
The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

author:Chef Liu Xiaomeng

Hello everyone, I am a second mother who loves to study food, if you also like food, then click to follow and start a food journey with Thai sheep mother!

Today's Thai sheep mother to share with you is the practice of Swiss rolls, Swiss rolls are actually a deformation of the chiffon cake, in the method and the chiffon cake is similar, but in the ratio of materials is different, today's article mainly introduces the method of The Swiss roll cake embryo and the method of egg milk sauce, if you like to eat Swiss rolls can be done with the Thai sheep mother.

The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

【Ingredients for cake embryos】52g of gluten flour, 37g of milk, 37g of corn oil, 75g of egg yolk, 150g of egg white, 52g of white sugar, 1g of salt.

【Ingredients required for egg milk sauce】200g milk, 55g sugar, 45g egg yolk, 15g low gluten flour, 5g corn starch, 10g butter, 110g light cream.

After all the ingredients are ready, we make custard sauce first.

1: Bring the milk and one-third sugar to a boil in a milk pot.

2: Put the remaining sugar into the egg yolk, stir well with a manual whisk, then sift in low gluten flour and corn starch and stir until there are no flour particles.

3: Slowly pour the milk from step 1 into 2, stir while pouring, stir well and then sift through the sieve.

4, the mixture of step 3 into the milk pot to continue to cook, at this time to use a low heat, while cooking while stirring, when the liquid becomes viscous turn off the heat, while hot put the butter into it, stir evenly.

5: Move the cooked sauce to a flat-bottom container, put it in cold water for cooling, cover the container with a layer of plastic wrap when it is not hot, and then refrigerate it for later.

While it cools, we start making cake embryos.

1: Add 10g sugar, milk and salt to the egg yolk and stir well.

2: Add corn oil and stir until fully emulsified.

3: Sift in low gluten flour and stir in a zigzag motion until there are no flour particles.

4, add the remaining white sugar to the egg white three times, and use an electric whisk to beat the egg white to a wet and hard state, that is, lift the egg beater protein to a small curved hook state.

The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

5: Put one-third of the egg white into the batter, mix well with the mixing method, then pour it back into the remaining protein and mix it evenly with the same method.

6: Pour the cake paste into the baking sheet and shake the baking pan to shake out the large bubbles inside.

7, put into the preheated oven, up and down the heat 170 degrees baking for 25 minutes, time and temperature for reference only, everyone according to their own oven temper adjustment.

The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

8: After the cake is baked, drop the baking tray once or twice to shake out the hot air inside, and then put it on the grill together with the oil paper to cool.

9: Cover the surface of the cake with a new piece of oil paper after cooling slightly, then flip the cake to the bottom face up, tear off the bottom oil paper, cover a new one, flip the cake again to the front up, and continue to cool.

10: Remove the sauce from the refrigerator.

11, add an appropriate amount of sugar to the light cream (there is no one in the recipe), beat to 7 distribution state, add sauce to continue to 9 distribution state, so that the egg milk sauce is ready.

12: Flip the cake upside down, cut off the edges with a serrated knife, smear the custard sauce on top, roll it up, refrigerate and set.

The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

13: Refrigerate and cut into cubes.

The fragrant but not greasy Swiss roll recipe is widely publicized, and after eating it, you will definitely not buy the Swiss roll outside

The homemade Swiss rolls are delicious and taste better with Kojima's custard sauce. This Swiss roll will not be tired of eating either the cake embryo part or the filling part, so if you like it, you can collect it and make it when you have time! Today's food is shared here with you, if you like today's article can help like or share!

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