
Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

author:Nice countryside

Juguang pepper, also known as squeezed pepper, is a special snack of the Han and Tu families in Yichang and Enshi regions of Hubei Province, which is processed with fresh red pepper and bud grain noodles (corn flour) as the main raw materials. You can stir-fry vegetables or make soup, very under the rice. Today Xiaobian will teach you how to make delicious squeezed peppers at home.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

Ingredients needed: garlic, cornmeal, red pepper, salt.

Step 1: Wash the fresh red peppers, drain the water, use a knife to chop into fine minced, mince the garlic into fine minced, add salt and mix well.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

Step 2: Add the bract noodles to the minced peppers and continue to use until chopped well and stirred.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

Step 3: The chopped squeezed pepper into a clean jar, stuffed with clean grain leaves, and then clamped with bamboo pieces, and then poured into the basin, the advantage of the national water (called pouring ascites) is that gravity presses the altar mouth, the sealing effect is good, providing a guarantee for anaerobic fermentation, making the taste more mellow and fragrant.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

The production of a small amount of squeezed pepper can also be used in the jar of positive ascites, that is, there is water that can be put along, and it is put in the inner groove, and the lid is covered, but the squeezed pepper made of this jar cannot be stored for too long, because the air pressure in the jar may flush the altar cover into the air, and may also become dilute due to excessive water absorption. In order to eat the authentic and delicious squeezed pepper, it is still recommended to put the jar upside down.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

Step 4: Mix the squeezed peppers and let them ferment fully, and then take them out and cook them after about 3 weeks.

Teach you to make delicious squeezed peppers at home in one minute!

When choosing chili peppers, it is best to use peppers after the lunar white dew, and the taste is good, otherwise it will be too sour. It is best to use yellow bud valley for the bract valley noodles. After the squeezed pepper is loaded into the altar, it must be ensured that there is water in the basin and sealed.

The practice of squeezing guang pepper is introduced here, there is no understanding can leave a message, the next article, I will teach you to squeeze the guang pepper several ways to eat. (Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)