
How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

author:Kunming food table
How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

Regarding the origin of Xuanwei ham, there is still no conclusive conclusion, the old record records that Qing Yongzheng set up Xuanwei Pass in the fifth year, and the object was named after the place, that is, "Xuanwei ham". However, it is truly famous thanks to Zhuo Lin (Deng Xiaoping's third wife) father Pu Zaiting , who founded the firm in the early 20th century , and was given the title of "Drink and Food Virtue" by Sun Yat-sen, making Xuanwei ham more widely known.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

In 2010, Sherwin-Williams ham making techniques were listed as "National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project". Sherwin-Williams ham can be eaten in a variety of ways, steamed, boiled, stir-fried or used as an accessory, and aged legs can also be eaten raw. The eating method is to cook the food first, generally with the whole or large pieces of cooking, pay attention to the slow simmering, and then take out the slices from the soup before eating, the most flavorful.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

Xuanwei ham, one of the famous specialties of Yunnan Province, is known for its unique flavor and is comparable to Zhejiang Jinhua ham, and is well-known at home and abroad. Xuanwei ham, named after the production in Xuanwei County. Its main characteristics are: shaped like a pipa, only large bones, thin skin and thick fat and moderate; cut section, rich aroma, bright color, lean flesh is bright red or rose color, fat meat is milky white, bones are slightly peachy, as if the blood is still moisturizing. Its quality is excellent, enough to represent Yunnan ham, so it is often called "cloud leg".

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?
How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

First, after the whole pig is peeled, the parts need to be separated one by one. The shape of the hind legs is particularly important, the large ones are pipa-shaped, and the small ones are shaped into willow leaves.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

Second, the horse gang accompanied the ancient road all the way, telling the vicissitudes of history. Help Sherwin-Williams Ham go global.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

Third, after the cooked Xuanwei ham is sliced, the lean meat is red like fire, and the fat meat is crystal clear.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

Fourth, after the air drying is more than 10 months of fermentation process, the surface of the matured ham is like wearing a green robe.


1, Ujin pig: The raw materials of Xuanwei ham are selected from the hind legs of the local traditional pig breed Ujin pig, with "long hoof small femur, thin skin and thick meat head".

2, washing the New Year pig: Xuanwei people generally kill the New Year pig before the first year of frost to the following year Lichun, with an iron pot boiling water to wash and scrape pig hair, so Xuanwei people often call the slaughter of new year pigs "washing pigs".

3, under the ham: the shape of the hind legs is particularly important, the large one is repaired into a lute shape, and the small one is repaired into a willow leaf shape.

4. Trimming and shaping: when the fresh legs are salted for the first time, they need to shave the pig hair, remove the broken bones and oil skin, and pull the shape.

5. Salting: When salting, start from the hoof shell and go up against the pores, from the skin to the meat and rub repeatedly.

6, stacking and turning: after the salting of the ham after a period of pressure to drain the blood stasis.

7, catch salt: ham stacking after a period of time needs to be re-rubbed with salt, commonly known as catching salt.

8, hanging air drying: to strictly control the indoor temperature and humidity, to create a good environment for ham fermentation and fungal growth.

9, three needles of incense: when testing ham, use bone needles or bamboo needles to insert in three specific parts, draw needles and sniff, three needles of incense for the top product.

10. Burn ham: Before eating Sherwin-Williams ham, it is necessary to burn with an open fire to remove odor.


How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

【General secret】Wearing a green robe, the flesh is tender and red, and the three stitches are fragrant.

How much do you know about the well-known Sherwin-Williams ham?

On this basis, we must: one look, two looks, three questions, four smells, and five tastes.

A look: look at the size, choose 10 kilograms of size, too large if the fat is too small, then lose more.

Second look: look at the color source, the lean meat at the incision is red or rose red, and the fat and lean part of the oil is moist.

Three questions: ask the source, basalt mountain ham is pollution-free, out of good legs.

Smell the incense, use a bamboo stick, in the upper part of the head knife, the middle of the middle knife, the lower part of the side knife to smell the incense.

Five tastes: taste, raw leg slices in the mouth, fresh and fragrant, tender and sweet, endless aftertaste.


One is stir-frying, fried ham with dried pepper, fried ham with green pepper, fried ham with tempeh, stir-fried ham with pickles, chicken with potatoes with ham and so on.

The second is stewed soup, with cabbage, pumpkin tips, potatoes, taro, fresh bamboo shoots and so on.

The third is to make dim sum, cloud leg mooncakes, Andian-style mooncakes.

Fourth, when steaming rice, directly slice the ham, cover it with rice, and steam it with the rice.

Kunming Food Station, Compilation of China National Geographic

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