
With partial generalizations: Commenting on The Cold Chinese "Crisis of Human Nature" (Original)

author:Ren Jingfang

On the Internet and WeChat, there was first an article "The biggest crisis facing the whole people, not real estate, not finance..." went viral. Another recording of "Economic Megatrends in the Next Twenty Years" was disseminated on WeChat. The content is all about the so-called "crisis of human nature" in China.

Author: Shi Hanbing. He is said to be a scholar, professor, and economic commentator.

"For the biggest crisis that China is facing at the moment, I would like to say: the crisis of human nature. ”

First, China's theory of "crisis of human nature" is based on a partial and comprehensive judgment

In recent years, the author has ignored China's many military-civilian unity and flood rescue, the Wenchuan earthquake nationwide support for earthquake relief, the Chinese medical team helping Africa to defeat the Ebola virus, the Successful Escort of Chinese frigates in the Gulf of Aden for the passing ships of various countries, many of the most beautiful village teachers, rural doctors, many moral models of respecting the elderly and loving children, all walks of life in the country are working hard for China's development and progress, and so on, all of which are ignored, relying only on a video of uncivilized law enforcement spread by friends Relying on a few cases of city scoundrels touching porcelain and extortion, and a few people doing good deeds to be blackmailed; relying on a fake news article that "women who resisted rape and caused the death of the perpetrator were sentenced", they falsely judged that China "kills the good by the people, and the law also kills the good" and "evolves" into a "crisis of human nature".

This is typical of partial generalizations.

To provide an argument for the so-called "crisis of humanity" in China, the author cites two passages of dialogue:

"I asked a German journalist a question: 'Why does China continue to mention the China threat theory so much in the international arena, even with the arrogance of a great philanthropist to aid other countries with huge sums of money?' ”

The German journalist asked a question: 'Where is the bottom line for a nation that dares to sell poisonous food to its compatriots, a nation that does not hesitate to kill its own compatriots to chase money, a country that does not know how to love its own compatriots?' ......’”

One question and one answer, mocking and completely negating China's diplomacy and national conditions. This is obviously carefully designed and invented by the author. I thought it was arranged very cleverly. Its intentions are evident.

Needless to say, our country is backward. This is not news, it is not a new discovery. As we all know, China's backwardness and humiliation of more than a hundred years did not begin with the founding of New China, let alone the beginning of reform and opening up. The shift in work priorities and reform and opening up have enabled China to make great strides in development and progress. China now has a population of 1.4 billion, everyone has to dress and eat, and they all want to get rich, and there are many problems in various fields. China's road is long and difficult.

However, we don't have to be presumptuous. Many materials tell people that all western developed countries, including Germany and Japan, in the same historical stage as China and in the period of China's current economic and people's livelihood, their domestic social problems are much worse, more serious, and much more terrible than china's current ones.

A scholar and critic not only agrees with a foreign journalist's (if that so-called journalist does exist) bias against China, but also uses these prejudices as an argument for the so-called "crisis of humanity" in China.

The author said: "When you come into contact with Germans, you will find that they will spend their lives doing a good job in a down-to-earth manner, and a product is so refined that it is like a work of art." So are the Japanese. Many excellent peoples have this calm and focused characteristic. ”

The manufacturing industry in Germany and Japan is well known to the world for its excellent products. Alone, can we assert the so-called "excellent nation"?

The author ignores history, or is he deliberately misleading:

In japan's war of aggression against China, the people's lives Chinese were ruined, with tens of millions of casualties; the Japanese army brutally slaughtered more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians in Nanjing for 6 weeks; the 731 bacteria research unit in the northeast was tragically killed, taking living people as experiments, and nearly 10,000 Chinese and Koreans were brutally killed.

The Second World War, led by the German Third Reich, killed tens of millions of people on the battlefields of Europe alone, and slaughtered millions of Jews, hundreds of thousands of whom were German nationals.

Did the author ask the German journalist: Where is the bottom line for the Germans?

For human civilization, which is more important than criminal war, barbaric slaughter and sophisticated manufacturing?

Even according to the author's logic, in the face of the german and Japanese fascists' war crimes of exterminating humanity and taking a terrible life, do we dare to say that the Germanic and Yamato nations are "excellent"?

It is extremely irresponsible to judge and judge a nation and a country by a certain part, a certain period, and a certain event! Utterly ridiculous! Extremely wrong!

More importantly, distinguishing between different ethnic groups and why they are "excellent" and "inferior" is an act of racial discrimination and has long been spurned by the world.

Since scholars, professors, and critics are claimed, how can they make such low-level mistakes?

Second, China's theory of "crisis of human nature" stems from the mind blinded by hatred and the soul distorted by hatred

The author asks: "Where does this crisis come from"?

The author replied: "We have widely circulated a micro-article on WeChat and the Internet, "We have eliminated the nobility, but left the hooligans", in which we can see why the civilized powers of thousands of years have suddenly become so dangerous in a short period of time in modern times. ...... In the process of replacing aristocratic culture, bullying the weak, coveting small profits, cheating, timidity, fear of things, dare not take responsibility, schadenfreude... It began to become the mainstream of a society. ”

It is easy to search for this "micro article" on the computer. Author's signature: Vijay.

The article has the following passage: "The nobility has been eliminated, and the hooligans have risen; the spirit of the nobility has withered away, and the consciousness of hooliganism has been carried forward." Looking at today's China, there are hooligans everywhere, from the streets and alleys to the academic halls, from the common people to the powerful and the rich, or the vulgar and violent, or corrupt and degenerate, the rogue nature is vividly expressed. From language hooligans, to behavioral hooligans, to consciousness hooligans, this state of etiquette has become a veritable rogue power..."

Who would believe that this is describing modern China?

What kind of unforgettable hatred must be this to denigrate today's China so badly!

Hatred blinds a person's mind and distorts a person's soul.

Shi Hanbing admired Vijay so much that he took Wei Wen's point of view as an important argument for his argument. The color of its scholars and critics can also be seen.

When Shi Hanbing looked at Germany and Japan, he only looked at its strengths and did not speak of its history and war crimes; while when she looked at China, it only focused on local problems and did not talk about the overall situation and development and progress.

Not long ago, the world's authoritative institution released the "Ranking of the Most Secure Countries in the World" and China ranked first;

In the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in late 2019 and the beginning of 2020, which is still abusive, the response measures of the governments of China and developed countries have been effective in preventing the epidemic, as well as the infection rate and mortality rate... of contrast,

It is very clear to tell the world: the crisis of human nature does exist. But definitely not in China.

China's "theory of the crisis of human nature" objectively smears China.

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