
Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home

author:Read the history of the world


Zhong Wei was the founding hero of New China, served as the political commissar of the local army during the Red Army period, was the commander of the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and later followed Siye to participate in the Liberation War, and became the commander of the column at the highest time. At the 1955 ceremony, Zhong Wei was awarded the rank of major general.

Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home

Zhong Wei is known for fighting fiercely, and his personality is also very upright, because he has spoken a few words for Mr. Peng and suffered injustice. Later, Zhong Wei, who was nearly seventy years old, once asked to return to work, but the leader did not agree, but let him stay at home.


In 1980, at the age of 69, Zhong Wei was still immersed in work and lived a very intense and fulfilling life every day. At this moment, Zhong Wei suddenly received a notice from the leader, saying that he was almost 70 years old, his health was not good, and he continued such a high-intensity work, and the country was worried that his body would not be able to eat, so it wanted him to retire directly.

This is the care and attention of the state to the founding fathers of the older generation, and we do not want them to work too hard, and after a lifetime of hard work for the party and the people, they should have the right to enjoy the life of their old age. However, Zhong Wei was very unhappy, and he directly went to the superior leader, General Huang Kecheng, and asked him to continue to stay in his post.

Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home

Zhong Wei had thought that his request would be approved, but he did not expect General Huang Kecheng to blurt out directly: "You are honestly idle at home!" Although Zhong Wei was still very reluctant, he had been a soldier for decades and understood that obeying orders was his duty. Therefore, Zhong Wei left his job with regrets and returned to his hometown to farm and live a very poor life.


Zhong Wei comes from an ordinary mountain village in Hunan Province, looks weak in appearance, looks like a reader, and is not a warrior who fights on the battlefield. In fact, Zhong Wei had studied in the village primary school for a few years, and when he first joined the Red Army, he was really considered a "cultural person" in the army, so he was also assigned to work in the propaganda department, and later served as a teacher at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University.

Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home

In 1939, Zhong Wei's life changed, and he received orders from his superiors to go to the New Fourth Army to serve as the political commissar of a regiment and open up a base area in Henan. This means that Zhong Wei is no longer a propagandist in charge of civilian work, he has really gone to the battlefield, and it is likely that he will directly confront the Japanese devils.

Zhong Wei has a relatively stubborn personality and will never compromise on things he believes in, which also leads to contradictions between him and the leaders in charge of the military. In this case, Zhong Wei was ostracized by several officers, and in a fit of rage, he ran away with his wife and guards. Despite this, Zhong Wei still overcame all difficulties, broke through many Japanese blockade lines, successfully reached the Shandong region, and met the old commander Chen Yi.

Although this kind of behavior was described by the original leaders as fleeing from the battlefield, Chen Yi knew Zhong Wei very well and knew that he would not be a deserter under any circumstances. Soon after, Chen Yi placed Zhong Wei in Huang Kecheng's troops, and his talents were valued, and he became more and more comfortable on the battlefield, and soon became a well-known political commissar general.

Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home


During the Liberation War, Zhong Wei was incorporated into Siye as the commander of the column and became a tiger general under Lin Zong. When he went out to fight, Zhong Wei led the army to charge forward and fought a big victory when he came up. In the famous Battle of Siping, it was Zhong Wei who led his troops to overcome all kinds of difficulties and finally conquered this strategic place.

Although Zhong Wei was too upright, he sometimes even disobeyed the orders of his superiors, and was criticized by many colleagues. However, Lin Zong praised Zhong Wei and once said it in public. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, we cannot wait for the instructions of the leaders in everything, we must learn to adapt to changes, even if we may disobey orders, winning the battle is the last word.

Zhong Wei, who was appreciated, was even more confident, and in the following major battles, he had a very good performance. Interestingly, after the awarding ceremony, Zhong Wei thought that the rank of major general was too low and had been making trouble for a long time. Later, it was only when a number of old leaders came forward to persuade him that he chose to accept it, which also showed that he was indeed a person who dared to tell the truth and was informal, and such a commander was most needed in the war.

Founding Major General Zhong Wei wanted to continue his work, and he found the leader to intercede, Huang Kecheng: You are idle at home


In 1984, Due to his poor living conditions, Zhong Wei's physical health took a sharp turn for the worse and he died soon after. Before Zhong Wei died, General Huang Kecheng came to the sickbed to see if he had any last wishes and hinted that he could help take care of his children.

Zhong Wei rejected Huang Kecheng's kindness, but said that they could be self-sufficient and should not waste the country's resources. After hearing this, Huang Kecheng was very moved and tightly held Zhong Wei's hand, which is the noble virtue of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation and is always worthy of study by future generations.

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