
I don't know if Yi Di was the inventor of wine, but there was a dynasty that did die because of wine

I don't know if Yi Di was the inventor of wine, but there was a dynasty that did die because of wine

Was Chinese wine invented by Du Kang, or was it invented by Yi Di? As early as the Jin Dynasty, Jiang Tong raised questions: "The xing of wine is from the Emperor, or Yun Yidi, a Du Kang." There is no end to the meal, the rest of the empty mulberry, this is out of this, not by the strange side. Jiang Tong did not know who invented wine, but put forward the idea that leftovers were fermented into wine.

There is also a passage in the historical record of Yi Di: "In the past, the emperor made Yi Di beautiful as wine, entered the Yu, Yu drank and was willing, and then Shu Yi Di, the absolute wine, said: 'In the future, there will be those who will destroy their country with wine.' (Quoted from "Warring States Policy, Wei Ce II") Because there is no testimony, whether Yi Di invented wine, we still can't know for sure, but this historical data raises another question - the destruction of the country because of wine.

So, is there a dynasty that fell to power because of wine?

Yes, the Zhou Dynasty people believed that the Shang Dynasty was destroyed by wine.

In the Shang Shu Jiu, Zhou Gong believes that the Shang Dynasty was destroyed by wine, so he wrote the "Wine Curse" to warn the Zhou people. Zhou Gong believed that the reason for the fall of the kingdom was that he drank uncontrollably, blindly enjoyed himself, and indulged in female sex, which eventually led to the fall of the country.

So, is zhou gong justified?

There is some truth to it.

The most important historical record of the history of the Shang Dynasty, the "Records of History", says in the Yin Benji that the King of Shang was "good at wine and lascivious, and was inferior to women." Love yourself, and follow your own words. So he made shi juan make a new obscene sound, the dance of the north, and the joy of the melancholy. The thick tax is based on the money of the real deer platform, and the millet of the Yingju Bridge. Harvest dog marquee, fill the palace room. Yiguang Sand Dune Garden, take more wild beasts and birds in it. Slower than the ghosts. The great song is played in the sand dunes, with wine as the pool and the county meat as the forest, so that men and women are separated from each other, for the drink of the long night. ”

This historical record says that he was "good at drinking and having fun" and engaged in "wine pond meat forest", blaming the subjugation of the country on drinking and female sex.

I don't know if Yi Di was the inventor of wine, but there was a dynasty that did die because of wine

It is inevitable to be too simplistic to regard women as "red face disaster water", the fall of the Shang Dynasty is definitely not so simple, and wine and women are only one of the reasons for the fall of the country.

However, the merchants' good wine is a matter of certainty: nearly half of the types of Shang Dynasty bronzes that we are familiar with are wine vessels; and the various written materials recorded in the oracle bones also show that it is not uncommon for Shang Dynasty officials to mislead due to drinking.

From this point of view, Dayu's statement that "in the future generations there will be those who will destroy their country with wine" is also very prescient.

So, good wine is not greedy, driving without drinking.

I don't know if Yi Di was the inventor of wine, but there was a dynasty that did die because of wine

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