
New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

author:A little history

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Text: A little history

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The Xuanniao Admired by the Shang Dynasty: Revealing the Ancient Totem Behind the Swallow

I. Introduction

In ancient Chinese mythology, the phoenix, with its gorgeous appearance and elegant dancing, became a sacred bird worshiped by the ancients. However, in the Shang Dynasty, it was not the phoenix that people revered most, but a mysterious creature called the Xuanniao. So, where is the Xuanniao sacred? What kind of birds are inextricably linked to what we see today? This article will take you to uncover the mystery of Xuanniao.

New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

Second, the mystery of the bird

  1. Totem worship of the Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty was a people who used birds as totems, among which the Xuanniao occupied a pivotal position in the culture of the Shang Dynasty. From the records in the oracle bone inscriptions to the cultural relics unearthed from the tomb of the woman, they all reveal the Shang Dynasty's deep worship of Xuanniao.

  2. The connection between the bird and the swallow

    Through the records of ancient documents and the cultural relics found in modern archaeology, it is not difficult for us to find that there is an inextricable connection between the bird and the swallow. From the "Xuanniao" chapter in the "Book of Songs", to the description of the Xuanniao in the "Chu Ci", to the jade phoenix and the Xuanniao Gao Guyu in the modern unearthed cultural relics, it is implied that the Xuanniao is actually the swallow we see today.

New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

3. Empirical evidence of archaeological discoveries

  1. The jade phoenix in the tomb of the woman

    The jade phoenix unearthed in the tomb of the woman is very similar to the swallow, which provides strong physical evidence for the statement that the Xuanniao is the swallow.

  2. The Shang Dynasty's relocation of the capital to the Xuanniao

    The Shang Dynasty moved its capital frequently, but each time the capital was moved not far from Yanshan. This is further proof of the Shang Dynasty's worship and affection for the Xuanniao (swallow).

New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

Fourth, the bird and farming culture

China has been an agrarian civilization since ancient times, and the ancients had a deep reverence and worship for nature. As a messenger of spring, the swallow is seen as a symbol of good luck as a reminder of farming, and the harvest season is left on time. The Shang Dynasty people regarded the Xuanniao as a totem, perhaps precisely because of the close connection between the swallow and the farming culture.

New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

V. Conclusion

Through the study of Xuanniao, we can not only have a deeper understanding of the culture and history of the Shang Dynasty, but also feel the awe and worship of nature by the ancients. As the totem of the Shang Dynasty, Xuanniao not only witnessed the wisdom and creativity of the ancients, but also carried their yearning and pursuit of a better life. Let's appreciate the ancient culture while also cherishing and protecting the natural environment around us.

New archaeological discovery: The Xuanniao, which was admired by the Shang Dynasty, still exists on a large scale today

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