
A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

author:Wuhan one week

This is a special dish, and there are three places in Hubei that are always said to be a must on their home table - Yichang, Enshi, and Shennongjia are crazy about this dish!

Its name can't be best expressed in Mandarin, so I can only translate it literally in dialect, calling it "Juguang Pepper", a special food that can only be eaten in Hubei.

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Juguang pepper is a special snack of The Han, Tujia and Shennongjia in Yichang, Enshi regions of Hubei Province!

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Yichang people said: You want to ask me what is the most memorable dish when I was a child? Then I must answer: squeeze the pepper!

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

The Enshi Tujia family said: It is a dish that we can't wait to have on the dinner table every day; it is a dish that we must eat for the New Year; it is a dish that we think can mix the whole bowl of rice with just one spoonful!

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Squeeze the peppercorn potato slices

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Stir-fried bacon with pepper

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Scrambled eggs with squeezed peppers

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Stir-fry the fatty intestines with squeezed peppers

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Squeezed pork belly with peppercorns

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Dry sautéed squeezed peppers

Wash the fresh red peppers and drain

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Use a knife to chop into fine pieces, add salt and mix well

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Then add the buds and mix well (some also mix with peppercorns, orange peels and other spices)

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Put it in a clean jar, cover it with vegetable leaves, and then clamp it tightly with bamboo pieces

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Then poured in the basin, poured into the water seal, commonly known as poured ascites, the advantage is that gravity presses the altar mouth, the sealing effect is good, the water absorption is moderate, providing a guarantee for anaerobic fermentation, making the taste more mellow and fragrant.

To make a small amount of squeezed pepper can also be used in the jar of positive ascites, that is, there is water that can be put along, and it is placed in the inner trough, and the lid is covered, but the squeezed pepper made of this jar cannot be stored for too long.

After January, that is, in order to squeeze it well, you can dig some out at any time when you want to eat.

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper

Steamed or put in a pot to fry and eat, you can also fry the oil and salt and add vegetable leaves and water to make a paste to eat, also very much appreciated.

A delicacy that can only be eaten in Hubei! Squeezing the pepper is nostalgic, but also the taste of the home to squeeze the pepper
Seeing this, Yuki wants to say, "Bring me a bowl"?

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