
Hello Moonman: Forgive us for crossing 50,000 years to meet you

author:White pear blossoms

We don't have the word "fail" in our dictionary. Today, we can soar between stars; tomorrow, we can soar between galaxies. None of the forces in the universe that can stop us exist! ”

These words came from James F. Kennedy. P. Hogan's science fiction work Heirs of the Stars.

Hello Moonman: Forgive us for crossing 50,000 years to meet you

The author Hogan is a famous British science fiction writer who has won 3 Nebula Awards, 1 Nebula Award nomination, 2 Prometheus Awards, 17 Prometheus Award nominations, 8 Trajectory Award nominations, and 1 Phoenix Award Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Chinese Simplified edition of the book, which was released in early 2021 with a Douban rating of 9.8 and a pre-sale period, continues the manga version of the classic hard science fiction of the same name adapted by Hoshino Nobuyuki, which was created in Japan.

In fact, Hogan's influence has long been beyond science fiction, whether you are a mystery fan, a game fan or an anime fan, this work is worth your careful study.

Hello Moonman: Forgive us for crossing 50,000 years to meet you

Although "Heirs of the Stars" is science fiction, it is different from science fiction in the general sense, more precisely, it is a unique and wonderful mystery novel.

The book tells the story of a 50,000-year-old human corpse found on the moon in the coming 2027: Charlie, along with his belongings, especially a diary... This discovery subverted people's understanding of human civilization and biological evolution. So scientists began a final reasoning.

Hello Moonman: Forgive us for crossing 50,000 years to meet you

I have to say that such an opening is also too exciting.

So the question arises: if the small mysteries at the level of reasoning at the beginning involve grand mysteries at the level of science fiction – then where did human beings come from? If there were high-tech prehistoric civilizations on Earth, it would be impossible to leave no traces; but to say that Charles came from an alien continent would be contrary to Darwin's theory of evolution.

So from the very few facts that the study does know so far, it is concluded that, first, Charlie is not from any of the bases established on the Moon so far; second, he is not from any country in the world as we know it. In fact, it is completely impossible to conclude that he came from Earth!

As the plot progresses, the development of things has plunged researchers into paradoxes again and again. While breaking down stereotypes again and again, researchers have found that the soil years on the front and back of the moon are billions of years apart, and the missing link in the evolutionary chain from apes to Homo sapiens has not been found... All these mysteries point to the catastrophe of the solar system 50,000 years ago, and the epic curtain of human creation has slowly opened.

This book takes the layers of progressive narrative as the main body, the characters are vivid, the language is humorous and funny, so that we add a very strong sense of substitution in the process of reading and thinking.

This sense of substitution gives us an urgent desire to read until we can't stop reading and to find out.

In the book we learn that fundamentally, the evolutionary process is made up of many random events. So every living organism that exists today is the product of a series of successful genetic mutations that have been going on for millions of years.

At the end of the book, archaeology finds that the name of the person who was 50,000 years old" reappears: "The bracelet is engraved with a string of characters, which translates into three words: Kou lier." This perfectly coincides with the lunar man "Currier" in the prologue, bringing the reader endless imagination.

The book mentions that in the 1930s, any travel agency could book a ticket to the moon. In the entire history of earth's biological life, it can be said that there has never been such a fierce role as a human being. The dynamic that drove the fish to shore hundreds of millions of years ago still drives us throughout our lives hundreds of millions of years later.

Now that we are at the end of 2021, a few years away from the time of 2027, we hope that our scientists will roll up their sleeves and work hard to achieve this dream.

Hello Moonman: Forgive us for crossing 50,000 years to meet you

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