
"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

author:Speak up

In court, 12-year-old Zane sued his parents. The reason is simple: "Because they gave birth to me." ”

Because of the war, Zane's family immigrated illegally from Syria to Lebanon, and a family of 10 people, large and small, squeezed into this dilapidated house of less than 10 square meters.

In this society, they are poor, lowly, and difficult to survive, especially in a family with many brothers and sisters like Zane.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

12-year-old Zane has a maturity and understanding beyond his age, he did not go to school, every day he worked to earn money, helped the landlord carry goods, went to the street with his sister to sell juice, even stole things, helped people sell drugs.

In short, he does everything that earns money.

But he was only a child after all, and due to long-term manual labor, he was only as tall as a six-year-old child.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

One morning, Zane found blood on his sister's bed. He knew that it was his sister who was menstruating, and he hurriedly told his sister not to let his parents know, or they would marry her to the landlord's son.

He carefully washed his sister's blood-stained panties and took off his blouse to cushion her.

Zane also has a big brother who went to jail for drug trafficking. Every time he and his mother went to see big brother, they always crushed the drugs, melted them in water, soaked them in their clothes and took them to prison.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

The sister's affair was not hidden for long, the landlord finally carried a few chickens to buy his sister away, Zane desperately chased after it, and the sister still left.

Zane angrily questioned his parents, who only said that his 11-year-old sister was gone, and that she could eat enough to reduce the burden on the family.

Zane was so disappointed in the family that he decided to flee the family.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

He wanted to find a job that would support him, but who would want a small child?

Zane wandered to the playground, and he mischievously took off the blouse of a female sculpture, revealing two large breasts, and Zane looked at it as if revealing his desire for motherhood.

This scene is seen by Tigers, a black man working at the playground.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Tigers, like Zane, is an illegal refugee, and her boyfriend abandoned her and her unanheated son.

Tigers works in the playground restaurant on weekdays, and because of the illegal visa, she can only secretly put her son in the bathroom to breastfeed when she works, and after work, she puts the child in the trolley to buy groceries and takes it home.

The kind Tigers took Zane in, and during the day when she went out to work, Zane helped her take care of the children, and at night, Tigers would sneak back the leftover food from the restaurant.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Here, Zane experienced the warmth of home for the first time.

But the good times did not last long, Tigers was arrested for illegal visas, and soon, Zane and the child were also kicked out by the landlord.

Zane wandered around with his children, and he went to the relief office to get milk powder, snatched the children's skateboards, and converted them into a simple stroller with a pot.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

In this way, he took the baby who had lost his mother and lived on the street. Zane also thought about ignoring the child, he left the child on the side of the road, waiting for the well-meaning people to take him away, but no one reached out.

Zane couldn't bear it and could only continue wandering with his child.

Zane, in disappointment after disappointment, came up with the idea of leaving the country.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

The visa holder told him he could smuggle him to Sweden if he had saved enough $500.

Zane sold the child to the visa holder and began saving money.

Zane went home to get his identification and go on a visa. But when he returned home, he got the news that his sister had died in childbirth.

In a fit of rage, Zane took a knife and hacked the landlord's son to death, so Zane was also imprisoned.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

While serving his sentence, his mother visited him. The mother told Zane that although her sister was dead, they would have another child to replace her sister.

This news made Zane feel that his parents were so disgusting.

Is the child a substitute? They only care about birth, no matter what they raise, and the child born in this family is doomed to a tragic fate.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Zane called the radio station in prison and took his parents to court.

I want adults to listen to me, I want people who can't afford to support children, don't regenerate, I just remember violence, insults, beatings, chains, pipes, belts. The gentlest phrase I've ever heard was "Roll, you bitch son, you shit." ”

Zane complained about his parents' "crimes" in court, but the parents said that they had come this way since they were young, and they had no way to choose this place full of war and violence.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

At the end of the story, the police arrest the gang that issued false certificates, successfully rescued Tigers' son, and Zane also got his ID card, showing a long-lost smile.

This is a feature film produced by Lebanon, France and the United States, directed by Lebanese director Nadine Labaki and co-starring Zane Al Rafia and Yodanos Hiferro, and was released in Chinese mainland on April 29, 2019.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Based on true events, the film is more like a documentary about the hardships of children born under war with traditional notions of fertility.

The protagonist of the film, Zane, in order to escape the war in Syria, followed his family to Lebanon to become a refugee. He was discovered by the director in the slums of Beirut and became the protagonist of the film, and many of the stories in the film are his own experiences.

Eventually, Zane, with the help of the crew, came to live and study in Norway, where he wanted to go.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Every child is a gift from God to their parents, and when they come into this world, they are endowed with love and responsibility.

However, in reality, not everyone is worthy of parenthood, the mother abuses the child to death, the father rapes the biological daughter... Such cases of dehumanization have been playing out.

Recently, the divorce case of a post-90s couple has been on the hot search, because both are unwilling to raise their daughters, and the court will not approve their divorce.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

We often see many couples whose marriages have broken down fighting for custody of their children, but rarely do we see parents abandoning their children.

For such parents, no matter which party the child is sentenced to, it is estimated that he will not be happy. How can parents who think only for themselves take on the growth of a life?

Tian Yulan in the recent hit TV series "Xiao Shede" has always had conflicts with her in-laws because of the problem of giving birth to a second child. Both her husband and in-laws want her to have another child, but she is always reluctant because she thinks that they can no longer afford a child well with their abilities.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

In fact, her husband is a rich second-generation family, and he is fully capable of affording the arrival of a child. But Tian Yulan believes that since he has given birth to a child, he must give him the best.

Ziyou has made her exhausted, and then she is afraid that she can't bear it, through her cultivation of Ziyou, we can see that she is a very good mother, but there are some problems in the way of education.

Give the best to the child, this is the voice of many parents. Rich or poor, parents want to do their best to give their children the best thing.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Since you have chosen to become a parent, you must assume the responsibility of being a parent.

Don't give birth to a cute little life because of your own impulse of desire, but ignore it.

If each child could choose the family in which he was born, the world would not be abandoned by so many parents.

Children cannot choose where they come from, but parents can choose whether they treat their children with love or not.

"What a Home": An 11-year-old bride, a 12-year-old prisoner, whose birth is doomed to sinful and irresponsible childbearing is tantamount to murder

Please be fully prepared before choosing to become a parent, childbearing is not a game, it is not a momentary impulse, if you can't be responsible for your children, don't bring them into this world to suffer.

Finally, may every child be born out of love, may every child be treated tenderly by the world.

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