
Why is the gap between Liu Bowen, who has been blown to the point of being amazing, so large before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In Chinese folklore, there is a saying that "Zhuge Liang, who is divided into three parts of the world, unifies the Jiangshan Liu Bowen; zhuge liang, the former military division of the dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military division of the later dynasty".

It can be seen that Liu Bowen's name is very loud, he is the first adviser under Zhu Yuanzhang, and things are like gods, and Wen Tao is a martial strategy.

However, it was such a big figure that after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, he only had an uncle, ranking 36 meritorious men, and the final fate was very unsatisfactory, according to legend, he was poisoned by another minister, Hu Weiyong, and all this was even acquiesced by Zhu Yuanzhang. So why is liu Bowen, who has been blown to the point of being amazing, so why is the gap between before and after the founding of the country so large?

First of all, we have to say that there is an exaggerated element in Liu Bowen's evaluation, he is not so god in real history, and it is even more nonsense as to what supernatural phenomena or uncertain prophets are.

Secondly, Liu Bowen turned to Zhu Yuanzhang relatively late, which was a fatal deficiency of his. It can be seen from zhu Yuanzhang's knighthood after the founding of the people that the high status is the group of people who fought with him in the world at the beginning, and seniority in a team is very important.

Among them, Zhu Yuanzhang's concubines are the "Huai Right Clique", these people are all Anhui people, basically Zhu Yuanzhang's compatriots and Fa Xiao, from the very beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang has been following him to the south to fight in the northern war, and these people are also die-hard loyalists. Obviously, Liu Bowen does not belong to this group, he has not really integrated into it, and it is very likely that he will be ostracized by these people.

Why is the gap between Liu Bowen, who has been blown to the point of being amazing, so large before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In terms of merit, Liu Bowen's credit is actually not great.

Liu Bowen's previous reputation was indeed outside, and in 1360, Zhu Yuanzhang also invited Liu Bowen out based on this and even used the strength of Liu Beisan Gu Maolu during the Three Kingdoms period.

When Liu Bowen was hospitalized to deal with Chen Youyu and Zhang Shicheng, two tyrants, he made great contributions, and there is no doubt about this. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he also put forward many insightful suggestions.

Why is the gap between Liu Bowen, who has been blown to the point of being amazing, so large before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

He has participated in military aircraft for eight years and coordinated the overall situation, and it can be said that Liu Bowen is Zhu Yuanzhang's think tank for fighting the world. But after all, the time is too short, and a momentary credit in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes cannot replace Li Shanchang and others.

Because his merits were not great, his official position was not high after the founding of the country.

Why is the gap between Liu Bowen, who has been blown to the point of being amazing, so large before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a farmer, worked as a monk, had to eat, had no culture, and although he became an emperor, he had a certain sense of inferiority in his heart. He was not at ease with the military generals, and in fact, he had the same concerns about civil servants like Liu Bowen.

As for his ending, there is nothing to say, whether he died of illness or was killed by Hu Weiyong, it does not matter anymore. After all, in the late stage of Zhu Yuanzhang's massacre, even many brothers who had been fellow villagers since he was a child did not let go, and a half-way follower like Liu Bowen could not really win Zhu Yuanzhang's trust.

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