
1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, pay attention to Ah Fei has more home cooking for your reference!

There are picky eaters at home, so we change the method to make some noodles for the children to their appetite. Seeing that the child should go back to school, usually at school on those few staple foods, at home during this time, make some children love to eat.

Once went to the supermarket to buy a filling of the puff pastry, think it is very delicious, the outside of the sale of shortbread should be baked in the oven, there is no oven at home, today we will try to fry out the peanut filling in the pan of shortbread, see how it tastes.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

【Detailed preparation of peanut pie】

Step 1: And noodles

We first and a little flour, a family of four 300 grams is enough to eat, 300 grams of flour poured into warm water, first stirred into the flour, stirred into the flour after pouring a little cooking oil, pour some cooking oil to make the cake crispy, and the noodles are not easy to stick to the hand.

Stir well and form the dough, cover with plastic wrap and wake up for a while.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Step 2: Make some puff pastry

To wake up the noodles, let's make a little puff pastry, 50 grams of flour, pour 70% of the hot oil on top of the flour, stir with chopsticks and pour in the hot oil. After stirring well, cool down, do not burn the hands, use the hands to form a puff pastry ball, but also wake up for a while.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Step 3: Make some peanut filling

Place the peanuts on the board and crush them with the back of a knife, add a little green beans, the peanuts and green beans are fried, and crush them in a bowl with the back of a knife.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Step 4: Make the pie blank

After 10 minutes, wake up the dough very smooth, remove the dough and put it on the board and knead it, knead the dough evenly and smoothly, roll into a long dough.

Then cut into dough seeds of the same size, take out the puff pastry, and roll the puff pastry into as many balls as the dough by hand.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a thin, even dough sheet and wrap it around the puff pastry balls, so that the mouth does not reveal the puff pastry. After wrapping it all up, let it loose for another 10 minutes to stretch the dough.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

After 10 minutes, take out the dough blank, roll it out with a rolling pin into a cow's tongue, roll it out, and roll it into a roll.

Wait a few minutes, take out the roll and repeat this operation. The dough that results in this is easy to layer and the dough will be crispy. After the second roll, we took out the prepared peanuts and green beans.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Roll out the dough to the size of a bun skin, dig up a spoonful of peanut crumbles and wrap it like a bun to wrap the dough very crispy, and gently press on the top of the board to form a round cake.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Use a small brush to brush a little water on the top layer of the cake, sprinkle a pinch of black sesame seeds or all white sesame seeds, sprinkle with black sesame seeds to garnish it, and gently press the black sesame seeds with your hand to make the black sesame stick more firmly.

Step 5: Fry in the pan

Remove the pan, brush it with a layer of vegetable oil, heat the pan and fry the dough on the pan. Put in the dough cake, just keep the heat low, too big a fire is easy to fry the cake off.

Fry slowly over low heat, wait until one side is brown, turn over and fry the other side, where the edge of the dough cake cannot be fried, use chopsticks to clamp the cake and heat it up, so that the dough cake should be evenly heated around. It is also gentle when standing up, this cake is very crispy, and the process lasts 5 to 6 minutes.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

Wait until both sides and around are fried until golden crisp, with a hand to pinch the crisp straight off the slag, you can take out the dough, if you are not sure whether it is cooked through and press on the top of the cake with your hand, you can quickly rebound is also cooked.

1 bowl of flour and 1 handful of peanuts, without noodles, make a crispy extreme peanut shortbread in a few minutes

I'm Ah Fei, thank you all for your support, we'll see you tomorrow!

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