
The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

When the weather is cold, it is natural to want to eat some hot food, such as stews, hot pots, casseroles, and various soups, I don't know what you prefer to eat? I want to say that if you can have a bowl of mutton soup in your hand when it is particularly cold, it is really good, it is estimated that many people love to drink mutton soup as much as I do, and also love to eat mutton, so you may wish to learn the method and make it at home, do not have to go outside to buy, spend less money and eat well.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Some time ago home, the brother invited guests to eat a lamb hot pot, although it is a clear soup, but compared with the red oil hot pot is much more delicious, and can eat meat and drink soup, eat a particularly comfortable meal, but delicious is delicious is too expensive, that meal cost almost five hundred yuan, so the outside is doing well we can not often eat ah.

Speaking of doing it yourself, some people may not do it well, either do a good job with a smell, or the taste is not fresh, even some strange taste, and how the soup can not be cooked, in order to avoid these problems, you need to master the correct method, can not only blanch water.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Some people stew lamb soup, only know how to blanch water and put more seasonings, think that the more spices are put the more soup is fragrant, in fact, this is just the opposite, not only can not reflect the freshness of the mutton soup, but also will lead to poor taste. The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh.

Lamb stew is always bad? What ingredients to use is very important, share the detailed method, the lamb broth is delicious! Come and see, you can do it the way you do it.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Steps to prepare lamb stew:

Prepare some lamb, you can buy fresh lamb better, to buy can only choose frozen lamb, but the processing is not the same, if the fresh lamb can only be cleaned and stewed, if it is not fresh lamb, you must remember to clean the water after cleaning, so as to effectively remove the odor.

It is also best to choose fatty and lean lamb, but also to bring some bones, so that the stewed lamb soup is whiter and more fragrant.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Put the minced lamb into the basin, add water to soak for a period of time, change the water frequently when soaking, and handle the lamb clean until the lamb does not quickly bleed in the water.

Wash the lamb and put it in a pot, add cool water to boil, cook until the foam is cooked, use a spoon to slowly skim off the foam, skim and cook for another minute to fish out.

Wash the lamb with warm water, remove the dirty things that are visible to the naked eye, and then put the lamb into the saucepan, add enough water, remember that the water should be added at one time, and it is best to use a deep pot, because the lamb soup is very long.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Add slices of ginger, green onion, white root, peppercorns, boil over high heat, and remember to remove the froth if you cook again.

Then turn to medium heat and simmer for almost two hours.

Finally put a little salt to taste, if you want the meat to have a taste, you can simmer for a while, or directly put it out to enjoy, sprinkle green onions or coriander, like to eat spicy put some chili oil, you can also white pepper.

The lamb broth that comes out of this is very fresh and fragrant, and the taste is particularly good, and even drinking two bowls is not enough.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Stewed lamb soup can not be indiscriminately placed, remember can not put star anise, that is, can not enlarge the material, as the saying goes, pigs do not pepper sheep do not expect, refers to the stew pork can not put peppercorns, stew lamb can not enlarge the material, the older generation of experience with the guarantee is not wrong. If you put a large ingredient, it will not only affect the taste of the soup, but also affect the color of the soup, how to cook will not be white.

The ingredients for lamb stew are exquisite, remember not to put star anise! Teach you the right way, the mutton soup is white and fresh

Generally put pepper, ginger, green onion, white root, these few flavors are enough, some friends bought very good lamb, only put salt is very fresh, it can be seen that lamb does not like too many seasonings, to keep in mind. Have you learned anything about lamb stew? Have time to make a try. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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