
The master of the boiled fish shop in Beijing announced the secret spice oil recipe

author:Meals create China
The master of the boiled fish shop in Beijing announced the secret spice oil recipe

Spicy reduction method of boiled fish and secret spice oil recipe

Sichuan's boiled fish or along the method of boiling meat, with Pixian watercress bottomed soup to boil fish fillets, and finally poured hot oil, while the northern boiled fish gradually abandoned Pixian watercress, water or oil blanched fish fillets, and then with a lot of hot oil to submerge the fillets, transparent hot oil under the fish fillets are clearly visible, white and pleasant.

Like all local dishes, the boiled fish in the north absorbs the method of making chili oil in the north, and the spiciness is certainly not as spicy as the boiled fish in Chongqing, Sichuan, especially the amount of chili pepper is reduced a lot, and it is replaced by a clear soup and spice-free oil that reduces spiciness. Northern boiled fish is mostly combined according to local cooking methods to adapt to the tastes of northerners.

Although Sichuan people have not quite understood why boiled fish will flourish outside of Sichuan, the practice of boiled fish in Beijing is now found in many large restaurants in Chengdu, and it is really fragrant outside the wall, and the central government will inevitably drive the locality. The success of boiled fish is not only the success of grassroots dishes becoming stars, but also the success of the collective lifestyle of diners, and it is all the food that loves boiled fish that has made this dish a culture and a national feast that can go down in history.

The master of the boiled fish shop in Beijing announced the secret spice oil recipe

To prepare the northern boiled fish:

Ingredients: 1 grass carp (or blackfish, weighing about 750 g).

Excipients: soybean sprouts 200 g.

Seasoning: 100 grams of dried chili peppers (cut into segments), 15 grams of peppercorns, 20 grams of Pixian bean paste (minced), 15 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of minced garlic, 10 grams of starch, 1 egg white, 10 grams of cooking wine, 6 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of sugar, 3 grams of pepper powder, 400 grams of clear soup.

Five-spice oil ingredients: 2 pieces of star anise, 5 grams of peppercorns, 10 grams of dried peppers, 1 piece of mountain chestnut, 1 piece of cinnamon, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, 500 ml of oil.


1. Slaughter the grass carp clean, wash, chop off the fins, cut off the fish head, close to the fish bone, the fish body meat slices, the fish skin under the slices, diagonally into a thickness of about 0.5 cm fillet, the fish chop into about 5 cm long pieces, the fish head cut in half.

2. Combine the fillets and steaks with cooking wine, starch and 1/2 egg white and 3 grams of salt and marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Make five-spice oil, this oil will make boiled fish particularly fragrant, you can make more, usually mixed with vegetables. Put the oil in the pan, put the star anise, peppercorns, dried peppers, mountain chestnuts, cinnamon and fragrant leaves into the pot, heat over low heat until the spices are brownish brown, remove the spices, and set aside the five-spice oil.

4. Boil hot water in a pot, add 3 grams of salt, add bean sprouts to blanch, control the water and spread on the bottom of a deep basin to set aside.

5. Heat the wok, put in 35 grams of spiced oil to heat, put in the chopped Pixian watercress stir-fry incense, add dried pepper segments, peppercorns, minced garlic, ginger slices stir-fry, add fish heads and fish steaks and stir-fry evenly, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, pepper to taste, stir-fry together, fry until the fish changes color, add clear soup (or boiling water), no fish meat, after the high heat is boiled, put the marinated fish fillets into pieces, spread them with chopsticks, turn off the heat after the fish fillets are cooked and discolored, and then pour the fish fillets and soup together into the deep basin where the bean sprouts are laid.

6. Wash the pot, pour the remaining spice oil into (the amount of oil to cover the fillets prevails, according to the size of the container to determine the amount of oil), when burning to 50% heat, put in the remaining dried pepper segments and peppercorns, use a low heat to fry out the aroma of peppers and peppercorns, pay attention not to fry paste, turn off the heat when the color of the pepper changes slightly, and pour the hot oil on the fillets.

The master of the boiled fish shop in Beijing announced the secret spice oil recipe

●Secret spice oil:

Wash the spices (cumin 65 grams, 10 grams of spirit grass, 25 grams of sand kernels, 40 grams of mountain chestnut, 5 grams of cloves, 20 grams of drainage, 2 grass fruits, 35 grams of fragrant leaves) with boiling water, control the water, and 350 grams of green peppercorns, 350 grams of safflower peppercorns, 200 grams of cumin grains, 500 grams of green onions and ginger slices together into 30% hot mixed oil (5 kg of cooked vegetable oil and salad oil), simmer for 80 minutes, and filter after soaking for 1 day from the fire.

The specific method of secret boiled fish:

1. Grass carp net meat 800 grams into large pieces, rinse the blood water, use a towel to dry the water, add marinade fish ingredients (10 grams of refined salt, 20 grams of rice wine, 1 egg white, 2 grams of high elasticity, 50 grams of sweet potato wet starch) Marinate for 30 minutes.

2. 50 grams of salad oil under the pot, 20 grams of stir-fried dried chili pepper shreds, 8 grams of peppercorns, 150 grams of soybean sprouts and lettuce strips, add refined salt, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sugar and fry until eight ripe, put into the pot.

3. Boil 500 grams of boiling water in the pot, add 10 grams of rice wine, cook the fish fillets on high heat for 5 seconds, fish out, put them on the bean sprouts in the pot, sprinkle 60 grams of dried chili peppers, pour 500 grams of secret spice oil that is burned to 70%, and after serving, the waiter will first scoop out the chili peppers and peppercorns to eat. Boiled fish is not black, mainly the selection of pepper is the most critical. Our Chuanfulou Hotel uses a kind of dried red pepper commonly known as "bullet head" to make boiled fish. It is a dried fresh product collected before and after the autumn, at this time the pepper is long, thick flesh, fresh color, few seeds, spicy and sweet, the best quality, boiled in high temperature red oil will not become black and scorched.

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