
Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

author:Bean Mom pastry
Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:
Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:
Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

Yesterday's Lantern Festival, presumably many friends have eaten tangyuan, speaking of tangyuan, many of the supermarkets bought are too sweet and too greasy, the most loved way to eat the bean mother, is this kind of small round ball that she pinched, it will not be sweet at all, the ball has a chewy head, the egg is smooth and tender, the soup is light and sweet, when it is cold, come to a bowl, the whole body is hot.

【Ingredients】: 1 box of rice wine, 2 eggs, glutinous rice flour, sugar


1. Prepare the ingredients;

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

2, beat the eggs into egg liquid for later;

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

3, glutinous rice flour with warm water kneaded into a dough (warm water operation is easier to form a ball);

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

4, take a small amount of glutinous rice balls and gently rub them into small rice balls (small rice balls rubbed with your daughter, haha, the little girl also likes to toss in the kitchen); friends who feel troublesome to rub them can also go to the supermarket to buy ready-made mini small rice balls (no filling).

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

5: Heat the water in a pot and add glutinous rice dumplings;

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

6, small rice balls all float, pour rice wine, rice wine like to pour more, do not like to pour less.

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

7, boil, high heat, pour in egg liquid;

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

8, after the shower, turn off the fire, such frangipani flowers are silky, the best to eat.

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

9, according to the taste sprinkled with sugar can be eaten ~ ~

Wine stuffed small rounds, rounds are chewy, eggs are smooth and tender, talking about eating tangyuan only love this method more hot articles:

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