
Famous throughout the country, men, women and children can eat - "Huajiang dog meat"

author:Good food all around
Famous throughout the country, men, women and children can eat - "Huajiang dog meat"

Huajiang dog meat is a flavored snack that is famous throughout the country. Its cooking method is very unique, and the raw materials, processing process, and ingredients are also very exquisite. According to the Li master of the "Guizhou Huajiang Dog Meat Restaurant", when making Huajiang dog meat, it is necessary to choose about 30 kilograms of adult male dogs as raw materials to ensure that the meat is fat and lean, tender and not old. Then slaughter the dog like a pig, release all the dog's blood, do not peel the dog's skin, and then burn the hair with boiling water. The skin is fragrant, thin, biting, and groomable, so the skin is never removed. In other places, when making dog meat, it is generally the live dog that is directly beaten to death, hanged or even poisoned, and then the skin is peeled off, and the dog's blood is all bruised in the meat, and the meat is not delicious. At the same time, the skin of dogs that have been poisoned, sick or dead for a long time cannot be peeled off, and the hair is not clean, so the skin on the flesh of Huajiang dogs is hairless, which is also a sign of their reliable quality. After the dog hair, dog bones, and dog internal organs are completely removed, the meat can be put into a special casserole pot, plus peppercorns, ginger, tangerine peel, star anise, shanna, sand kernels, mint grass and other ingredients shipped from Guizhou, and some herbs used to remove the earthy smell of dogs, and simmer slowly over low heat. Simmer over low heat to prevent the soup from thickening. The water should be put in place at one time, without adding water in the middle, keeping the original soup, and letting the meat aroma stew out. Generally stewed until the dog meat is eight or nine minutes cooked, the soup is refreshing and delicious after coming out, and the meat is tender and pure.

Famous throughout the country, men, women and children can eat - "Huajiang dog meat"

The way to eat Huajiang dog meat is also quite unique. The stewed dog meat is sliced or lumped and neatly arranged on a plate lined with ginger, pepper, green onions, coriander, MSG and dips made with dozens of spices. When eating, put the dog meat into the boiling hot dog meat soup, the original eight or nine minutes of cooked dog meat is immediately boiled, and then scoop some dog meat soup into the dipping sauce, the dipping sauce immediately dissolves. Everyone ate it while dipping, it was really hot and spicy, numb and fragrant.

Famous throughout the country, men, women and children can eat - "Huajiang dog meat"

Huajiang Town has been operating dog meat for more than 100 years. Walking into Huajiang Town, you can see that the streets are lined with self-employed people who operate dog meat. Huajiang is the main road to Xingyi, where four or five hundred people eat and sleep every day, and dog meat is the best food for these guests. It is said that hundreds of pounds of dog meat are served every day, and thirty or forty dogs are killed every day. Huajiang dog meat is loved by people, it is said that there are three reasons: one is that dog meat can treat diseases, especially for patients with hypertension has a hypotensive function, the elderly are weak, children's bedwetting effect is the best. The average person eats dog meat in winter to increase calories, and eat dog meat in summer to reduce heat. The strong are strong, the weak are replenished, and both men and women, old and young, are suitable. The second is that the shopkeeper kills the dog without peeling the skin, like a pig, uses boiling water to burn off the hair, removes its internal organs, and simmers slowly in a small fire and sand pot. Put the water in full at one time, without adding water in the middle, keep the original soup, and let the meat aroma stew out. When stewing, add peppercorns, ginger, tangerine peel, star anise, yamana and other condiments. The third is to pay attention to the way to eat, cut the stewed dog meat into slices or pieces, put it in a bowl, use the piping hot original dog meat soup to flush into the bowl, and add ginger, green onion, pepper, turnip, monosodium glutamate, etc. Give another plate of pepper water, while dipping and eating, hot and spicy and spicy and fragrant, refreshing and delicious, delicious. Add another glass of wine, and it's even more fun.

Famous throughout the country, men, women and children can eat - "Huajiang dog meat"

The whole process of Guizhou Huajiang dog meat operation:

1 dehair (the temperature of the water is between 60--70) de-listen and rinse well. Bonelessness: (Broken abdomen begins to deboned.) Don't go outside. This damages the outer skin. Keep the dog skin intact) to remove the bone to rinse. After the water. In this way, the dog flesh that removes the dog's bones shrinks. Then spray the rest of the hair with a flamethrower. Rinse again.

2 The process of boiling dog meat: after the water is boiled, the dog bones are put in. Put sand kernels in the dog meat (dog meat with bones removed). (15 or so) ginger 4 two. To the leaf even 1 two. Cook over medium heat. Soft skin on it.

3 pot bottom process: with lard and vegetable oil (soybean oil is also available), put ginger and garlic seedlings and dog meat together for 1-2 minutes. Put the original soup of the boiled dog meat; then add the sand kernels. (Soup powder) salt / dog meat flavor / wood ginger pollen / pepper / MSG. Chicken essence / turn to aroma / chicken essence powder / from the pot. Put green onions/parsley/dates inside.

4 sticking process: coriander and green onion under the dish / then put the paste pepper noodles, pepper powder, monosodium glutamate, (dipping powder) chicken essence, turn the incense, wood ginger pollen, salt, dog meat powder, and then put the minced garlic on top. Drizzle with high-temperature oil. Key places pouring oil process - 1/3 of the high temperature oil is a small ground sesame oil, and then put a small amount of pepper in the high temperature oil, but to control the temperature of the oil, after pouring high temperature oil, and then put tofu milk, (peanuts, sesame seeds, copy incense) can be.

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