
The "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand was released in Nanjing

author:Qujing Pearl River Network

From October 23 to 25, 2021, the "2021 National Agricultural Business Interconnection and Rural Revitalization Production and Marketing Docking Conference" hosted by the Circulation Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce and undertaken by the People's Government of Lishui District of Nanjing was held in Nanjing Baima Agricultural International Expo Center.

Xuanwei Municipal People's Government organized relevant departments and 6 enterprise representatives to participate in the exhibition, and with the help of the conference platform to hold the "Sherwei Ham" regional public brand conference in Xuanwei City, making full use of the advantages of the large flow of people during the conference, through the exhibition and sale of "Sherwin-Williams Ham", promote the "Sherwin-Williams Ham" brand, so that more domestic and foreign merchants know Xuanwei and understand The Sherwin-Williams Ham.

The "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand was released in Nanjing
The "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand was released in Nanjing
The "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand was released in Nanjing

At the press conference, Yu Hongmei, vice chairman of the Sherwin-Williams Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, delivered a speech, focusing on the long history, cultural inheritance, honors obtained and the standardization of Sherwin-Williams ham, hoping that the exhibitors could walk into Sherwin-Williams and personally feel the hospitality of the people of Sherwei and the fragrance and sweetness of Sherwin-Williams ham. Li Yuan, Secretary-General of the Digital Village Research Center of Zhejiang Digital Economics Association, made a comprehensive interpretation from the aspects of brand value, connotation, image and brand development of Sherwin-Williams Ham in his subsequent speech, which enhanced the participants' awareness of the "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand. The scene also played the Sherwin-Williams ham promotional film, which showed the brand value and charm of "Sherwin-Williams Ham" in an all-round way from the aspects of inheritance, ingenuity, quality and industrial development vision of Sherwin-Williams ham. Finally, An Baojun, deputy director of the Circulation Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce, Li Yuan, secretary general of the Digital Village Research Center of the Zhejiang Digital Economics Association, Yu Hongmei, vice chairman of the Xuanwei Municipal CPPCC Committee, Fu Wenxi, director of the Xuanwei Ham Industry Center, and Xu Mei, deputy director of the Xuanwei Municipal Bureau of Commerce, jointly touched the LED screen and officially launched the "Sherwick Ham" regional public brand.

In recent years, The Sherwin-Williams Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach great importance to the long-term development of the Sherwei ham industry, and the "Sherwin-Williams Ham" regional public brand has launched an important measure to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of Sherwin-Williams ham, which will effectively enhance the image of Sherwin-Williams ham products, improve the added value of products, and boost the development process of "one county and one industry" in Xuanwei City. In the next step, Xuanwei City will combine the follow-up construction of e-commerce into rural comprehensive demonstration projects, take the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as the general starting point, comprehensively promote "e-commerce into the countryside", focus on shaping the regional public brand image of "Xuanwei Ham" agricultural high-quality products, and guide the production and operation entities of Xuanwei City to take the "branding, standardization and networking" development model; at the same time, accelerate the pace of rural e-commerce development in Xuanwei City, help rural revitalization, and provide strong support for the economic development of Xuanwei City.

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