
[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held

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[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held
[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held
[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held
[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held

On May 5th, the "Everywhere is Unnatural - Zhang Yingshu's Prose Collection "Blank Place" Sharing Meeting" and on-site signing activities sponsored by the Karamay (Petroleum) Writers Association and Karamay Xinhua Bookstore Co., Ltd. were held in Xinhua Bookstore.

The sharing meeting was presided over by Shen Guangzhi, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, vice chairman of the China Petroleum Writers Association, and chairman of the Karamay (Petroleum) Writers Association. During the sharing process, Zhang Yingshu talked about the creative experience and experience of the prose collection "Blank Land", and Yang Yong and Yang Chun, vice chairmen of the Karamay (Petroleum) Writers Association, and Zhu Fengming, executive director, respectively commented on the works.

"Blank Space" includes a number of essays on natural themes created by Zhang Yingshu in recent years. The book is divided into two series, the first of which includes 8 essays on nature, writing about the natural landscapes of Xinjiang, such as plants, animals, mountains, snowy peaks, and lakes, as well as the natural consciousness projected in the author's heart and the concept of life of equality of all beings; The second volume includes the author's companionship of planting 80 kinds of plants.

Zhang Yingshu said: "This collection of essays includes all the natural literature works I wrote between 2020 and 2022. Each plant is a beloved relative, accompanying the years of life; Each plant is a faint candle that illuminates the path of life. I want to convey a view of life where all beings are equal. ”

Representatives from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Municipal (Petroleum) 9 Literary and Artistic Associations and the Karamay Oil Spring Book Club, as well as teachers and students from some schools participated in the event.

Zhang Yingshu

[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held

Poet, editor, vice chairman of Xinjiang Writers Association, editor-in-chief of Western magazine. He has published more than 2 million words of poems, essays, and scripts, and his works have been reprinted and selected into dozens of annual anthologies. In recent years, he has focused on the creation of works on natural and female themes. He has published poetry collections "Grass and Trees Have Words", "Flowers in the Western Regions", and prose collections "Blank Land". He has won the "Red Bean" Annual Poetry Quality Work Award, the Silver Award of the First Haidongqing Poetry Award, the Second Prize of the 3rd Monkey King Cup Chinese Poetry Grand Prix, the 3rd Poetry Cube Poetry Award, and the Nomination Award of the 5th Poetry Exploration China Chunni Poetry Award. The poetry collection "Grass and Trees Have Words" was selected as one of the top ten Chinese poetry collections in 2022.

Empty space

(Excerpt from Prose)



Ascending to the Xiaoquzi Observation Deck, a secret door was slammed open. In front of you is a familiar mountain scene: the South Mountain stretches from east to west. Lush pines and cypresses, like a hundred years ago, line up the shady slopes of the mountains. These old and young warriors, with straight waists, are no match for the tall and handsome spruce. On the sunny slope, the greenery has shown tiredness and slackness after pouring out, which is a sign of the prosperity and decline of the grass. Only the creeper crept silently, like a focused sniper, waiting for an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow. This silence is a well-known act of diverting attention, as its roots hunt and strangle the roots of other herbaceous plants and greedily grab nutrients from the soil beneath the turf. The sky is a little distorted, the clouds are gone, and the sun is shining in full view, which perfectly interprets the cool autumn style. The beginning of autumn has passed, the summer heat under the mountain is swept like a tiger, and the mountain is already in the autumn wind, especially in the shade of the place.

Looking down, there is a ravine. The valley floor is flat, with large and small pebbles outlining the trajectory of the water. It stands to reason that August is still at the peak of the melting of snow and ice, but there is no running water. The snow line is getting higher and the glaciers are fewer, so how can the river flow longer? I don't know the name of the river, let alone the name of the village scattered along the river. Only the red-roofed houses, which are as red as fire in the sun, indicate that they are part of the new countryside. These red-roofed houses are abrupt and dazzling when viewed alone, but under the shade of green trees, they exude the atmosphere of affluent people and the beauty of poetic countryside.


has entered the 39th, but it is not as cold as the folk proverb says. It is said that the weather is abnormal this winter, and it is not cold when it should be cold.

The stone steps are covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. The sun at two o'clock in the afternoon is the most powerful and the warmest. The snow on the road surface turned black and melted under the pressure of the tires, and the white water vapor was steamed, wisps of water, and dissipated in the transparent light. The snow and ice on the stone steps melt slowly, and often the snow on the surface becomes soft and wet, and the ice on the bottom layer is still hard. Be extra careful when getting off your feet, keep your center of gravity steady, and land your feet solidly, otherwise slipping and falling is still a trivial matter, and rolling down the stone steps will be a big trouble, and these stone steps go up the mountain with no guardrails on either side.

My friend came from the south and had never seen snow-covered mountains. He said on the phone, go and see the mountains and fields you often go to.

I rarely say the word "nature". I can't say why, it seems that it only exists in my text. In my botanical poetry collection, the plants in the mountains are named "the mountains of the mountains, the wilds of the mountains"; The plants you grow are "small natures that are grown"; The flowers and plants you see in various gardens are "another nature".

Nature, it is too vast for my little heart to hold all its things; It is too mysterious, and my mind cannot carry its rich common sense and undiscovered and unrecognized "extraordinary knowledge". My nature, my mountains, has been looked upon with my eyes, touched with my hands, and measured with my feet.

I use the word "wilderness" more cautiously, it is spiritual, individual.


My gaze fell on the north side of the observation deck.

Two courtyards are placed on a gentle slope. A courtyard is an old house, with an earthy yellow slope, an earthy yellow wall, and an earthy haystack. The other is 200 meters away, on the high side, with a red roof and white plastic steel doors and windows. It is uncertain whether there are pastoralists living there. I waited for a long time, but I didn't see anyone.

A flock of sheep ate last year's dry grass on a hillside, and there was no bite to go. Another herd of goats ate with great interest, under a bush of wild roses a few dozen meters away. The skin of the branches of the wild rose is bright and shiny jujube-red, and the small red fruits resemble clusters of miniature dried pomegranates. I was surprised that there were no birds to peck at it, perhaps the dense thorns on its branches were a deterrent to the birds. The leaves of the wild rose should be more delicious than the withered grass, and after eating the leaves that have fallen to the ground, several goats stand with their two front hooves on the branches, and eat the leaves that have not yet fallen off the branches. I was worried that they would be pricked in the mouth, but they couldn't finish eating.

Three or five cows lay on the slope between the two flocks of sheep, lazily and chewing incessantly. These cattle are not subject to the labor of ploughing, but live only to produce milk. At this moment, it should be the most carefree season when they are born as cattle.

The three horses were standing on the slope by the edge of the briar bush a little farther away, looking bored. They survived the winter slaughter season safely. I suspect that in a few months, they will be decorated, and they will appear in the scenic area, or take pictures with the tourists who visit them, or run a hundred or two hundred meters with the shouting and scared "riders". In the days when shepherds drove their motorcycles to herd sheep, who could understand the loneliness of a horse? Where does it unleash the running wildness? These horses are docile and idle, with only their ears twitching, catching secrets in the wind.


My third trip to Xiaoquzi was completely unexpected. Relatives who hadn't seen each other for a long time suddenly got together, and passion began to gather momentum from the moment of embrace. Thirty years later, the young girl of the year no longer dared to recognize each other, and I could see my aging in her wrinkles. The girl beside her has her distant youthful eyebrows and looks. How can we not grow old?

Climbing to the top of the mountain is our wish. On the mountain road where the sheep stepped out, the snow had melted slightly, and the slope was large, so every step had to be tested. Several women stopped and stood in the snow to talk about old things. Several men continued to climb the hill, stopping two hundred meters away, chatting and laughing. The laughter of the two groups of people came and went, amplified by the silence of the mountains, and diffused in the silence of the mountains.

I didn't pay attention to the animal tracks on the snow, the birds streaking through the air, the dried thistles and gray quinoa, and even the snowy peaks and sapphire skies in the distance. What I missed, will always be here, yesterday, and tomorrow.

There are some things that, once missed, are missed forever. Once in thirty years, I don't know if there will be a next time.


The bird that flew over the observation deck flew in its own world. The land it overlooks is like the mountains and fields for countless winters. Snow after snow fell, falling on the sunny slope and also falling on the shady slope; Drifting down the mountains, but also down the valleys; Falling on the trees, but also on the grass. Snow floats in the air, drifting in its time. The snow falls on the ground and falls into its life.

The bird, which must fly every day, accidentally broke into my sight. It is like a magic key, like a magical secret word, inadvertently, opening a sealed treasure cave for me.

A few months ago, on the observation deck, I had the idea to write a wilderness book of my own. The world is so big, I can't say "I want to see it". The world is so big, but its center is with each individual. "Wherever you are, you are the center of the world." So says the Israeli writer Amos Oz. In this way, this mountain field is the center of my world. To write about it is to write about yourself, to write about your own world.


I settled in Urumqi. Early in the morning, I opened the window of my living room, and the morning glow illuminated Bogda Peak, the highest peak in the Eastern Tien Shan Mountains. Looking to the south, the Nanshan Mountains are like a screen, endless, extending to Ili and Kazakhstan, where it has changed its name - Alashan. There is a mountain in the center of Urumqi in the mountain nest, which is the famous Red Mountain. Opposite the Red Mountain, a few kilometers away, is Mount Yamalik. There are mountains in the city, which can be called rare.

At the foot of the Red Mountain, it turned out to be a river - the Urumqi River. The ice and snow meltwater of Nanshan Mountain rolls down, flowing to the fertile fields of Anning Canal and Wujia Canal, watering 10,000 acres of farmland. Nowadays, the Urumqi River has long been replaced by the busy river beach road, and the Anning Canal and Wujia Canal have become place names.


Urumqi in March is still some distance from spring.

We walked as we pleased, along the square. The sky was overcast, and the wind blew a little cold on the face. If it's a sunny day, the wind is warm. The sun has so much energy that it can heat the wind. In Xinjiang, even in the middle of summer, it is cool under the shade of trees, in the room, where the sun does not shine. On the grassland, even on a sunny day, standing under the shadow of a cloud, it only takes ten minutes for your skin to get goosebumps from the cold, and your steps will involuntarily walk towards the place where the sun shines one or two hundred meters away. I asked Yiyao if she was cold, and she smiled, not cold, her face was full of curiosity, and her eyes were bright.

This afternoon walk was completely different from her usual walk. As she walked and talked, she got to know the mountain peach tree with red bark and red stripes, the golden-leaved elm that had been pruned into a mushroom shape, and the wild rose with thorny branches. While resting on the bench, I picked the husks of the cloves and told her that the seeds had been pecked by the birds, or that they had wandered away with the wind.


That afternoon, in addition to the sparrows, we were accompanied by a flock of magpies.

At first, we were all attracted by the figure and call of the sparrow. They hula took off from this big elm tree, and the hula fell to another big elm tree dozens of meters away, and as soon as they fell, they chattered non-stop, as if they were discussing some major issue. Leng Buding, hula spread his wings again, and flew towards an ash tree not far away. Immediately, their important meetings followed. We tilted our heads and squinted our eyes, trying to lock on to their figures, but in vain.

The sparrow's call was mixed with another familiar call. It's still Yi Yao's eyesight. I followed the direction of her finger, and there was a bird in the big elm tree, noticeably larger than a sparrow, with a black head and a gray belly. After a while, it flapped its wings and flew away. We stared at the trees and found two more.

The elm trees were too tall, the branches were fine, bare, and cloudy, and the two birds were like two accidentally dripping inkblots, and our eyes were squinted, and we could not distinguish their identities in any way.


The withered stems and leaves are dense and messy, and you can imagine the grandeur of the lotus leaf fields here last year. There seemed to be some movement among the dead leaves. Look, a duck, Yi Yao even screamed in surprise and joy. When I looked closely, it was a male mallard. It was beautiful, with a glowing dark green head, a white collar around its neck, a white tail upturned, and black wing feathers that tucked up to create striking rough paths on the sides of its gray body. It doesn't make sense that it's not going to be here alone. I looked closely, and just two meters away, a female duck was floating quietly among the dead branches and leaves. It has an all-over brown undertone, blending in with the dead leaves, and it is impossible to distinguish without looking closely. I pointed and pointed and pointed before the little girl saw it. She said with a little disappointment, why is it so ugly. How did she know that mallard ducks are dioecious, and the difference in appearance between the two is beyond imagination. In fact, in the animal kingdom, males of the same species are usually prettier and more attractive than females, except for humans, I added with a laugh.

As I walked, I watched and counted, and there were more than 20 of them. If it weren't for these mallards, I would have thought spring was still early. It seems that Mallard's biological clock is much brighter and sharper than ours. They have traveled thousands of kilometers from the south. It doesn't matter whether they settle here for a short break and then continue to fly north, or stay in this artificial water area for a long time. Importantly, they are back, which means that a new breeding season is coming.

The curtain of this spring was opened by this group of mallards.

Literary Criticism

Giving the soul of nature

——Reading Zhang Yingshu's essay collection "Blank Land".

●Li Yong

"Blank Place" made me feel the "three beauties".

One is the beauty of harmony. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization.

The relationship between man and nature is not one-way, but communive. "Blank Place" presents us with Zhang Yingshu's writing state of listening to nature, being in nature, and living in harmony with nature, and also shows the consciousness of taking nature as her spiritual home.

In the book, it is written: a group of sheep eating the dry grass of last year on the hillside, three or five cows lying on the slope between the two flocks of sheep, three horses standing on the slope by the wild rose bush a little farther away, etc., take us into a three-dimensional, dynamic and vivid oil painting! Here, all living beings contain a special kind of life energy, and the author has built a healthy, human-nature communication and exchange of life community by letting nature perform, let nature speak, and let nature think, which is not only a kind of idealism, but also a kind of humanistic spiritual ecology, and also expresses the rich feelings and deep thinking about life, nature and society.

The second is the beauty of artistic conception. In the context of traditional Chinese culture, nature is the foundation of all things, and the cultural consciousness integrated into nature is an important part of the cultural psychological structure of the Chinese nation.

The love of natural landscapes is a tradition of Chinese literati. Listening to nature, feeling nature, and feeling nature are unique characteristics in traditional Chinese literature.

"Blank Place" has given us a good interpretation, and Yamalik Mountain, Nanshan Mountain, Haxionggou and so on have become the author's thoughts and pens, flashing with wonderful, magical, poetic and spiritual light. The author and nature beat in the same pulse, fluctuated in the same sound wave, and the pure literary aesthetic state of free life and nature embraced, the earth, mountains and rivers and the self were united between the lines.

The third is the beauty of sincerity. Chinese traditional culture integrates the thinking of nature, harmony with mountains and rivers, and the unity of nature and man, and contains a simple natural philosophy, which has been deposited into the spiritual vein of the Chinese people after a long period of rich development and deposit.

This book not only depicts the vitality of the natural world, but also has delicate and poetic brushstrokes, presenting a deep dialogue between the author and nature.

In a certain sense, the author writes about the unique life realm and life form of the individual from the literary perspective of ecological beauty. In particular, succulents such as "Pamir Rose", "Green Mage", "Black Mage" are given an ecologically conscious pulse and heartbeat, making themselves and them form an interdependent balance of life.

The text in the book reveals that we human beings are inseparable from sunlight, air, and water, and that we have a view of life on the same level as forests, rivers and seas, grasslands, deserts, or animals and plants, guiding readers to live in this world with an "ecological conscience", and to integrate the "small self" with the needs of the ecosystem to achieve an "ecological self".

Our nature

——Pin Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land"

●Li Chun

I want to start with the essay "Green Mountains and Ten Thousand Mu of Begonia Red" in the book. On the afternoon of the first day of the morning when Yingshu saw the begonias, I walked into the Bole 10,000 acres of Begonia Ecological Park with her, and saw the large and small begonia trees, deep and shallow begonia trees, and begonia trees with different leaf colors of red and green.

Yingshu told me that she had been to the 10,000 acres of Begonia Ecological Park, but it was the first time she arrived. I was surprised and asked her if she had ever been here. She said that when the second Begonia Festival was held in Bozhou in 2020, a friend asked her to write a begonia poem, but she couldn't refuse, so she searched for news reports on 10,000 acres of begonias on the Internet, and wrote a poem called "Begonia Chasing Dreams". Therefore, in June 2022, we all walked into the Begonia Ecological Park for the first time, but her poems had already visited the Begonia Forest.

It was afternoon when we went, and I was in a hurry, and I didn't write a word when I came back. When we met again the next day, Yingshu said that she went to the begonia forest again, and she went there at dawn, and she felt very good. I think she will definitely write another poem for Begonia, and when I read this "Green Mountains and Ten Thousand Mu of Begonia Red", there are six or seven thousand words, and I was very surprised. In just one hour, she stood on the top of the mountain, and rotated for a week, and was moved by the excitement of emotion, overlooking the whole picture of the 10,000 acres of begonia garden without dead ends.

I regret that I didn't walk into that beautiful morning with her, the low-hanging clouds, just the right amount of rain, a few red-headed gulls flew across the Bortala River, Yingshu walked into that morning, but couldn't get out of it, presenting a real dream to the reader, which is particularly beautiful. Of course, her pen not only writes about an early morning, but also about the predecessor of the begonia forest, the wilderness where no grass grows, people dig pits and plant trees in the wind, and each tree carries the temperature of a person. It also writes about the autumn of the begonia forest, fruitful and a bumper harvest.

The essay "Blank Land" was published in the 6th issue of "Yuhua" in 2022, and on the way to collect the wind, the official account of "Yuhua" was launched, and Yingshu said frankly in the article: I rarely say the word "nature". I can't say why, it seems that it only exists in my text. Nature, it is too vast for my little heart to hold all its things; It is too mysterious, and my mind cannot carry its rich common sense and undiscovered and unrecognized "extraordinary knowledge". My nature, my mountains, has been looked upon with my eyes, touched with my hands, and measured with my feet.

We discussed this in the car, because I had read a lot of plant poems by Yingshu, and I asked her how she could name hundreds of plants with her mouth open. Yingshu said that in order to write good plant poems, she subscribed to seven or eight WeChat public accounts about plants, read a lot of famous works of Chinese and foreign plants, and made a lot of notes. I understand that it is this almost crazy love that has made her one of the most well-known botanical experts among the creators. She said in the book: Naturalism is the hardest and happiest "career" I know. Over the past few years, I have spent a lot of time and energy on plants, and I have also received unparalleled joy and satisfaction. Only with a naturalist heart can your world be unique, rich, and detailed.

I feel very honored to be good friends with Yingshu. We know each other and appreciate each other because of literature, and we will surely walk hand in hand on the difficult road of literature.

Here, I recommend Zhang Yingshu's "Blank Land" to readers, follow her eyes and footsteps to get close to nature, perceive nature, and appreciate the beauty of nature calmly.

I want to start with the essay "Green Mountains and Ten Thousand Mu of Begonia Red" in the book. On the afternoon of the first day of the morning when Yingshu saw the begonias, I walked into the Bole 10,000 acres of Begonia Ecological Park with her, and saw the large and small begonia trees, deep and shallow begonia trees, and begonia trees with different leaf colors of red and green.

Yingshu told me that she had been to the 10,000 acres of Begonia Ecological Park, but it was the first time she arrived. I was surprised and asked her if she had ever been here. She said that when the second Begonia Festival was held in Bozhou in 2020, a friend asked her to write a begonia poem, but she couldn't refuse, so she searched for news reports on 10,000 acres of begonias on the Internet, and wrote a poem called "Begonia Chasing Dreams". Therefore, in June 2022, we all walked into the Begonia Ecological Park for the first time, but her poems had already visited the Begonia Forest.

It was afternoon when we went, and I was in a hurry, and I didn't write a word when I came back. When we met again the next day, Yingshu said that she went to the begonia forest again, and she went there at dawn, and she felt very good. I think she will definitely write another poem for Begonia, and when I read this "Green Mountains and Ten Thousand Mu of Begonia Red", there are six or seven thousand words, and I was very surprised. In just one hour, she stood on the top of the mountain, and rotated for a week, and was moved by the excitement of emotion, overlooking the whole picture of the 10,000 acres of begonia garden without dead ends.

I regret that I didn't walk into that beautiful morning with her, the low-hanging clouds, just the right amount of rain, a few red-headed gulls flew across the Bortala River, Yingshu walked into that morning, but couldn't get out of it, presenting a real dream to the reader, which is particularly beautiful. Of course, her pen not only writes about an early morning, but also about the predecessor of the begonia forest, the wilderness where no grass grows, people dig pits and plant trees in the wind, and each tree carries the temperature of a person. It also writes about the autumn of the begonia forest, fruitful and a bumper harvest.

The essay "Blank Land" was published in the 6th issue of "Yuhua" in 2022, and on the way to collect the wind, the official account of "Yuhua" was launched, and Yingshu said frankly in the article: I rarely say the word "nature". I can't say why, it seems that it only exists in my text. Nature, it is too vast for my little heart to hold all its things; It is too mysterious, and my mind cannot carry its rich common sense and undiscovered and unrecognized "extraordinary knowledge". My nature, my mountains, has been looked upon with my eyes, touched with my hands, and measured with my feet.

We discussed this in the car, because I had read a lot of plant poems by Yingshu, and I asked her how she could name hundreds of plants with her mouth open. Yingshu said that in order to write good plant poems, she subscribed to seven or eight WeChat public accounts about plants, read a lot of famous works of Chinese and foreign plants, and made a lot of notes. I understand that it is this almost crazy love that has made her one of the most well-known botanical experts among the creators. She said in the book: Naturalism is the hardest and happiest "career" I know. Over the past few years, I have spent a lot of time and energy on plants, and I have also received unparalleled joy and satisfaction. Only with a naturalist heart can your world be unique, rich, and detailed.

I feel very honored to be good friends with Yingshu. We know each other and appreciate each other because of literature, and we will surely walk hand in hand on the difficult road of literature.

Here, I recommend Zhang Yingshu's "Blank Land" to readers, follow her eyes and footsteps to get close to nature, perceive nature, and appreciate the beauty of nature calmly.

One Half Wilderness, One Half Half Fire

——Analysis of Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Place".

●Zhu Yan

"Blank Place" is an essay on natural themes created by the author Zhang Yingshu in the past three years. The book is divided into two series, the opening article "The Empty Space", which begins with the words "Ascending to the observation deck of the small canal, a door to the heart was slammed open." This kind of writing is very gripping and heartfelt, you will follow the author to open the door of your heart, express yourself vividly, and have strong writing skills. The next series is the succulent and floral plants planted or touched by the author, and there are as many as 80 articles, and it is a little crazy to think about the appearance of the windowsill piled up everywhere.

The distribution and arrangement of the upper and lower series constitute the author's ideal and real life, half wilderness and half fireworks, settle the ideal, arrange the life, and the ratio of light and heavy is appropriate. The blank space is the freedom left to oneself in the hustle and bustle of the world, the scale and depth of one's own arrangement and control in addition to the necessities of work and life, and the freehand landscapes and flowers and birds depicted.

It is a great honor that I am the "second female" of this book, and my name appears many times in this book, because of our common interest in natural museums and our outlook on life.

Her poem "The Dance of the Sunset" mentions the "Guanghan Palace", and I also particularly like the "Guanghan Palace", the light blue leaves have a layer of silver powder attached to them, which is very beautiful. I have raised both "Guanghan Palace" and "Sunset", and they all died quickly. Raising succulents and flowers should follow the laws of the plant itself, like to bask in the sun or like shade, like wet and dry, you have to accept its objective conditions to treat differently, from this point of view, in fact, people are domesticated by small succulents or green plants, while being domesticated while appreciating its beauty, from which feelings and sustenance are born.

In the city and in the wilderness, the author looks at the mountains and rivers, watches birds and plants, and shows the author's infinite curiosity and love for nature. The author quotes the Israeli writer Amos Oz: "Where you are, you are the center of the world"; Romain Rolland said in "Beethoven's Biography" that Beethoven answered a man's question and said: "Man, you should help yourself! In other words, be your own master. This book and the wilderness nature and succulent greenery shown in the book are a good reflection of this, and the social people are looking for beauty, gaining their own freedom, and understanding and experience of natural life in their busy lives. And these beauty of life and this freedom are controlled by oneself, the landscape can be seen through the door, or you can trek through it, and the succulent green plants you like can be planted by yourself, because you are full of interest and appear vibrant.

The Bogda Snow Peak that you can see from the window every day is a huge benefit left by nature to the people of Urumqi, and it is not Nanshan or Xiling that you can see leisurely. This snow-capped mountain, the wilderness that arrives around it, and the scientific understanding of flora and fauna, expands space and time. The author used Yamalik Mountain to recognize birds and watch birds, and went deep into the female blackbird and male blackbird to hatch eggs. In the process of observation, the spirit is focused, the heart is pure, and the daily life is detached, and freedom is obtained from it. Put it into words, soothe the soul, and reflect the pursuit of beauty, which belongs to the healing text.

Understanding plants is not only to increase natural and scientific knowledge, but also to understand the beauty of life. The classification of animals and plants is a rigorous and meticulous scientific system, and understanding them requires continuous learning and scientific thinking training, from here to understand nature and the world. Zhuang Ziyun, the small knowledge is not as good as the big knowledge, and the small year is not as good as the big year. The depth of cognition is different, which determines the width and depth of the degrees of freedom.

[Cultural Runjiang] is natural everywhere - Zhang Yingshu's prose collection "Blank Land" sharing meeting was held

Source: Karamay financial media reporter Zhang Jiajia Tursun Asim

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