
Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story


When I was in college, there was a girl in my class who liked to cook her own food, and she was really popular in their dormitory.

Often, after tasting something, they will send a circle of friends and attach various praises to the dormitory, which makes my heart move (of course, it is about food).

One evening repair (freshman school in order to let new students develop good habits, so we need to go to late repair throughout the year)

She was handing out her own things again, and I happened to be sitting near them, and she turned to the people around her to start Her Product

I rubbed my hands expectantly, but when she was facing me, she suddenly blushed: "Oh... Sorry, no. "

I could only laugh awkwardly and say, "It's okay, I don't like sweets." (Not really)

Back in the dorm room smoking a cigarette on the balcony, brushing down the circle of friends found that the girl had started business, selling snacks she had made herself.

Since I hadn't tasted it, I couldn't comment on it, so I nodded my finger in support of her. After all, everyone is an ordinary person, and normal business is also to find the money they pay for making food, which should be their own hobbies.

A good hobby can never be lost because of money.

It was raining outside, and the rain dripped down the leaves of the plants that my roommate planted on the balcony, and a fragrance made me realize that this balcony was actually full of not only the smell of smoke, but also the fragrance of various plants.

The next afternoon, after class, I walked to the door of the teaching building and found the familiar back. Thin and tall, with long hair and ordinary clothes, she carried a bag in her hand, but no umbrella. The sky outside was gray and raining, not big but dense. People came and went, and after a while, the crowd disappeared, as if it were just me and her.

Me: "Such a coincidence. (Coincidentally a hammer, others have umbrellas and leave early)

She: "Yeah."

I lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

She: "The smoke is so bitter, why don't you eat something sweet, you try me this, I made it myself." "

After saying that, she took out a small lunch box in her bag and contained some pastries, which were wrapped in green leaves and had a fresh fragrance.

I took a bite and said, "It's delicious." "

She seemed to be very happy, and her face turned red: "Yeah, that's great. "After saying that, I shoved a bookmark into my hand, and it was cherry blossom grass.

"I'll go first" As soon as the words stopped, she put her bag on her head and disappeared into the rain.

When I went back, I found that the fragrance was the smell of the balcony, and I checked that it was pandan leaves, and she made sago coconut cake.

It wasn't until later that I discovered what the flower language of cherry blossom grass meant.

But did she know that I actually had an umbrella that day but I chose to put it aside

Walk up to her and pretend not to deliberately say the words: "Such a coincidence"....

This food that has a story for me, I will share it with you today

Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story

Colorful leaves, also known as pandan leaves, emit the fragrance of tropical plants, penetrate into the food, and make the whole room full of brilliant smell. Please use this rainy dessert slowly

Colorful sago coconut cake

1, 20 pieces of fresh colorful leaves washed (a treasure is sold), use scissors to cut off the head and tail, do not lose the head and tail. At this time, the width of the leaf body is almost the same, evenly cut 4 knives into 5 segments, pay attention to only cut half the depth.

2, the cut leaves in turn overlapped and surrounded, into a square box shape, the side can be fixed with transparent glue (no need to steam, so it does not matter).

Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story

3: After the water in the pot boils, pour in 100g of sago and stir evenly, turn to medium-low heat and cook for 10 minutes, see that there is still a little white dot in the middle of the sago. At this time, turn off the heat and cover and simmer for 5 minutes, and the white dot disappears and becomes completely transparent. Rinse off with water and flush out excess starch slurry.

4: Pour boiled sago and 2 tablespoons of caster sugar into the milk pot, heat over low heat until the caster sugar dissolves, cool and set aside.

5: Add 300g of coconut milk and 3 tablespoons of caster sugar to the colorful leaf edges of the previously cut head and tail parts, and heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

6: After fishing out the colorful leaves, stir while adding starch water (55g water + 20g corn starch) until the coconut milk thickens.

7: Spread the sweet sago in a colorful leaf box (nearly half the height of the box).

8: Drizzle in the boiled coconut milk, refrigerate for 2 hours, decorate the corn kernels, and finish.

Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story
Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story
Coconut sago cake on rainy days is food with a story

Sweets can make people feel good

A good mood brings good luck

And you're the lucky one

You run towards luck

Luck will come to you too

It makes sense to go in both directions

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