
Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

author:Rui Pei Zhenhong

(Editor's note: On November 13, 2021, on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the establishment of Lu Yu International Group, we compiled a collection of major media interviews with the group over the past eight years, and published one article daily on an annual basis for readers.) )

Thousand years of inheritance, 100 billion dreams

Editor's note: On August 2, 2020, the fifth anniversary of the establishment of LuYu International Tea Industry Trading Center and the launching ceremony of Luyu Tea Industry Internet Center were held in Wuhan Optics Valley Capital Building, and Chairman Yan Jianhong continued to deliver a speech on the theme of "Millennium Inheritance, 100 Billion Dreams" after last year's annual meeting.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

Distinguished leaders, directors, guests, member institutions and dealers present and across the country, good afternoon!

Today, we gathered together to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of luyu international tea industry trading center and the launch of luyu tea industry Internet center, and the overall listing of Enshi selenium tea as the first production area. The past five years have been the five years in which Lu Yu has built a comprehensive service platform for the tea industry from the totem of tea culture and history, the five years of inheritance, promotion and innovation of Lu Yu International Group, and the five years in which all Lu Yu people and partners have worked hard to explore the road to the rejuvenation of China's tea industry.

At a time when the new crown epidemic has not completely passed and the flood control situation is still grim, we and all the leaders, guests, competent departments of industries and production areas, associations, tea enterprises, distributors, customers, together with financial, legal and media representatives, actively implement and respond to the overall requirements of the "six stability and six guarantees" of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and deeply study the application of new technologies, new industries, new formats and new models such as "Internet +", platform economy, and industrial digitalization in the tea industry.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

The guests present today included Chen Dilin, director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Peng Xianliang, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, Hu Tiliang, director of the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Director Li You of the Internet + Office of the Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone; representatives of the Enshi Prefecture Agricultural and Rural Bureau, the State Association, the leading tea enterprises in the prefecture, and the university in the production area who created the overall exchange of China's tea-producing areas; cheng Jun, a media, legal, and Internet e-commerce expert with outstanding professional standards and industry reputation, lawyer Wu Liangtao, and president Xu Qiang There are Jiangxi Supply and Marketing Group and Qingdao China's leaders who have come from Jiangxi and Guangdong production areas to guide cooperation, there are leaders of China Supply and Marketing Agricultural Products Brokers Association, Central Enterprise Sinochem Investment Group, etc., there are local bank partners Hubei Bank, Zhongbang Bank President and CEO, as well as the vast number of media friends, the majority of member institutions representatives and excellent dealer representatives, welcome to you!

Here, on behalf of Lu Yu International Group, the board of directors and all directors of Lu Yu Tea Exchange Center, expert consultants, professors and tutors of Lu Yu College, and all employees of the Group, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and sincere greetings to the friends who came to the scene and paid attention to and supported this meeting in the cloud, and supported the development of Lu Yu International Group and Lu Yu Tea Exchange Center!

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

Dear leaders and colleagues, today, with a grateful heart, we look back on the past five years, and even the 1300th anniversary of Lu Yu's birth, and even the 5,000-year-old Chinese tea process of Shennong tasting Hundred Herbs and discovering tea. Since its establishment in 2013, Luyu International Group has insisted on doing six words for seven years: standard, transaction, and culture. In 13-15 years, we spent three years to build third-party tea standards, 16 years was the first tea trading year, and 17-19 years from the tea exchange to the tea industry integrated service platform. In 15-18 years, we spent more than three years to achieve the first 10 billion yuan in the exchange transaction of Chinese tea from zero; after the pilot in the fourth quarter of 2019, although it was interrupted by the epidemic at the beginning of the year, according to the resumption of trading in May this year, the annual transaction volume of the first complete transaction of e-commerce on the Luyu Tea Exchange this year will reach 10 billion. This second 10 billion is a higher gold content of 10 billion. However, compared with the vast space and modernization of China's tea industry, these two 10 billion are only a very small achievement. Fortunately, as we enter 2020, we have encountered the advent of the industrial Internet era.

Dear leaders and colleagues, today, with a grateful heart, we share with you what is the Luyu Tea Industry Internet. What does luyu tea industry Internet mean for tea companies, what does it mean to distributors, what does it mean to consumers, and what does it mean to the government?

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

As we all know, China is a big country in tea production and consumption, and tea is a Chinese cultural business card and a traditional advantageous industry. However, it is difficult for tens of millions of tea enterprises and tea farmers to sell tea: hard work to grow tea and make tea, the channel is not smooth; millions of tea dealers are difficult to operate: high cost, dispersion and low efficiency; 600 million tea consumers are difficult to buy tea: worried that tea is "really not true, good or bad, expensive or not". Luyu International Group, with the mission of "promoting Luyu tea culture and revitalizing China's tea industry", draws on international experience, establishes a third-party standard and trading system, aggregates the four major services of "standard, transaction, culture and finance", and builds an S2B2C tea industry Internet platform. In the production area certification and promotion of the "four modernizations" tea industry comprehensive demonstration base, for tea enterprises tea merchants to provide tea enterprises in the production area of the direct power supply provider (2B) to Lu Yu Hui e-commerce (2C) trading and supply chain services, to provide consumers with Lu Yu Hui tea culture experience and Lu Yu College training. In the past five years, marked by the establishment of the Lu yu Tea Exchange Center, positive and beneficial explorations have been carried out.

The next 10 years will be the 10 years of China's industrial Internet. A business usually chooses to make a product that is good for customer value. Platform enterprises, on the other hand, are not only serving a specific customer group, but also enhancing the value of the entire society and industry. This also determines that it is very difficult to do a platform, especially in the agricultural industry, which is more difficult: both to reflect the sociality, but also to use commercial methods, but also to let the upstream, middle and downstream can be unified understanding, get benefits, which requires a reform and innovation, governance norms, efficiency leading business model. The world's ten largest companies, all product companies 20 years ago and now all platform companies, give us clear guidance.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

Lu Yu tea industry Internet positioning, as the second platform of the production district government, the second marketing department of tea enterprises, the tea industry foundation of distributors, and the tea life community of consumers. Its content can be summarized as 12345: one standard, two platforms, trinity (tea, tea garden, culture), "four modernization" base, and five major empowerments. In a standard, professional and efficient market system, every industrial chain is a beneficiary. Tea consumers (tea consumption from "three noes" to "three standards" to "three highs"), producers (platform provides "five settlements"), distributors (platform provides "five support"), production areas (platform provides "five promotions").

The Luyu tea industry Internet has changed the market from disorder to order, from inefficient to efficient, from backward to modern, from agriculture to modern service industry, from agricultural products to consumption and even cultural brands. The platform not only brings cost savings and resource allocation to upstream, middle and downstream participants to improve efficiency, but also brings the value of product upgrade, service upgrade, brand upgrade, market upgrade and industrial upgrade.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

This year is the "Luyu International Tea Culture Year", today Luyu College will sign the first production area university ---- and Hubei University for Nationalities Selenium Tea College to carry out Enshi production area university training cooperation. Here, I would also like to emphasize the importance and urgency of culture and training to all leaders and distributors.

As we all know, the essential difference between people lies in learning; the biggest expense of a family will be education in the future. Training is a long-term investment, the general small and medium-sized enterprises are difficult to obtain or have the ability to organize, and small and medium-sized merchants, the most needed is to teach them fishing, systematic from the product, training, culture, system, financial to give comprehensive empowerment. Lu Yu platform believes that "people are bigger than stores". Some of Lu Yu's dealers are engaged in the tea industry, some are cross-line, some have a deep understanding of tea, and some are still "tea white". However, as long as they are Lu Yu's dealers, they are all beneficiaries of Lu Yu's elite dealer training program.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

We put forward an image sentence to let dealers "change from green forest heroes to lu feather heroes". Lu Yu College brings together industry chief scientists, adjunct professors and 100 elite mentors to create a lifelong career plan for dealers, from tea enlightenment, new apprenticeships, comprehensive distribution, to the production area manager and industrial Internet CEO growth plan. We don't want people to look down on small merchants, and we don't want dealers to open asset-heavy stores at the beginning, but through hard work, we must learn hard and become Lu Xiaoyu, who "loves the tea industry, understands the profession, and is good at management", until the CEO of the tea industry. Along the "1+5+50" appellation layout, we will eventually achieve 1+50 appellation universities.

We advocate that distributors should devote themselves to tea training and self-improvement and customer cultivation as soon as possible. We offer free training for eligible resellers to redeem points. The place where the Luyu tea industry Internet is connected is the foundation of the dealer, and the dealer can theoretically have his own tea garden, tea warehouse, tea room, and tea culture experience center. Distributors should strive to be the promotion ambassadors of the production area, millions of elite members, and tea standard tea culture tea industry experts. Elite members with performance of one million can become the CEO of the tea production area and become the shareholders of the Luyu tea industry Internet platform.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

Dear leaders and colleagues, today we look forward to the next five years with a grateful heart. What will and won't change in the future? To serve the same with change is our future view. The next five years will be the five years when the Internet of Lu Yu tea industry takes off. Therefore, we must not only look forward to five years, but also be in the future 1300 years or even 5000 years of time and space in which Chinese tea ushers in a great revival.

We know our gaps. At present, people are familiar with the name of Lu Yu Tea Saint, and they are not familiar with Lu Yu's culture; people are familiar with the transaction of Lu Yu Tea Exchange, but what is not familiar with Lu Yu's industrial service capabilities is not familiar. In the next five years, we must further strengthen the construction of standards, the construction of industrial service platforms, the construction of production bases, cultural dissemination, professional training, and targeted poverty alleviation. Become an industrial Internet platform with the same name as Ali, Tencent, Apple and Google, and a digital infrastructure company for China's tea industry.

Lu Yu tea industry Internet, benchmark "tea Ali", Ali to the right, we to the left, we want to deep plough to every production area, deep into each community, do a good job in the "tea" industry chain; Lu Yu's competitors are themselves, relying on each of our Lu Yu people's strong responsibility, hard work, standardized innovation. We want to learn: learn from history, learn from cross-border, learn from upstream and downstream customers and partners, learn lessons, and converge with the best; we want to cross: shoulder the sense of historical mission, be in the promotion of platform construction, race through the times, from backward to modern, from modern to leading; we have to work hard and forget ourselves, the service team of the production area of the Land Exchange should provide the best production area services, dealers should do the best comprehensive distribution, and the e-commerce team of Lu Yuhui should do the best online experience. Lu Yu Hui Tea Culture Experience Center should do the best community experience, and Lu Yu College should do the best professional training.

Lu Yu Tea Exchange 丨 Entrepreneurship Road Anthology (2020) Millennium Inheritance 100 billion dreams

How far is it to go from 10 billion to 100 billion? I entered Ping An in 1997, when Ping An was just 10 years old and had a scale of less than 10 billion, and I witnessed the journey of 97-07 Ping An from 10 billion to 100 billion, and from 07-17 from 100 billion to trillion. From tens of billions to hundreds of billions, it does not need to be very far; the value of the Internet is to reduce the speed of climbing, once verified, to overcome the friction of the physical world and have the opportunity to grow exponentially.

At last year's annual meeting, Lu Yu just formulated a three-year plan: double hundred and two thousand (2020-2022, cultural year), serving hundreds of production areas and millions of communities, and achieving hundreds of billions of transactions and a market value of 100 billion. In the next five years, we will usher in the International Year (2023-2025, International Year), Lu Yu will build tea estates, oriental tea ports, and international tea culture centers along the international and Belt and Road initiatives, and become an international standard and international brand serving China's 600 million and global consumers.

China should have a millennium brand as a corporate inheritance and promotion, we hope that Lu Yu is the first millennium old store, but not the only one. All of this comes from the mission, vision and core values of every Lu Xiaoyu present here, through every day of learning, leapfrogging, hard work, through the service of each production area, community, upstream and downstream customers to achieve. Let us strengthen our determination, solid foundation and strong advance to meet the advent of the Internet era of the tea industry, the great rejuvenation of China's tea industry, and our common millennium inheritance and 100 billion dreams.

Finally, allow me to invite you to join me in reciting the corporate culture of Lu Yu International Group:

Our mission is to promote Luyu tea culture and revitalize China's tea industry

Our vision is: international first-class tea culture industry group

Our core values: thriftiness, professional value

The slogan of the group is: China Tea Industry, Lu Yu Standard;

Thank you!

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