
Crucian carp soup and tomato tofu yellow bone fish soup Delicious can't stop your mouth Come and try the enoki mushroom crucian carp soup tomato tofu yellow bone fish soup

author:The second generation of the costume society Mofu
Crucian carp soup and tomato tofu yellow bone fish soup Delicious can't stop your mouth Come and try the enoki mushroom crucian carp soup tomato tofu yellow bone fish soup


1 crucian carp, 250 g mushrooms, 10 goji berries, a number of green onions, shallots, ginger


1. The crucian carp is opened and cleaned up, and 3 holes are cut with a knife on both sides of the fish body.

2: Fry in oil until golden brown on both sides and set aside.

3, put the fish into the casserole or soup pot, add the right amount of water, at least not over the fish body. Add cooking wine, salt, green onion and ginger slices. Bring to a boil over high heat.

4: Add goji berries to the pot and cook for 20 minutes on low heat.

5: Add the mushrooms.

After 6 or 5 minutes, you can get out of the pot, sprinkle with chopped shallots and decorate, and finish deliciously.

4 yellow bone fish, 2 tomatoes, 1 small piece of north (old tofu), 2 pieces of ginger, 2 green onions, salt, pepper

1. Yellow bone fish, when doing it, it is best to cut off the thorns, be careful to tie the hands, it is said that the wild belly is yellow.

2. When doing it, it is best to cut off the thorns and tie your hands carefully, it is said that the wild belly is yellow.

3. Leave the bottom oil, put the tomatoes in and stir-fry to make the juice, add water in three small bowls.

4. Put the tofu you just fried in and bring to a boil over high heat.

5. Then put the yellow bone fish and ginger slices in, this kind of scaleless fish can not be fried.

6. After boiling on the heat, turn to medium-low heat and cook for about half an hour, add salt, pepper, sprinkle some green onions, the soup color is very strong.

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