
Passion fruit coconut sago cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Passion fruit coconut sago cake

Speaking of Thai desserts, you must mention coconut sago cake, a thick coconut flavor accompanied by sticky sago, a bite of sweet and mellow. Ideal for dessert after a meal. Traditionally, sago cakes are served in a small pocket made of zebra orchid, but this recipe uses sweet and sour passion fruit, which can be replaced with mango, strawberry or kiwi fruit according to their preference. The formula can be made for about 4 to 5 servings.

by Hu Xiaomay

Coconut milk 300 ml

Whole milk 70 ml

Small sago 50 g

Sugar 30 g

Gelatin tablets 3 tablets

Honey 1 tablespoon (15 ml) (can also be replaced with 15 g white sugar)

Passion fruit/ honey beans / mango puree / or other ingredients 30 g

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

1. Soak the gelatin tablets in ice water to soften. If using gelatin powder, pour the powder into a small container and add two tablespoons of water to bring to a boil. Set aside and let it start and set aside (about 5 minutes). If you are using Gelidin for the first time it is highly recommended to read the last tips.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

2: Bring sago to boiling water over medium-low heat until translucent, about 10 minutes. Remember to stir from time to time to prevent sticking to the pan.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

3, when cooking sago, pay attention to the beginning of the pot of water should be sufficient, full of a little is best, during the addition of water will affect the final taste of sago.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

4, cook until the sago almost becomes transparent, that is, there are only white dots left in the middle. Cover and simmer for a while until the sago becomes fully transparent, about 10 minutes. Pass the sago in cold water.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

5: Scoop in a tablespoon of honey, stir well and scoop the sago evenly on the bottom of the container.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

6: Pour coconut milk, milk and sugar into a small pot and heat over medium-low heat until the sugar melts. There is no need to heat the mixture to a boil.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

7: Cool the coconut milk mixture slightly until warm and add the drained softened gelatin tablets. Stir well to combine. Do not add gelatin tablets to piping hot liquids, which will cause them to lose their coagulation effect.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

8: Remove the container and slowly pour coconut milk on top of the accessories. Shake the liquid smoothly with a few gentle shakes.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

9: Seal the plastic wrap or cover, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than 3 hours.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

10: Scoop a spoonful of your favorite accessories on top of it.

Passion fruit coconut sago cake

11, let's eat~

- Usually gelatin tablets need to be soaked in ice water for 5 minutes to soften, drained and put into the mixture that needs to gelatinize. Gelatin powder is also soaked in cold water for 5 minutes, after its expansion, slowly heated until it is completely dissolved (the container can be heated in hot water or heated at low temperature in the microwave), placed for a while until its temperature is slightly reduced and then added to the mixture that needs to be gelatinized. - Any gileatin must remember not to make it boil, otherwise it will lose its coagulant power. So be sure to pay attention to the temperature and heating time of the microwave oven, and don't let it boil. Microwave the gelatin powder for a while and pour it in to prevent the formation of granules when the temperature drops to about the same level as the coconut milk mixture. - When cooking sago, make sure that the pot is full of water, adding water in the middle will affect the taste. - If you want to taste more intense, you can replace whole milk with light cream. - Four small containers of medium size are used in the square, or you can use a large plastic box, cut into small pieces and eat.

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