
Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

author:Arbor cuisine
Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Hello everyone, I am Qiaomu, today I bring you a very delicious classic pasta: shallot oil shortbread, crispy and crispy, melting in the mouth, really quite good, Qiaomu's family is very fond of it, share it with friends today, let's enjoy the food together!

Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Ingredients: flour, green onion, white sesame seeds, salt, allspice powder, pepper powder, shrimp oil, cooking oil. Here to say, shrimp oil is very good, known as a universal condiment, do not know how to do friends, you can pay attention to arbor's previous videos or articles. There is nothing to say about other materials, they are all relatively common, and after they are ready, then let's officially start.

Directions: First of all, we wash the green onions (this is not a certain amount, like to eat more) wash, control the water, and then cut them into green onions for later.

Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Arbor used 500 grams of flour this time, adding the right amount of salt (about 5 to 10 grams, added according to people's tastes), pour in a little cooking oil (add cooking oil to bake the cake crispy and tender), and then pour an appropriate amount of cold water into half of the flour to stir, and pour boiling water into the other half of the flour (scalding noodles with boiling water is a small secret recipe, the noodles made are not hard, the rest is just as delicious), mix the flour well, mix into the flour without dry flour. Then knead these doughs into a smooth dough by hand, generally the kneaded dough will not stick to the hands, and then we wrap it with plastic wrap I just wrapped with the big bowl of noodles, and need to wake up for half an hour.

Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Take another container, pour in 60 grams of flour, 6 grams of salt, a little peppercorn powder, a little spice powder, and mix them well with chopsticks. Let's turn on the heat, after the pot is hot, pour the shrimp oil (about 150 grams) into it to heat, turn off the shrimp oil after boiling, then pour the shrimp oil into the dry powder that has just been mixed, brew these ingredients into a puff pastry, stir the puff pastry and set aside.

Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Take out the panel below, sprinkle some flour on it, and take out half of the noodles first, no need to knead it again to prevent tendons. Directly rub the dough into long strips, then divide into six small, evenly sized dough seeds, roll out the dough with a rolling pin, and roll out as thin as possible (about 25 cm in diameter). Spread the dough with puff pastry, pour some green onions, spread them evenly, and then roll them up from one side of the dough, stretching out while rolling them out, rolling them into a long strip. Roll up the strip from one end, place the last closing point on the bottom, and gently flatten it with your hands to form a small round cake. The other agents can be done the same, and the remaining half of the dough can be repeated and done.

Classic pasta shallot oil shortbread, know these tips, want to make it is not difficult at all!

Now we can turn on the heat, pour the right amount of oil into the pot, spread the oil well with a spatula, and we dip some water on the surface of the cake, put some white sesame seeds on it, and put it in the pot. Depending on the size of your pan bottom, you can put a few cakes at a time to fry, at this time you need to turn on the low heat, fry slowly, and pay attention to turning over more noodles. Fry both sides until golden brown and slightly charred (here the tree reminds you: the edge of the scallion oil cake is not easy to fry, you can paste the cake to the edge of the pan, so that the surrounding can also be fried), then it can be served, and the other remaining cakes can be repeatedly fried, so that a shortbread of shallot oil is made. The outside is crispy and tender, full of flavor, the special crisp is really delicious, very popular with the family! Well, then we will share here today, like friends, remember to give all the message forwards plus attention Oh, goodbye! The story of flour and shrimp oil meeting, after watching this video you will understand, why is it so fragrant!

Remarks: When making noodles, half of the noodles are made of cold water, and the other half is boiled water, so that the oil cake that comes out of this way will not harden when eaten.

Adding some cooking oil to the noodles also has a big effect, so that the cake is crispy and tender on the inside.

You can put some chicken essence and salt in the chopped green onions, which may taste even better!

When the pancake must be kept on fire, otherwise the skin is mushy and the inside is not yet cooked, which is embarrassing.

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