
Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

author:Xiaoqi Food Workshop
Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Don't steam the flour anymore, teach you to make shortbread, remember 2 key points, and come out of the pot one by one brushed as thin as paper. Flour to eat around, or breakfast cake is the best to eat, the production time is short, no need to make noodles, do not need to burn noodles, roll a roll of pressure for 5 minutes can make 4 sheets. Learn to have breakfast for the whole family without worrying.

Today I will share with you the new method of this shallot oil cake, not hot noodles or rolling noodles, out of the pot of crispy slag, bite is very satisfied, layers as thin as paper, hand tearing to eat more flavorful. Loved ones who like to eat might as well make it with me!

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Detailed production method

Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 2 g of salt, 200 ml of water. Shallot puff pastry: 3 spoons of flour, oil to taste, salt to taste, green onion to taste.

Step 1: Prepare all the materials. Put the flour in the washbasin, add salt to increase the gluten, pour water into the flour, and use chopsticks to stir into a dough without dry flour.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

The second step is to knead the dough together, when the dough is softer, you can beat it hard, and knead the dough smoothly, as shown in the picture.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 3: Divide the kneaded dough into evenly sized dough seeds, arrange it into a round ball, then knead it into a long strip, grease the surface, and put it in a bowl and cover it with a plastic bag for 30 minutes.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 4: Use the time of the noodles to make the shallot crisp, the thickness is moderate, put the flour into a small bowl, add salt, pour the hot oil on the flour, stir into a paste, add the cut green onion while the oil is hot, stir well.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 5: Take one piece of dough after cooking, grease the panel to prevent sticking, spread the noodles by hand, press the rectangle, put onion oil and spread well.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 6: Fold from one side to the inside, fold the long strip, the ductility of the face is very good, you can pull while folding inward.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 7: Lengthen the folded noodles, roll them up from one end, and roll them on the side, so that the layers are thick and thin, and the tail of the noodles is pressed under the agent.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 8: The same method to roll all the noodles into a potion, cover the bag for ten minutes, many friends asked me why the noodles can not be rolled open, because there is no noodles, or the time for the dumplings is not enough, the noodles are easy to open.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 9: Brush a little oil on the pan and adjust the function keys to the flapjack state.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 10: Put the dough into the cake bell, gently squeeze it into a round cake shape with the back of your hand, the middle of the cake is thin, the four sides are thick, I am looking at the shape of the master who sells the cake, looking at the cake is very thick, the layering is obvious. Brush the surface of the cake blank with oil, lock in the moisture of the cake, prevent drying, and close the lid for 2 minutes.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 11: Burn until the bottom of the cake is slightly yellow, turn over with a spatula, continue to burn, and burn the whole time over medium-low heat.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

Step 12, burn until the surface of the cake is golden yellow, the surface is crisp, with a hand to pinch the crisp slag, the layers are clear, to see if the effect of this cake is good, is not very appetizing.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

The above is to share everyone's oil swirl method, the skin is crispy, bite straight off the slag. Let's try it when you like to eat. If you have different opinions and suggestions about my recipe, you are welcome to leave a message below to share, leave a message, follow, and like it. Having your attention is the greatest support and encouragement for Xiaoqi cuisine.

Don't steam the steamed buns, teach you to make shortbread, remember the key 2 steps, each brush is as thin as paper

A few more words:

The noodles must be softer and beaten vigorously, so that the cake soft layers are more. The dough is good and malleable, and you can make bread without rolling pins. Turn over the pancakes more often to avoid drying out and affecting the taste.

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