
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

author:Beijing Foodie Squad

This article was originally written by the Beijing Foodie Squad (id: bjchihuo).

A fish-eating shop can eat everything at 30 meters per person

The minimum price of small dishes is less than 10 yuan, and the dessert drinks are all boiled by themselves

A little later, I will queue up to get in, and I want to eat early

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

I thought it was just a fish, but I walked into a small cute shop, full of cute stores to promote appetite and full of points.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The storefront is cute, but the food is not confused, and in the open kitchen, all the cooking process diners can watch by themselves. Each serving of fish is cooked to order in a single pot.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

There are small drawers under each table, and the tableware is self-help, so set it up and prepare it!

Here the fish single starting point, there are tomato, sauerkraut, pepper and hemp flavor, fish can choose the meat thick and tender basa fish or meat shell skin fragrant blackfish, different flavors and fish species free collocation, the average price of 30 yuan can eat Oh!

Sauerkraut small fish

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The birth of each sauerkraut fish begins with boiling bone broth: the thick white soup of the stick bone chicken rack is boiled on the base, the steamed sauerkraut slices and sauerkraut sauce are added with chicken fat, and then the fish fillets are boiled, and finally the hot oil is fried with fragrant peppercorns, and the steaming is poured on the fish fillets.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Fish meat can choose bara fish or black fish fillet, barasa fish meat is thick and spineless, black fish is more fragrant. Sauerkraut is the essence, sliced and rinsed after being fried in chicken fat and then steamed, the sour taste is not too salty.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Each serving of fish can be added for an additional fee."

Fish Companion "Oh, 2 yuan a piece, like anything to add to it!"

Peppercorn ayu

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Spicy with a prominent pepper flavor, this one is very compatible with blackfish! The red oil is very fragrant but not so spicy, and the acceptance is very high.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Fish fillets have no thorns, spicy flavor, you must order a bowl of rice to match, remember to pour some spicy sauce on the rice, open the grill freely.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

This one itself has wide flour, luohan shoots and bean sprouts, plus fresh bean skin and konjac shreds, and the spicy oil sucks a foot.

Flower flower tomato fish

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Tomato soup base with fat basa fish, tomato flavor is thick to the mouth, fish fillets into the flavor also with tomato juice.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Be careful with the fish, the thick tomato soup base adds resistance to the fish meat, and it will break off if you are not careful. The soup base made of 10 pounds of tomato boiled out of 1 pound of tomato sauce is not ordinary, and you can also see large pieces of tomato meat, which are sour and sweet.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

This one itself comes with tender tofu and large tomatoes, plus a little baby cabbage and small fungus, and the soup is superb.

2 seconds back to Chongqing's imposters and chutney powder bloody

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

A large bowl of blood, churning with red oil, came up.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Feel the impostor 4duai~, is it too much to put in the ingredients that are most suitable for spicy mouths.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Blood is the highlight, duck blood knows the quality as soon as it is eaten, tough and crisp, not sticky, and the spiciness is also sufficient.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Lunch meat is how many friends' favorite, bad, want to add rice again.

Three fresh vegetarian assortment

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Eat more heavy bites, come to the evening bone broth vegetarian mixed bar, no excess seasoning, the soup base is mellow bone broth with a little lard and salt, the dish is more flavorful.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Each vegetarian assortment contains eight kinds of seasonal vegetables, and the bone broth is even more delicious after blessing.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The broth base plus the fresh juice of vegetables, there is no miscellaneous spice flavor, pure want to take a straw to drink.

Chutney powder

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Chutney powder is also a bone broth base, pure sweet potato flour shipped from Chongqing plus minced peanuts and rice and fish spring squeezed vegetables, and then blessed with secret recipe sauce, and finally poured with homemade chili oil that is fried first and then fried, and it is necessary to drop it when it is hot and flavorful.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Mixing while it is hot and sucking in the hot air is the greatest respect for a good bowl of chutney powder.

The shop only sells these six kinds of side dishes, a plate of vegetarian 6 yuan, and a plate of 12 meat.

Peanuts saliva chicken

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The boneless chicken is piled into a small drum bag, buckled in red oil, and the chicken skin is thin and tender, which can be seen by the naked eye. Cute looking, the taste is indeed the traditional taste of Sichuan, the child chicken that has not been in love, is cooked by white water spices and then ice water, and the meat is tender and smooth and then dipped in spicy sauce.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

After eating the chicken, the small fungus and peanuts below are also tasteful to pick and eat.

Sichuan-flavored sausage

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The sausages shipped from Sichuan are so spicy that it is an authentic, and when served, they are heated, and the place where the skin is oily and fragrant.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

There are more crispy peanuts buried under a pile of sausages, which is a good dish to drink.

Sweet radish sauce

Inconspicuous little turnips, slightly wrinkled, the color of the sauce has seeped into every corner.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

The bite is crisp and sweet, with a faint sauce aroma, and it is not heavy.

Lemon love cucumber / tea oil black fungus / simmer to mix crispy diced lotus

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Refreshing three heroes, cucumbers marinated with lemon slices, is a taste that girls will like, fungus crispy class ~ lotus pepper choking taste is very full.

Caramel bean blossoms

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Coagulated soy milk pudding is squeezed on the spot with caramel juice.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Tender no, with a spoon kuai is a wrong demonstration, this only with a straw sucking can be done ~

Brown sugar peach blossom tears

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Thick brown sugar peach blossom tears are the favorite of girls, a collection of peach gum, soap horn rice, white ear collagen three hegemons.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Soap horn rice is more chewy than peach gum, soft and elastic.

Chuanbei Sydney pear soup & grapefruit pepper water

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough
A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Such a big battle, it was just to boil a pot of Sichuan shell Sydney pear water, and the large pressure cooker pressed for two and a half hours, and then filtered to get the juice.

A person can also eat boiled fish! 30 yuan is enough

Grapefruit pepper water is also super personality, Chongqing shipped red grapefruit juice soaked in green peppercorns, no hemp taste lack of more fragrance, grapefruit juice is also sweet and luscious, not bitter or astringent!

Shop name: Yu is Hu

Address: No. 69 Fuxing Road Courtyard No. 2 Huaxi live.hi-up West District B1 floor


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