
What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

author:English station

Soon it is Teacher's Day, xiaobian left the school only to find out that in the years of school, the longest companion to us in addition to parents is the teacher.

No wonder writers also have a teacher complex and write so many teacher roles!

The teachers in those classic literary works have taught us too much

( Jane Eyre )

Charlotte Brontë, the name is not unfamiliar to everyone, she made a living from the job of a tutor for a while, art comes from life, and later Charlotte made the governess the heroine of her novel.

This is known as Jane Eyre, who is undoubtedly a positive female teacher who teaches Miss Adele, the adopted daughter of the manor's master, Mr. Rochester.

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

Jane Eyre and Adele teach daily

In terms of teaching level, Jane Eyre should be a good teacher, and when Adele met her, she found that the teacher could talk to her fluently in French, and the teacher-student relationship quickly became closer.

And when Rochester and Jane Ey confessed that Adele was the illegitimate son of a French dancer, Jane Eyre did not express disgust for this, but said to Rochester:

"How can I like the pampered darling of a rich man's family and not treat this lonely little orphan like a friend?"

Jane Eyre's most respectable place as a teacher is probably her attitude towards her students. She taught us that everyone is equal, whether poor or rich, whether of noble birth or humble, they all have the right to be respected and cared for.

(Mr. Keating)

There was a teacher who tore up the students' textbooks and led them to stand on the table.

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

Yes, the teacher who will probably be fired is Mr. Keating in Dead Poetry Society.

The other teachers are only responsible for teaching, he is responsible for educating people.

The young people in the audience, strictly adhering to the discipline of this old-fashioned school, the parents wanted them to become doctors, businessmen, lawyers, but Mr. Keating taught these young people to read poetry, he said:

we don't read and write poetry because it's cute. we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. and the human race is filled with passion. We read and write poetry not because they are fun, but because we are part of the human race, and human beings are passionate.

Later these young people who read the poems understood:

Mr. Keating tore up the textbook so that they could learn to break the shackles of thought.

Mr. Keating stood at the table so that they could learn to look at the world from a different perspective, to look at themselves.

Mr. Keating confirmed to us that a true teacher must first teach students how to pursue an independent personality and how to think independently.

(Miss Hanni)

When I watched "Matilda" when I was a child, I was particularly envious of Matilda's high IQ, and at the age of 4, she had already finished reading the family's books, and she learned arithmetic in the sixth grade, which she could calculate in five seconds.

When I grew up, I began to envy Matilda for having a good teacher, Miss Hanny, Matilda's business father and gambling mom were indifferent to her daughter, and only Miss Hanny knew her talent.

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

Ms. Hanny played by Albers Davis

Miss Hanny praised her as "an amazing special child" and believed that such a smart child should go to advanced classes to better realize her potential.

To be so recognized and praised by one's own teachers is probably the happiest thing to do as a student!

After reading this book, I kept telling myself: Have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery like Miss Hanny! Don't skimp on praise like Miss Hanny! In this way, there will definitely be more Matilda who finds her own shining point~

(Ms. Anne Sullivan)

I seem to be able to feel that she is the one who came to reveal the truth of the world to me and give me deep love—Teacher Anne Sullivan.

There was no light, no sound, the little girl Helen's childhood, silent and gray.

At the age of 6 years and 9 months, her parents hired a governess, Anne Sullivan, on March 3, 1887, and Helen later wrote in her autobiography that it was the most important day of her life.

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

Helen and Sullivan teachers

Teacher Sullivan gave Helen a doll, spelled the word "doll" in her palm, through this spelling game, she began to learn more words through touch, began to realize that everything in the world has its own name, began to be full of curiosity about the world around her, which is the beginning of Sullivan's successful teaching.

Knowledge is not only in books, but also in the world you live in, invisible to the eyes, to feel with the heart, this is probably the most important thing Sullivan teacher taught us.

(Albus Dumbledore)

Our Dumbledore has surpassed the teacher level and is the headmaster greatly!

The British Council once launched such a survey on the Internet, selecting the most ideal 50 teachers in the novel, and the old naughty boy Principal Dumbledore won the championship in one fell swoop!

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

As a generation that grew up watching Harry Potter, Dumbledore has long since transcended the category of a teacher in my mind, and he is a life mentor.

How to go forward in life, Principal Dumbledore probably will not say it directly, he will only tell you: learn to choose.

the performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important. It is our own choice to express our true selves, which is more important than the abilities we possess.

ps: This month 1 is exactly 19 years after the harry potter final chapter war, the harry family and the Weasley family sent their children to the King's Cross station platform 93/4, that is to say, Hogwarts school started, you received the admission letter

What have the teachers in the classic literature taught us? Jane Eyre, Dead Poetry Society, Matilda, If You Give Me Three Days of Light, Harry Potter

Do you have a favorite teacher? What have they all taught you? Remember to leave a message to share!


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