
During the Three Kingdoms period, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years? What do you think?

In the third year of Zhang Wu (223 AD), Liu Bei fell ill and died in the White Emperor's City. Before dying, Liu Bei summoned Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang, Li Yan, and others.

Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang with a heavy heart: Your talent is ten times that of Cao Pi, and you will certainly be able to stabilize the Shu kingdom and achieve great things. If my son can help well, he will assist, and if he can't, you will take his place.

After speaking, Liu Bei said to Liu Chan again: You should treat the chancellor like your father.

During the Three Kingdoms period, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years? What do you think?

When Zhuge Liang heard this, he was moved, burst into tears, and replied: I will certainly do my best to assist my young son with my loyalty guarantee until I die.

This is the famous "White Emperor City Trust". Liu Bei not only entrusted Liu Chan to Zhuge Liang, but also handed over the Shu Han regime to Zhuge Liang, hoping that he would fulfill his last will, eliminate Cao Thief, restore the Han Dynasty, and return to the old capital.

However, Zhuge Liang failed to complete Liu Bei's will, and Shu Han died more than forty years after Liu Bei's death.

So, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years?

In this article, I will give you a closer analysis of this problem.

First, thanks to Zhuge Liang's assistance.

During the Three Kingdoms period, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years? What do you think?

After Liu Bei's death, Liu Chan took the throne and changed his name to Yuan Jianxing. Soon, Liu Chan made Zhuge Liang the Marquis of Wuxiang and allowed him to open a government to govern affairs. Soon, he let Zhuge Liang lead yizhou mu. In layman's terms, Liu Chan handed over all the Shu Han regime to Zhuge Liang. In Liu Chan's words, it is "the government is Geshi, and the sacrifice is widowed", which translates into modern Chinese, and politics-related matters are handed over to Zhuge Liang, and the sacrifice is given by me. In Chen Shou's words, "Political affairs are not detailed, and saltiness is determined by the light." ”

In a word, after Liu Bei's death, the Shu Han regime entered the "Zhuge Liang era" from then on.

And Zhuge Liang, as we all know, was a famous politician, military expert, and diplomat at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was a very powerful figure. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he is clever and resourceful, knowing five hundred years ago and five hundred years later, and he is simply a "god-like figure". Every time the Shu Han generals led their troops to fight, Zhuge Liang would leave them a "trick" and instruct them not to open it until the moment of danger.

During the Three Kingdoms period, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years? What do you think?

Of course, the real Zhuge Liang in history is not an outstanding military expert, otherwise he would not have "six out of Qishan" and would have returned without success every time. But Zhuge Liang's ability to govern the country is beyond doubt. Many historians believe that the Shu Han Dynasty was the best governed of the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu. Under Zhuge Liang's administration, the Shu Han Dynasty was of one heart and one mind, not a single corrupt official, no one complained about injustice, and the people's customs were simple and kind, reaching the realm of "not closing the house at night, not picking up the road".

In addition, Zhuge Liang adhered to the strategy of "lian wu resisting Cao", which allowed Shu Han to solve his worries, and he could safely attack Cao Wei.

Due to years of hard work, Zhuge Liang died in Wuzhangyuan in 234 AD, with eternal regrets, and passed away!

That is to say, from 223 AD to 234 AD, Shu Han was as stable as Mount Tai because of the existence of Zhuge Liang. Liu Chan was emperor for 11 years.

Second, Liu Chan is not a faint prince.

During the Three Kingdoms period, why was Liu Chan able to sit on the throne for more than forty years? What do you think?

Liu Chan, a person, has always been said to be "a dou who can't stand up", and is an out-and-out emperor. He believes in villains, ignores the government, and knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long.

In fact, Liu Chan is "mediocre" and not "faint", and his IQ is normal.

Is there any evidence for this? My answer is yes. Before Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang told him that his young son was "very wise" and that his progress was rapid (the increase in cultivation was too much to hope). Zhuge Liang is a man of integrity, and he is by no means a man who sneaks around and shoots horses. Since Liu Chan was normal, it was perfectly normal to be an emperor for more than forty years.

Third, the Shu Han Dynasty was not a country of rapid extinction.

The base area of the Shu Han Dynasty refers to Yizhou. Yizhou, since ancient times, has been rugged and rugged, and the passes are dangerous, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Cao Wei wanted to capture Shu Han, but it did not happen overnight. In addition, Shu Han had many capable people and wise men, such as Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Jiang Wei, etc., who were desperately defending Shu Han, which also delayed the demise of Shu Han.

Finally, thank you all for reading, welcome to follow me!

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