
He was a neglected late Qing Dynasty sage who risked his life to save Zuo Zongtang's life and died of exhaustion on the road to disaster relief

author:Historical wars

Speaking of the late Qing Dynasty Zhongxing ministers, many people may think of Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Hu Linyi and others, the name Pan Zuyin seems to be a little dim in front of them, but for the people of the time, Pan Zuyin's big name is not inferior to Zeng and Zuo. In the court, Pan Zuyin was the official to the crown prince Taibao, and Zuo Zongtang could not even save his life; in the field of literature, Pan Zuyin was known for his reputation, and was sometimes called Weng Panyun with Weng Tonggong.

He was a neglected late Qing Dynasty sage who risked his life to save Zuo Zongtang's life and died of exhaustion on the road to disaster relief

Portrait of Pan Zuyin

Pan Zuyin was born into a family of officials and eunuchs, and his grandfather Pan Shi'en was a scholar of Taifu and Wuyingdian University, and was highly respected. On the year of Pan Shien's eightieth birthday, the Daoguang Emperor rewarded Pan Zuyin as a lifter, but within five years, Pan Zuyin relied on his own talents to learn to explore flowers in the examination. After that, Pan Zuyin was highly valued by the emperor, promoted to the position of shaoqing of Dali Temple, walked in the South Study, and often participated in military and political affairs.

At the same time, Zuo Zongtang, who was far away in Hunan, also served as an aide under Luo Bingzhang, who was then the governor of Hunan. However, Zuo Zongtang's staff was very different from others, he was outstanding in ability, deeply trusted by Luo Bingzhang, and was in charge of the military and political affairs of the Hunan Governorate. Zuo Zongtang once joked with Luo Bingzhang: "Gongyu puppet, there is nothing to lead, how can it move evil!" Luo Bingzhang not only did not get angry, but laughed twice, which was enough to show the great authority of Zuo Zongtang.

Therefore, although Zuo Zongtang was only an aide under Luo Bingzhang at that time, everyone knew that he actually had a lot of power and great respect for him. However, once the chief soldier Fan Xie came to visit and refused to salute Zuo Zongtang, which annoyed Zuo Zongtang. The "Guilu Talk Record" says: "Yan Wenxiang came out to talk together, meaning a big disagreement, and criticized Fan Cheek. Fan could not bear it, and it was a move to expose and investigate each other. According to another theory, Zuo Zongtang did not slap Fan Xie, but kicked him in the ass and scolded: "Get out!" Regardless of what is true, it is true that Fan Xie reported Zuo Zongtang.

He was a neglected late Qing Dynasty sage who risked his life to save Zuo Zongtang's life and died of exhaustion on the road to disaster relief

At that time, the participation of his staff in military and political affairs was an extremely serious violation of the law, and after receiving Fan Xie's complaint, the Xianfeng Emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the matter, saying: "If there is a lawless matter, it is necessary to act on the spot." In this case, even Luo Bingzhang could not protect himself, and other officials naturally did not dare to intercede for Zuo Zongtang again.

Zuo Zongtang's friend Guo Songtao and others could not bear zuo Zongtang's execution, so they interceded everywhere, and finally asked Pan Zuyin to come here. At this time, Pan Zuyin did not intersect with Zuo Zongtang, and there was no need for him to commit the crime to intercede for Zuo Zongtang, but when he learned that Zuo Zongtang had a pivotal position in Hunan, he still risked his life to play Guo Songtao's fold to Xianfeng. After seeing Guo Songtao's fold, XianFeng felt that Zuo Zongtang was indeed a talent, and it was a pity to kill him, so he ordered zuo Zongtang to be forgiven. In this way, Zuo Zongtang picked up a life.

He was a neglected late Qing Dynasty sage who risked his life to save Zuo Zongtang's life and died of exhaustion on the road to disaster relief

Portrait of Zuo Zongtang

In fact, Pan Zuyin sponsored more talents than Zuo Zongtang, he attached great importance to talents, and recommended talents to the court several times, and these people later became important ministers in the late Qing Dynasty. As for the dereliction of duty officials, Pan Zuyin has always been ruthless, and once discovered, he immediately went to the Ming Dynasty and demoted and dismissed the derelict and corrupt officials. At the same time, Pan Zuyin wrote on chen the four things of "diligent study, seeking talents, military affairs, and yu warehousing", pinning down current affairs and taking all improper measures.

Moreover, Pan Zuyin cares about the people, as long as there is a famine in a place, Pan Zuyin must take the lead in donating money and materials. In 1890, a disaster occurred in Suncheon, and Pan Zuyin was ordered to provide relief. Pan Zuyin, who was seriously ill, insisted on disaster relief and eventually died on the road at the age of 61.

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