the etiquette of others, and Mencius began to learn etiquette and knowledge.

The so-called "close to Zhu is red and close to ink is black", and if there are any people around a person, they will be affected by whom. A good environment can provide nourishment for the growth of children; a family with a house filled with the fragrance of books is bound to become a child with a poetic and bookish atmosphere.

Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

Zi Yue: Li Ren is beautiful, do you choose to be kind to know?

No family is alone, if you live in a downtown area, the noise outside the window every day is like playing out in your home, unless you have a pair of powerful earplugs, you can't read it carefully.

Historically, the story of Meng's mother's three moves and millions of houses and millions of neighbors are all to illustrate a truth, that is, the importance of the residential environment to the growth of children.

It can be seen that sometimes, you can't read it, and it's really not your fault.

Once saw a self-media writer sharing his own story online. Because of the relationship between work, it is often necessary to read a lot of books. But when I was at home, I couldn't calm down and read. One moment I want to open the refrigerator to find something to eat, one moment I want to play with my mobile phone, and the other I want to lean on the sofa and take a nap.

In short, planning a day's reading task always ends up losing out inefficiency. Later, a bookstore in the "winding path" "rescued" him. The quiet, refreshing and flowing aroma of books out of the downtown made him feel that he did not read or be happy.

Some bookstores have a more reading atmosphere than a comfortable home. Therefore, the atmosphere plays a pivotal role in the formation of habits.

Some people say that in the newspapers, those who come from the cold door. Every day, in addition to feeding pigs, is farming. Not to mention the atmosphere of books, that is, buying a few books, is a luxury. However, don't they also counterattack the entrance examination?

Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, was born in the countryside, he participated in the college entrance examination three times, and finally was admitted to the English major of Peking University. He is a representative of the hanmen nobles, although he is not tall, but he has the ambition of "pulling mountains and rivers".

And Yu Minhong's mother, in order to keep the child from the hardships of life, is also doing her best. In life, his parents gave him enough warmth; academically, his mother found the best tutor.

Without the environment of reading, we will create an environment for reading; without the conditions for reading, we will earn the conditions for reading. What we see is only the honor of understatement in the newspaper, but what we ignore is the hardships of the parents of the cold door and the efforts of the cold door students.

Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

Rather than poverty, family harmony, parents and children, and the concerted efforts to learn are the keys to determining a good reading environment.

Before, there was a foreign public service advertisement that blew up the circle of friends. There are four families in the advertisement, the first three families are neat and tidy, motherly and filial, and happy; the fourth group of families is indoor mess, quarrelsome, and children who cover their ears and cry.

Motherly kindness and filial piety, husband and wife respect each other, not only live a happy, harmonious atmosphere, but also conducive to reading or doing anything you like.

On the other hand, if the family atmosphere is tense and the relationship between the members is not harmonious, then every day is only sadness, and the mind can only be focused on the sword.

Zi Yue, there is no way to speak without learning poetry, and there is no way to stand without learning etiquette.

No matter how intimate the relationship, it can not be less respectful; no matter how harmonious the family, it cannot be less etiquette. In recent years, with the attention of the state, creating a good home style is becoming more and more important to us.

A good family style can not only bring promotion to our life, work and study, but also allow us to do what we like to do in a harmonious atmosphere.

So, under what kind of good family style, reading will be more energetic?

Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

1. Harmonious family environment, the most suitable for reading

As the saying goes, "A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse will punch a hole." "What kind of family, there will be what kind of parents and children; on the contrary, parents and children are upright, humble, mutual respect and mutual love, and the family style will be harmonious."

If you want to have a good family style, you can usually read more classical books such as the "Three Character Classic" and "Disciple Rules", reflect on the contents, and correct your behavior.

If family members can care more, think less, and have the mentality of mutual perfection and mutual achievement, mutual respect and mutual understanding, everything will be fine.

The so-called home and all things are prosperous, and harmony can be auspicious and prosperous.

Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

2. Teaching by example is conducive to the formation of children's habits

Filial piety to parents, husbands and wives follow, parents' words and deeds, children are in the eyes. As the first teacher of the child, the parents have a profound impact on their children.

There is a public service announcement that tells the story of teaching by example. When the child saw his mother, he washed his grandmother's feet after work; he also hit a basin of hot water, imitating his mother's appearance and washing her feet.

Parents' behavior can affect a child's behavior more than words. Respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue of the Chinese nation, but if you do not set a good example, it is impossible for children to know. The words and deeds of parents are important to children, but not all parents understand it.

Reading is the same, every time you see other children love to read, parents will always feel that people are "burning high incense", but do not know that teaching by word and deed is the good recipe for children's reading habits.

Young people only know that reading is difficult, and middle age knows why it is difficult

3. The smell of books fills the house to help children become good readers

When you open a book, there is always an aroma, and the ink is rolled into your nose, which is the fragrance of books. Many times, the fragrance of books has a special magic, although it is not as breathtaking as the aroma of luxury brands, but it has a unique charm.

People who fall in love with the fragrance of books always prefer to read books more than others. Wu Yishu, who came out of the "Poetry Conference", is a person who loves the fragrance of books.

It is precisely because Wu Yishu fell in love with the fragrance of books that she will be familiar with poetry, and she will not be arrogant or arrogant, and will read and memorize poetry steadily.

Books can be seen everywhere in Wu Yishu's home, and the fragrance of books naturally fills the surrounding area. Wu Yishu's parents have created a reading environment for their children since they were young. In particular, her father, no matter how busy he is every day, will accompany his children to read at a fixed time every day.

There was never unprovoked love, and there was no unprovoked dislike. No matter how powerful Sun Wukong is, he must also be on the way to learn the sutra and nurse, in order to improve his cultivation and soar to become a Buddha.

Confucius realized 2500 years ago that the environment around the residence and the environment within the family had a major impact on a person's habit formation. Although reading is to fight for their own durability, a good reading environment is also indispensable.

If you also have a situation where you can't read the book, you may wish to read this article carefully, you may find the crux of the problem, and I believe that you will find a solution.

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