
How to eat river mussels

author:JiuWu's eyes would smile
How to eat river mussels

As feed for feeding. For example, duck, it is said that duck eggs contain more oil, the taste is more fragrant, and the salted duck eggs from Weishan Lake are more delicious.

How to eat river mussels

Mussel meat stir-fried vegetable moss. Cut the processed mussel meat into about half a centimeter of slices, first add the mussel meat to the pot and stir-fry, wait for the spices to enter the mussel meat, commonly known as into the taste or flavor, and then add the moss to stir-fry, the time can not be too long, otherwise the moss rots, the taste will be discounted.

How to eat river mussels

Braised mussel meat, the processed mussel meat, cut into thick and even slices, fry in the oil pot, add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, ginger, wine and other ingredients (seasoning) continue to stir, to be flavored, put a small amount of water, boil a little stew, you can start the pot, ruddy color, intoxicating aroma, is a rare dish with wine.

How to eat river mussels

There are many other ways to eat river mussels, such as hot pots, dry pots, mussel meat stir-fried mustard greens, etc., the taste is very delicious. You can also innovate on your own, as long as you think of it, you can be full of happiness.

How to eat river mussels

Do river mussels two points to pay attention to, one can not cut the meat too thick, and the other if fried must be fried fiercely. The frying time should not be too long for 2 minutes, otherwise it will be as hard as beef tendon.

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