
Classic poetry | who passed by the window in my childhood

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Classic poetry | who passed by the window in my childhood

Who passed by the window in my childhood


Who passed by the window in my childhood,

Sighing at the glass window,

In my childhood, in that deep

Night without starlight, who walked by.

He made a mark on the window with his finger,

On wet glass,

With his tender fingers,

Musing and moving forward.

Leave me alone,


How can I guess this mark,

The mark in that damp breath.

It stopped so short, too short to guess,

A mark that can never be guessed.

In the morning, the window frame is refreshing,

The world I see is like this.

Everything is so strange,

Behind the window, how lonely and frightened my soul was.

Who walked through,

After the deep nights of my childhood,

Translated by Shi Qin'e and Lei Lyrical Goose

The poem opens with the question, "Who passed by the window in my childhood," and this question runs through the entire poem. What kind of plot is this? In the poet's childhood, on a cold, starless deep night, the poet was alone in the room, when he suddenly saw a man walking by the window, and breathed into the glass, and made a mark on the window glass with his fingers, and then the man left, leaving the poet alone in the room guessing and thinking. This is a very casual little plot in life, which has no special meaning, but it is captured by the poet, leaving a question that does not need to be speculated and can never be speculated about. The poem reads, "The window frame is refreshing in the morning, and the world I see is like this." Everything was so strange, behind the window, how lonely and frightened my soul was. It was this little event, combined with the loneliness and fear of the author's soul, that made the poet remember it so fondly that it remained so fondly that it remained so fondly remembered many years later. The poem concludes by saying, "Whoever walked through the deep nights of my childhood, left me alone, forever." This leaves people with the deepest feeling of loneliness, and this loneliness happens to a child, and the word "forever" contains a moving power.

Classic poetry | who passed by the window in my childhood

Parr Lagerkwest (1891–1974) was a Swedish poet, playwright and novelist. He was elected a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1940 and awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1951 for "the artistic dynamism and truly independent insights shown in his works in search of answers to the eternal problems facing mankind". Lagerkvist's work focuses on the meaning of life, believing that human beings can overcome evil, and most of the content is the struggle between good and evil. He was the most important expressionist writer in Swedish literature.

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