
"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

"Chinese Restaurant 3" this variety show, since the beginning of the broadcast has been very popular with everyone, in the latest program, Chinese restaurant will usher in the largest order since the opening of the store - Chinese engagement banquet! Since it is a wedding banquet, the team members perform their duties and work together to prepare for the upcoming banquet, and Chef Lin has taken pains to prepare for the engagement banquet this time, the main dish, cold dish, dessert, staple food, etc. are carefully selected, osmanthus sugar root, sweet and sour ribs, Song sister-in-law fish soup, hibiscus colorful chicken cubes, Cantonese-style lychee beef ribs, etc. Make people salivate, but also get unanimous praise from everyone, especially this osmanthus sugar root, not only good looking and delicious, but also meaning long and long, Expressed good wishes for foreign newcomers.

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

Osmanthus sugar root, also known as osmanthus glutinous rice root, is a unique dish in the Jiangnan region, not only because of its sweet glutinous and enjoys word of mouth, but also because of its efficacy and nutritional value and is popular. Eating some glutinous rice root in moderation in autumn and winter also has a certain health effect on women and children. Today we will reproduce chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus method, like sweets relatives may wish to try oh, soft glutinous sweet, delicious and not greasy.

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

【Ingredients】: 2 lotus root, 1/2 bowl of glutinous rice, 1 small bowl of brown sugar, 30 grams of rock sugar, 2 teaspoons of red yeast powder (or 15 grams of red yeast rice), sugar osmanthus flowers to taste

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

【Method】: 1, first soak the glutinous rice for more than 1 hour in advance, soak the glutinous rice after soaking it well, drain the water, and then rub the rice with your hands to rub the rice grains;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

2. Peel the lotus root and cut it at the widest part of the lotus root front;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

3, grab a little glutinous rice on the lotus root, and then use another hand to rub the glutinous rice into the lotus hole, put the glutinous rice several times and then use chopsticks to insert each hole, gently compact, but also do not too tight, when cooking will expand;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

4, after the glutinous rice is filled, close the joint head of the lotus root that was cut before, fix it with several toothpicks, and be sure to insert it tightly, because when the glutinous rice is boiled, the swelling will push the lid out;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

5, add enough water to drown the lotus festival in the pot, add brown sugar and rock sugar, and red yeast powder (in the program, Chef Lin put red yeast rice, I am powdery, the purpose is to make the lotus root more colorful, there is no can not put)

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

6, put in the lotus root, boil on high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 1 and a half to 2 hours, in the process of boiling to turn over, to prevent sticky pan;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

7, after boiling the lotus root section color will become dark red, very beautiful;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

8. Let it cool slightly and slice it;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

9. Pour the soup of sugar osmanthus flowers and boiled lotus root, and finish;

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good

Such a osmanthus sugar lotus is ready, sweet and sticky, with the taste of osmanthus flowers! Seeing that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, the glutinous rice root is served as a cold dish, sweet and warm, and I believe that the whole family will like it.

"Chinese Restaurant 3" Chef Lin's osmanthus sugar lotus, soft and sweet, nutritious and delicious meaning is good


1. When buying lotus, try to choose a lotus root with complete ends and a fat body, so as to ensure that the middle of the lotus hole is not dirty, and the glutinous rice is poured in.

2, the amount of sugar with their own taste to put, brown sugar a little more, can make the lotus color more ruddy. A little more rock sugar, a little more sweetness.

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