
The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

author:Xi Yan said
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article

When it comes to the four ancient civilizations, it gives people a mysterious and distant feeling. As we all know, among the four ancient civilizations, only China has lasted for thousands of years, and it is still standing in the world and becoming stronger and stronger after the baptism of history.

The other three ancient civilizations were wiped out by the Aryans thousands of years ago, so didn't the Aryans set foot in the territory of China back then? The answer, of course, is no.

But why were the Aryans sent to the burial pit when they stepped into our Great Shang Dynasty, and we have to talk about the war between the first female general and the Aryans.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

1. The warlike Aryans

Regarding the origin of the Aryans, it is now recognized that they lived in the Ural Mountains of Russia in those days. So the Aryans at that time were a real nomadic people.

From the present point of view, they are no different from those nomads in the northwest of the mainland, their usual life is to herd sheep and horses every day, although they are not very rich, but they can eat and drink without worry, and can maintain their lives.

Anyone who has studied geography knows that the Ural Mountains where the Aryans live are already very close to the Arctic Circle, so their living environment is very harsh, and this cruel environment has also honed them and made them a veritable fighting people.

In fact, if it hadn't happened for such an incident, the Aryans would probably have been living in the Ural Mountains instead of choosing to go south. So what happened at that time?

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

In 3000 BC, the earth experienced a Xiaoice period, and the global temperature dropped rapidly, which made the Aryans who were originally shivering every day, the living conditions more difficult, at that time there were no cotton clothes, down jackets and the like, the only cold clothes were animal skins, and the cold effect was not good, so the Aryans froze to death during that time.

After discussion, the remaining Aryans felt that the steppes of the Ural Mountains were no longer suitable for them, so they moved en masse and set out for warmer places. What no one expected was that this migration of Aryans would completely change the civilization of the world.

We all know that at that time, there were four ancient civilizations in the world, namely ancient India, ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt and China, all of which were rich in resources and developed economies.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

The climate was also more suitable, so they became the destination of the Aryans on their southward migration, but which one should they go to first? For the Aryans, it didn't make any difference. Because their purpose was to survive, they rode horses and scattered, divided into two teams to the east and west, and set off towards the four ancient civilizations!

The Aryans to the east came to ancient India around 1500 BC, so ancient India was the first to usher in the Aryans. The Aryans invaded ancient India on horseback and launched a fierce attack on the natives.

Where have these old natives seen such a big battle, they have hugged their heads and scurried, like a plate of scattered sand, their army is not organized at all, in the face of the Aryans on horseback, there is no resistance at all, and they were quickly defeated by the Aryans, and since then the Aryans have begun to rule ancient India.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

During the Aryan rule of ancient India, people were divided into hierarchies, and an extremely cruel racial system was established, and people were divided into high and low, and they Aryans considered themselves the most noble people in the region, and those who were classified as untouchables could only be slaves, and this system lasted for thousands of years.

It was not abolished until 1947, but it still has a huge impact on India, and the harm caused by this system is still not gone away in India today.

A group of Aryans to the west first went to Europe, plundered all the way through Europe, turned Europe upside down, occupied all parts of Europe without much effort, and then began to rule Europe. It was not until the 9th century BC that the group set foot on the Iranian plateau.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

There were few indigenous people there, and the Iranian plateau was vast, so the arrival of the Aryans did not have much impact on the local indigenous people's lives, and they accepted this group of visitors. Over time, they married, had children, and became united, where their descendant Cyrus founded the famous Persian Empire.

However, there was an ancient Babylonian empire in this area, the so-called "one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers", and the two empires often fought for many years, until the death of Cyrus, and they did not distinguish between them. Later, Cyrus' son, Cyrus II, led the Persian Empire to conquer the capital of ancient Babylon, and a generation of ancient civilizations fell.

But warlike nature may have been the nature of the Aryans, and the ruler of the Persian Empire, not satisfied with the land and resources of the present, set his sights on the mysterious Egypt on the banks of the Nile, where the twenty-sixth dynasty was founded by the ancient Egyptians.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

This group of ancient Egyptians had been peaceful for too long, and they didn't expect the war to come so soon, and at the same time, because the Egyptian elders had been fighting for many years, the interior had long been torn apart, and they had no power to fight back in the face of the Persian Empire's strong crossbows and chariots, and they were soon destroyed by the Persian Empire, and the third ancient civilization also fell.

Second, the halberd in China

The Aryans to the east, after centuries of Indian rule, gradually swelled up, believing that they had enough troops and equipment to continue their expansion, so they set their sights on China.

At that time, China was in the Shang Dynasty, at this time it was in the reign of the Shang King Wu Ding, this ruler was terrible, reigned for 58 years, the eloquent and strategic, a proper Ming monarch, the Great Shang Dynasty was governed in an orderly manner, known as "Wu Ding Zhongxing" in history.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

At that time, the heyday of the Shang Dynasty was in the forefront of the world in terms of agriculture, commerce, and military strength, because Wu Ding cherished talents, often courteous corporals, and selected talents from the people, so the court had a large number of strategists and generals, and because of the perennial war to support the war, whether it was in terms of combat experience or the organizational quality of the army, the Shang Dynasty army was first-class.

What the Aryans didn't expect at that time was that the Shang Dynasty also had an extremely special army, that is, its secret weapon - the elephant herd army, no matter how powerful the Aryans' iron weapons and chariots were, daring to attack at this time was tantamount to looking for death.

Another reason for the failure of the Aryan invasion of China is that China's innate geographical superiority is enough to keep the Aryans firmly out of our door.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

At that time, the Shang Dynasty was based in Henan, with the Mongolian Plateau in the north, the Himalayas, the Kunlun Mountains and the Gobi Desert in the northwest, and the natural barriers such as the sea in the south and east, which made it particularly difficult for the Aryans to invade the Shang Dynasty.

Under such geographical conditions, if the Aryans wanted to invade the Shang Dynasty from India, they had to attack from the north, which would inevitably collide with the nomads in the north of the continent, and our nomads were not vegetarians, and they were more familiar with the local geographical environment, so they naturally could not easily break in.

Although these three reasons are all factors that prevented the Aryan invasion, in the process of stopping the Aryan invasion, there was one person who played a key role, that is, the wife of the Shang king Wuding, the first famous female general in the history of the mainland.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

She is the earliest female politician and military strategist in the mainland with historical records, and is also the first well-documented heroine in Chinese history, she has superb martial arts and military talents, and has led the army to go out many times, and the Shang king Wuding pacified more than 20 tribes such as Tufang, Qiangfang, Shuofang, etc., expanded the territory of the Great Shang Dynasty more than ten times, maintained the stability of the Shang Dynasty's frontier, and made immortal contributions to the Shang Dynasty.

At the same time, he also presided over large-scale activities such as sacrifices, and was good at divination, people at that time were very superstitious about divine power, and the woman was tantamount to helping the king of Shang control the divine power in his hands, and better maintained the rule of the king of Shang.

Later generations found a burial pit in his tomb, the burial pit contained the bones of white people, according to the characteristics of the bones to calculate the time, it was just when the Aryans invaded the Shang Dynasty, so it can be deduced that the Shang Dynasty's generals against the Aryans at that time were women.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

At the same time, in the tomb of the woman, the oracle bone inscription is engraved with a line of big characters "The woman led the army to the west and beheaded more than 20,000 people", which further confirms the history of the woman to prevent the Aryan attack.

According to the records in the oracle bone inscription, in the face of tens of thousands of Aryans at that time, Nuhao only led 3,000 warriors to the battle, and almost crushed the Aryans, and then Nuhao returned to the capital with a large number of captives, and threw these white captives into the sacrificial pit, which gave a strong shock to the West.

In the following 3,000 years, no matter how many empires appeared in the West, no one dared to blatantly invade China, and even once regarded the mainland as the "Heavenly Empire". This great woman, who single-handedly shocked the West for 3,000 years, and is a well-deserved heroine in the history of the mainland.

The Aryans, who destroyed the three ancient civilizations, came to China to provoke, but were thrown into the burial pit by the Shang Dynasty

III. Conclusion

As the only survivor of the four ancient civilizations, China has been able to stand for thousands of years without falling, and Chinese culture can be inherited for thousands of years and still shine, definitely not by luck, but by the great leaders of Chinese dynasties, and a group of outstanding strategists and generals.

And those soldiers who defended their homeland, kept discipline, and were not afraid of sacrifice, which the other three ancient kingdoms did not have, so that when the Aryans invaded, they could be easily defeated, while we were able to kill the enemy. Our Chinese civilization will inevitably shine more brightly in the torrent of history.

Reference: CCTV News 2022-01-05: Found an ancient tomb 3,000 years ago, she said

Iranian Studies at Northwest University 2023-04-04: The Spread and Influence of Aryan Iran from the Perspective of National Identity Construction-Li Fuquan and Li Wenting

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