
The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

author:Sun Zhengdao

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The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

This is the recipe I bought at a shortbread shop. The man at the bakery was a southerner. The shortbread was very tasty. Probably because of the price. Or didn't create visibility? Sales have been tepid. I've eaten it a few times and thought this shortbread was very tasty! After a few months of doing it he decided to go back to the South, while he was leaving. I bought his formula. This time has been at home for physical reasons, and it is a pity that good things are idle, so I will share it with you free of charge! Thank you for visiting and supporting it, click I pay attention to it, and there will be more dry goods to share in the future!

The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!


Shortbread is the representative of shaanxi local traditional snacks, delicious shortbread was founded in the Tang Dynasty, known as the "first point of Western Qin", for more than a thousand years, after several wars, enduring, has been passed down to this day.

The shortbread making technique is exquisite, and it goes through four processes: crispy, noodle, cake making and frying. characteristic

The color is white like jade, the crisp layer is clear, and the crisp pine is sweet and fragrant when eaten, and the oil is not greasy. 1, the preparation of puff pastry is an important part of the production of shortbread, puff pastry, water and oil noodles of oil, water, noodle ratio must be correctly configured, kneaded through the slightly placed for a while;

2, wrapped crisp, rolled noodles, puff pastry, small pieces of production is easier to master, but more troublesome, you can also take the "big package of puff pastry" method, that is, two large pieces of pastry and water and oil noodles, directly wrapped, rolled out (the same method of gown), made into large rolls, and then cut into small round cakes, rolled into shape;

3, roll out the cake blank, from the center to the surrounding gently push and roll, in order to keep the crisp layer clear and neat, roll out the billet, before frying to use a small towel to cover, in order to prevent dry cracking;

4, the frying oil should be clean, the pan should be away from the fire when frying, and the oil surface should be kept spinning to prevent the blank from sinking and scorching. Let me introduce it to you.

The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

How to make this shortbread.

raw materials. 20 pounds of noodles. 2 kg to 2.4 kg of sugar. Oil 4.4 kg. 9.2 pounds of water. Crispy 1 pound of noodles and half a pound of oil. Stuffing ~ 5 pounds of sugar 3 pounds of noodles 1 pound of water.

Peel ~ 1 pound of crispy eight two. Stuffing 20 g. The weight of the whole shortbread is 1.9 pairs

This shortbread was adjusted from two dollars a piece to five pieces. After some time, customers have begun to recognize this shortbread. Each shortbread has its own unique way of making it. The unique production method produces a very different taste. Even each time it is different, after many failures, I basically mastered its production method.

The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

For the first time. I give the proportion of water surface according to the recipe. The noodles found and are very thin. I added some dry flour to it. As a result, the shortbread tastes very different. The result is very good is to say that it was a mistake to hit it by mistake. One chef said after tasting it that it was the best shortbread he had ever eaten. (Practice out the true knowledge, after not finding the taste again, continue to find)

First of all, we put the reconciled noodles in the proportion of sugar and water. After reconciliation. Remove 1 pound. Then seal the eight two puff pastry wrapped in 1 pound of dough skin and wake up for 20 minutes. The rod is in the shape of a flatbread.

Then we and the stuffing. The proportion of stuffing is 5 pounds of sugar, 3 pounds of noodles, and 1 pound of water. Roll out the filling into small strips. Cut into four grams into small pieces and serve as filling. 1 pound of bread eight two crispy that woke up the dough. Roll out into a flatbread with a rolling pin. Then apply cooking oil. Roll up. Sideways. Cut from the middle. Press gently. Four small segments are grouped together. Fold it up. Fill with filling. The total weight of each weight is 1.9 taels

After wrapping the filling, be careful not to expose the filling when the rod is made into a small cake, and brush the oil with the electric cake bell. Heated on both sides. Add the pie preforms. Five to six minutes. The bread bulges (must bulge) to uncover the pan. Brush the oil on top. Cook in about 12 minutes. Large electric cake bell temperature setting. Around 130 degrees to 150 degrees. (The specific time temperature has been adjusted for a long time, and the memory is a bit fuzzy hehe)

The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

The art is endless, now this shortbread. There is still a lot of room for improvement and improvement. Like my click to follow. Welcome to leave a message below. We're together. Exchange and share.

Lots of classic food. It's all been done over and over again. Improvement again and again. Finally, it became its classic. Hopefully the next classic will be you. Come on!

The shortbread recipe was bought for four thousand dollars, and it is a pity that it is idle! Just pay attention!

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