
The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

author:Punch in for meals
The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

Pluck sweet potatoes

The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

Use oversized sweet potatoes to make a plucked sweet potato

The home-cooked practice of pulling sweet potatoes:

1: Peel and wash the sweet potatoes and cut into small pieces.

2: Bring the water to a boil, put the sweet potato into a pot and blanch the water for 2 minutes

3. Scoop up the cool water.

4: After controlling the dry water, sprinkle a layer of starch.

The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

Drawing of sweet potato making steps pic 1

5: Heat the oil pan to make small bubbles.

6: Add sweet potatoes and fry for about 20 seconds.

7: Turn to medium-low heat and fry for 3-4 minutes.

8, you can fish up.

The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

Drawing of sweet potato making steps pic 2

9: A spoonful of sugar

10: A spoonful of water

11: Simmer over medium heat and stir until brown

12: Add sweet potatoes and wrap them in syrup

The homely practice of pulling sweet potatoes and mastering the trick of boiling sugar in 1 minute will allow you to succeed in one go

Drawing of sweet potato making steps pic 3

Efficacy and function of sweet potato:

1, eat more sweet potatoes are good for health, our daily life has never lacked the figure of sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes from the previous full stomach of cheap goods, to now everyone respects one of the nutritional food.

2. Sweet potato has the effect of tonifying the lungs and stomach, laxative, nourishing qi and rejuvenating, moisturizing the lungs and slippery intestines.

3. Suitable for spleen and stomach deficiency, malnutrition, night blindness, chronic liver and kidney disease, constipation and other symptoms.

Experience Sharing:

This time I use a very large sweet potato made of pulled sweet potato this dish, this sweet potato taste is very good, eat crisp skin without sticking teeth, like friends can try to do it!

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