
Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

author:Bald pen writes mundane things

In the northeast suburbs of Nanjing, there is a very famous town called Qixia Town. In Qixia Town, there is a very famous old street called Qixia Street. To the west of Qixia Street, there is a very famous small river called Jiuxiang River. According to the "Chronicle of Jiangning County", the Jiuxiang River was named after the nine administrative townships that flowed through Suoshi, Dongliu, Xiliu, Qilin, Xianlin, Changlin, Hengyang, Qixia and Shibuqiao in the old days.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

For many years, the water of the Jiuxiang River has fed the flowers, flowers, and grasses of the nine townships, the men and women of the nine townships, the love and hatred of the nine townships, and the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the nine townships.

Jiuxiang River is the mother river of the people of Jiuxiang. The Jiuxiang River is like a dragon, like a dragon symbolizing our Chinese nation, meandering and twisting on the land of the nine townships, the dragon head stretching into the rolling Yangtze River, the dragon body lying on the land of the nine townships, lying sparklingly...

When I was a child, my family lived in Qixia Street, Qixia Street is my hometown, and Jiuxiang River is the mother river of my hometown. I am a child who grew up drinking the water of the Jiuxiang River.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

A nine-township river brought endless fun to my childhood and left endless thoughts for my years.

When I was a child, my grandmother washed clothes, washed vegetables, panned rice in the Jiuxiang River, and shaved and planted vegetables by the Jiuxiang River.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

When I was a child, I was in the Jiuxiang River, fishing for fish, river shrimp, crabs, snails, and crookedness.

Today, in this article, I want to be alone Shao Yishao, Shao Yishao When I was a child, I was in the Jiuxiang River, touching the snail and touching the crooked (river mussel) funny thing.

At that time, the water in the Jiuxiang River was clear and clear, and one glance could see the bottom of the blue and clear. At that time, there were many snails in the Jiuxiang River.

Summer has arrived, and there are people bathing everywhere in the Jiuxiang River. At that time, I knew water and would bathe in the Jiuxiang River.

When I was in the shower, I touched some snails and felt a little crooked.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

There are many snails in shallow water and many crooked in deep water. Touch the snail, touch the crooked, and plant the fierce seed (diving).

In the summer, the Jiuxiang River was full of bathers, only to see a small doll, with his hands raised, his ass plucked up, arched upwards, his head facing down, a fierce man planted down, a moment of kung fu, a wet head emerged from the water, like a water hyacinth. I saw that the water hyacinth grabbed two large snails in both hands and came out of the water.

At that time, I was able to hold my breath in the water for five or six minutes, wait until I felt the snail or crooked, and then expose my head.

The crookedness in the Jiuxiang River is buried in the silt, and a fierce son plants it, and it takes a little effort to slowly touch it in the silt with his hand.

At that time, there were big crookednesses in the Jiuxiang River, big and big crookednesses. I once touched a big crooked, three or four pounds. The great crookedness in the water was like a big stone, heavy. When you take it out, you must hold it with both hands together to hold it.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

After touching the snail, touching the crooked, and washing almost in the bath, I carried the snail crooked and went home.

When I got home, I handed over the snail to my grandmother and played with it myself.

Before grandma burned the snail crooked, she first put a basin of water, put the snail crooked in the water for a night, and spit out dirty.

The next day, Grandma cut the tail of the snail, cut a few green onions, peeled a few cloves of garlic, cut a few slices of ginger, put some oil in the pot, the oil was spicy, put the onion ginger garlic into it and jumped, added water, added ingredients, and poured the cut snail into the pot and braised it.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

I asked Grandma why she had cut the snail's ass, and Grandma said that the snail's ass had intestines and dirty things, so it was necessary to cut it. In addition, the snail's ass was cut and burned up to taste.

When eating braised snails, take a toothpick, pick out the meat of the snails, dip some brine and eat, delicious.

Sometimes, Grandma would also boil the snails, pick out the snail meat with a needle, and fry the leeks, which was also delicious.

If you spit dirty, you can eat it. Before burning the crooked, first wash the crooked shell with water, put it in a washing basin, and then use a knife to split the crooked, remove the meat inside the crooked into the basin together with the juice, filter out the sediment, and simmer the soup. The juice inside the crooked is a good thing, fresh, and must not let it flow away in vain.

Qixia old thing: When I was a child, I touched snails in the Jiuxiang River and touched crooked (river mussels)

Crooked meat simmered soup, milky white, extra fresh. Crooked meat is not easy to rot, will not be made to make it unpalatable, eat to the mouth like chewing old beef tendons, chewing can not move, will do to make it is also delicious.

Snails are crooked and cool, and people with cold bodies should not eat them. Snails are not easy to digest and should not be eaten more.

At that time, a bunch of little dolls on our Qixia Street had touched the snails.

Later, our family was decentralized and left Qixia Street. I haven't touched a snail since.

I don't know, now there is no one in Qixia Street who is touching the snail in the Jiuxiang River and touching it crookedly. I don't know, now there are still no snails in the Jiuxiang River.

(The pictures used in this article are from the Internet, and I would like to thank the owner of the pictures!) If there is infringement, please contact me in time for the owner of the picture, I will delete it in time. )

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