
Yuan Shao's "Five Tiger Generals" were no worse than Liu Bei's Five Tiger Generals, but unfortunately they met the Mediocre Lord

Yuan Shao's "Five Tiger Generals" were no worse than Liu Bei's Five Tiger Generals, but unfortunately they met the Mediocre Lord

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" wrote a lot of character stories, such as tiger prison Guan Sanying Zhan Lü Bu; Guan Yun long thousand miles to walk a single ride; Zhuge Liang tongue battle group Confucianism; grass boat borrowing arrows, etc., these are some of the heroes we know better. In fact, there are many heroes that we have not noticed, such as those under Yuan Shao?" Five Tiger Generals", their strength is not inferior to Guan Zhang Zhao Ma Huang, but they have not met the right Bole for them.

The first was Koji, who was the number one general under Yuan Shao. The earliest time was in Liangzhou, he was particularly familiar with the Qiang people's tactics, after following Yuan Shao, he formed one of the most elite troops in the Three Kingdoms period, the "First Dead Soldier", and completely defeated Gongsun Zhan's "White Horse Yicong" in the very important Battle of Jieqiao. But later, because he was too conceited, and even a little proud, he made a mistake and was killed by Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao's "Five Tiger Generals" were no worse than Liu Bei's Five Tiger Generals, but unfortunately they met the Mediocre Lord

The second was Yan Liang, who made many military achievements when Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan seized Hebei. But unfortunately, Yan Liang was a brave and unscrupulous soldier, and in the end, he was killed by Guan Yu on a single horse among the ten thousand troops, and even cut off the first rank.

The third is the ugliness of literature. He almost every time he appeared with Yan Liang, he made a lot of merits in the war, but in the end he also died tragically at the hands of Guan Yu. According to the records of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wen Ugly was not not bad, but he met Cao Cao, and during the Three Kingdoms period, there were only a few people who could compare with Cao Cao, so it was normal for Wen Ugly to lose under his hands.

The fourth was Zhang Gao, who initially worked for Yuan Shao and later defected to Cao Cao. He was not only a fierce warrior, but also a rare longevity man in ancient times. After Cao Rui took over the position, Zhang Guo was the only remaining famous general of the Cao Cao period in the State of Wei. In the sixth year of Jianxing, in 228 AD, Zhuge Liang led his troops to the Northern Expedition against Cao Wei for the first time, and Cao Wei quickly lost three counties because he did not have time to resist, and even Chang'an could not be defended.

Yuan Shao's "Five Tiger Generals" were no worse than Liu Bei's Five Tiger Generals, but unfortunately they met the Mediocre Lord

The fifth is Gao Lan, who is one of the Four Court Pillars of Hebei alongside Yan Liang, Wen Ugly, and Zhang Guo. During the Battle of Guandu, he defected to Cao Cao with Zhang Guo, and his fame was not as great as that of Yan Liang, Wen Ugly, and Zhang Guo, in fact, mainly because he died relatively early, and after surrendering to Cao Cao, he was killed before he had a chance to make a battle merit.

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