
Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

Introduction: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as a tragic novel, although Cao Cao xiongcai, starting with a small Chen Liu County, annihilated one prince after another to become the hegemon of the world, his son Cao Pi established the state of Wei after ascending the throne, but in the end it was taken away by Sima Yi's family. Liu Bei, as the lowest level of society, fought in the southern expedition to the north for decades, and it can be said that he did not have a day of stability, and worked hard to establish the Shu Han regime, but he did not expect to be defeated by his son Liu Chan. But the most tragic thing was the defeat and death of Guan Yu's soldiers, who had already planned to attack Xuchang to welcome back Emperor Xian of Han, but unexpectedly he was suddenly in a different place, and the great Jingzhou was also divided by Cao Cao's Sun Quan, and Liu Bei Zhang Fei cried bitterly and focused on wu. But what is strange is that after Zhuge Liang learned the news of Guan Yu's death, he was not sad at all, and his heart was as calm as water.

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

The matter has to start from liu bei's attack on Yizhou, when he digested the rich territory of Jingzhou, integrated soldiers and horses to go to Yizhou according to Zhuge Liang's strategic plan, and then left Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou. Although Liu Zhang of Yizhou was weak, after decades of operation by their father and son, liu bei still caused Liu Bei a lot of trouble, so Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to lead an army from Jingzhou to support, Zhuge Liang advised Guan Yu before leaving, so that he must befriend Sun Quan to resist Cao Cao, Guan Yu nodded in agreement.

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

Not long after Zhuge Liang left, Cao Cao sent Cao Ren to lead an army to suppress the territory, and the army was stationed in Xiangfan. When Guan Yu heard this news, he could send troops to resist the enemy. Guan Yu and his brave Jingzhou generals defeated Cao Ren's army, and even the base of Xiangfan was almost taken, for which Cao Cao asked Yu Ban and Pound To lead 30,000 elite troops to support. After Guan Yu received this news, he made an ambush on their way, took advantage of the river's surge, broke the embankment on the spot and flooded the forbidden reinforcements, and then took a boat to attack. The general of the war, Pound, was killed on the spot, Yu Banze was captured, and the reinforcements were completely destroyed. This result surprised the people of the world, Cao Cao quickly discussed with the Qunchen about moving the capital, Sun Quan was worried that Guan Yu would follow the trend to the east to enter Jiangdong, so he sent Zhuge Jin to come and ask for relatives.

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

At that time, Sun Quan hoped that his son could marry Guan Yu's daughter to consolidate the alliance between the two families, but Guan Yu not only disagreed, but also scolded the tiger's daughter how to marry the dog's son. Sun Quan was furious when he received the news, so he colluded with Cao Cao to kill Guan Yu and divide Jingzhou, cao Cao immediately agreed to this plan, and Liu Sun's alliance broke down completely. At that time, Cao Cao again sent troops to contain Guan Yu's main force, and Sun Quan took advantage of the emptiness of Jingzhou's defense to take Jingzhou, and then sent troops north to encircle Guan Yu, and Guan Yu was killed on the spot.

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

Liu Bei, who was far away in Yizhou, was distressed when he heard the news, after all, Guan Yu was his second brother, and Jingzhou was his own money bag, but Zhuge Liang was very calm, and he did not even look sad. It turned out that Jingzhou had a pivotal position in Zhuge Liang's strategic plan, and before he left, he specifically told Guan Yu to hand over Sun Quan to resist Cao Cao, and Guan Yu had already agreed. However, what Guan Yu did was contrary to the way, not only did not consolidate Liu Sun's alliance, but even became the fuse for the rupture of the alliance, and his defeat and death were also deserved, Liu Bei saw through it and did not say it.

Guan Yu was defeated and killed, why was Zhuge Liang as calm as water? Liu Bei saw through it and did not say broken

Conclusion: In fact, Guan Yu's defeat and death also had a great relationship with the Shu Han Qunchen, because they had worked together for many years and knew that Guan Yu was arrogant, but why didn't they take precautions at that time? Even if you change the commander of Jingzhou or dispatch Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun to guard Jingzhou together, it is okay. But perhaps they thought that the luck psychology was strange, they thought that Guan Yu alone could be qualified for this position, did Liu Bei regret his decision before he died?

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