
Find the "Most Beautiful Volunteers"! Guangzhou's "pink vests" have exceeded 1.8 million people_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

Recently, the Guangzhou Women's Federation and the Yuexiu District Women's Federation, the Guangzhou Women's and Children's Development Center, the Guangzhou Women's Volunteer Association, the Beijing Road Cultural Core District Management Committee and other units gathered the volunteer forces of the women and held the "Flower City with Love for Her Service - Towel Volunteer Around" at the Beijing Road Pedestrian Street in Guangzhou. The reporter learned that the volunteers who wear "pink vests" and are active in the streets and alleys of Guangzhou on weekdays are the indispensable "half of the sky" in this "volunteer city". At present, there are more than 1.8 million volunteers in Guangzhou, accounting for more than 50% of the registered volunteers in the city. Some of these "pink vests" take the initiative to fight in the frontline to participate in major public affairs such as the fight against the epidemic, some actively participate in community governance and promote community co-construction, some care about helping vulnerable women and children such as widows and widows, single mothers in distress and children, and some devote themselves to entrepreneurship to help farmers and help rural revitalization... Become an important force in guangzhou's volunteer service team. Today, there are more than 1,000 volunteer service teams in Guangzhou. At the scene of the event, the search for the 2021 Guangzhou "Most Beautiful Volunteer Service Organization", "Best Volunteer Service Organization" and "Best Volunteer Service Project" in Guangzhou sponsored by the Guangzhou Women's Volunteer Association was also officially launched. The relevant person in charge of the association expressed the hope that by discovering more outstanding volunteers and their touching stories, more women will be encouraged and guided to participate in volunteer services. The 2021 Guangzhou "Most Beautiful Towel Volunteer" will accept registration from now on, and the deadline for registration is January 15, 2022, and interested parties can learn the registration details by following the WeChat public accounts of "Guangzhou Women" and "Guangzhou Women's Volunteer Association". At the scene of the early activity of the Yangcheng Towel Volunteer Service, a song "Show All Big Mother Towel Flower" Allegro rap, which integrated the daily bits and pieces of volunteer service into the program. The "Xiuquan Big Mama" volunteer service team, composed of the "old drifters" and the elderly in the community of Xiuquan Street in Huadu District, Guangzhou, has gradually formed a volunteer service team to serve the community through dancing, chatting and other contacts, with only 27 people when it was established, and now there are nearly 2,000 people, becoming an important social governance force that helps Laisui people integrate into community life. The team enriched community cultural and recreational activities through the formation of more than 10 special cultural teams such as propaganda teams, dance teams, choir teams, and tai chi teams, and also set up a number of functional teams such as service teams, green protection teams, mediation teams, patrol teams, and publicity teams, making positive contributions to public security patrols, mediating contradictions and disputes, neighborhood mutual assistance, picking up and dropping off students, maintaining traffic safety and environmental sanitation, and becoming an important force in promoting community governance and mass prevention and co-governance. On the day of the event, a group of volunteers went deep into the community to help the people in need realize their dreams of "micro-wishes", and another group of volunteers led the family and children to visit the child-friendly urban construction environment such as the Mother and Baby Room on Beijing Road. The scene also officially launched the search for the 2021 Guangzhou "Most Beautiful Volunteer Service", "Best Volunteer Service Organization" and "Best Volunteer Service Project" in Guangzhou. According to the relevant person in charge of the Guangzhou Women's Federation, Guangzhou is one of the cities with the earliest start, the fastest development and the largest scale of China's volunteer service industry. We hope to build more platforms for volunteer service through innovative practices such as finding the most beautiful volunteers and setting up family volunteer service teams. The volunteer service exhibition of Guizhou women with a distinct theme presents the special brand services of Guangzhou's volunteer service in party building, caring for women and children, rights protection services, employment training, housekeeping services, helping the elderly and helping the young, rural revitalization and collaborative development between the east and the west, cultural inheritance, women's help and growth, etc., which has become a landscape on Beijing Road. The citizens at the scene said that the volunteers were silently dedicated every day, and it was precisely because of these bits that they gathered into a great love to warm the city of Guangzhou. In addition to the Xiuquan Big Mama Volunteer Service Team, there are also cases such as the Anti-epidemic Volunteer Service Team representing the Anti-epidemic Volunteer Service Team, the Chaoyang Volunteer Service Team of Beijing Street in Yuexiu District, which is rooted in community service "one old and one small", the Rose Volunteer Service Activity Rose Public Welfare - Guangzhou Mother Love Plan, the brand project "Firefly Action" - Caring for single-parent distressed mothers' families Volunteer Service and other cases, as well as the story sharing of Chen Xiaoxia Studio Team's "Keeping the Initial Heart and Serving the Masses for 18 Years". Chen Xiaoxia, the leader of the "Good People of China", the most beautiful volunteer in Guangdong Province, the most beautiful volunteer in Guangzhou, and the leader of the Red Cotton Warm Heart Service Team of the Party Member Volunteer of Guangzhou Organs, has gathered a group of like-minded sisters since 2003. In order to continue to do a good job in volunteer service, Chen Xiaoxia spontaneously and self-funded to create the Red Cotton Care - Heart-warming Action Project, which is committed to serving special difficult groups such as autism, loss of independence, disability, single mothers, elderly orphans and widows in the community. In the past 8 years, it has organized and carried out 1,900 services such as emergency first aid, psychological counseling, home micro-transformation, special education classrooms, etc., and created a number of characteristic service brands such as retrograde guardian special groups, warm heart huimin fang, and star companion growth, so as to achieve monthly themes and weekly services, affecting and driving 13,000 people to participate, and the services cover 73,000 people in 112 communities in the city to benefit the public and special groups. The event also provides employment training and domestic service public welfare training for women, boosting women's entrepreneurship and offline sales of "women's" products. According to reports, Guangzhou's volunteer service not only warms the heart to serve Yangcheng, but also actively "goes out" to help Guizhou Bijie, Qiannan, Anshun and other women masses, through real home economics training, let rural women use needles as pens, threads as ink, and cloth as paper, and transform "fingertip skills" into "fingertip economy". Carry out the "micro-wish" collection and adoption activity for orphaned children, a table lamp, a school bag, an extracurricular book, an induction cooker... The "micro-wish" wall at the scene has attracted the attention of many citizens. In order to care for and care for families in need, the Guangzhou Women's Federation and the Yuexiu District Women's Federation have specially built this "micro-wish" wall. At Ms. Ling's home on Beijing Street, the volunteers sent a children's painting set and a set of home multi-purpose induction cookers, which made Ms. Ling and her daughter very happy. Because of her illness, the death of her husband, the lack of a fixed job, etc., Ms. Ling's life is very difficult, and she has always wanted to have a convenient stove, and her daughter is looking forward to having a set of painting utensils. When she received the "Micro Wish" item, Ms. Ling was very moved. At Ms. Yan's home, volunteers presented smart wall-breaking blenders and table lamps. After her husband died of uremia, Ms. Yan raised her son, who was attending elementary school, on a part-time job. Ms. Yan was very grateful for the brand-new "Micro Wish" item in her hand. The volunteers also sent their own handmade Teochew embroidery works to the homes of the two ladies, so that they could feel the warmth from the "mother's family". It is understood that since the Guangzhou Yuexiu District Women's Federation and the Guangzhou Yuexiu District Women's and Children's Development Promotion Association actively built a platform for realizing their dreams in 2017, they have carried out the "micro-wish" collection and adoption activity for orphaned children in Yuexiu District for 5 consecutive years, claiming and honoring the "micro-wishes" of 204 orphaned families and children, and continuing to newly claim the micro-wishes of 36 representatives of difficult families this year. In the next step, social forces will be mobilized to carry out women's public welfare actions to care for and help vulnerable women and children such as single-parent mothers and autistic children. (The original title was "Looking for the "Most Beautiful Volunteers"!") Guangzhou's "pink vests" have exceeded 1.8 million people") window. HLBath=1; window. HLBath=1;

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