
Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

author:Cool cool guy

Ham is made with salt and various spices on the hind legs of fresh earth pigs. Smoked, fermented, dried, cellared. It is time that bestsore food for us, and it is also the embodiment of the wisdom of the ancient working people for food storage.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

The famous Jinhua ham, produced in The Jinhua region of Zhejiang Province, is the representative of Chinese ham, also known as huohuo, known as color, fragrance, taste, type, and benefit. Jiangnan chefs use mostly hanging soup, not much to discuss.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Today I want to talk about another legendary existence, Yunnan ham. Yunnan ham out of Xuanwei, Xuanwei ham can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, has a long history, it is said that Dr. Sun Yat-sen has written an inscription for it, which shows that the reputation is great.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

The finished Xuanwei ham is bright in color, fragrant, shaped like a pipa, fat and thin, excellent quality, is the best of ham, also known as "cloud leg"

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Sherwin-Williams ham has won the gold medal of the Panama Exposition, and it is 1915, one of the three famous legs in China, Sherwin-Williams ham must have its unique features for a long time, first of all, depending on the geographical location of Yunnan Xuanwei, followed by the breed of pigs, the same process, how other regions can not do the taste of Sherwin-Williams ham, the secret of Sherwin-Williams ham is also related to the particularity of geography and ingredients.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

The first time I saw Xuanwei ham was in China on the tip of the tongue, the two fathers and sons carried the best ham meat, the father taught his son to pickle, in the village salt well to bring a large grain of coarse salt, evenly smeared on the ham meat, the father's strict teaching and the son's humble learning, but also let this Yunnan famous dish be better inherited.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Xuanwei ham is eaten in a variety of ways, mostly stir-fried, steamed, and boiled. Even more than two years of Sherwin-Williams ham can be eaten raw, which shows how excellent the quality is.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Casserole stew ham is a favorite way to eat in Yunnan, ham cut into pieces, plus bamboo shoots or kidney beans, plus ginger, cooking wine, white pepper, do not add too much seasoning, slowly simmer over low heat, the finished product is fragrant, fresh and delicious.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Chili tempeh stir-fried ham is also an indispensable delicacy for Yunnan people, ham is cooked, part of the salt is removed, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, tempeh garlic slices and peppers are fried, it is simply delicious in the world.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

Yunnan, this ancient and magical land, has bred too many beautiful scenery and cuisine. And Xuanwei ham is the embodiment of the wisdom and diligence of the working people in Yunnan, Xuanwei became famous for ham, ham has also become the most famous cultural symbol of Xuanwei, I hope that Xuanwei people will carry forward the food of ham, the hometown of ham is China's highest evaluation of Xuanwei.

Xuanwei ham, the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Yunnan, is the treasure of Chinese cuisine

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