
Help the rural industry! Xuanwei ham, Longshan lilies and other characteristic agricultural products appeared at the Agricultural Fair

author:Mobile phone and news network

From December 24th to 27th, the China International Agricultural Products (000061) Trade Fair Production and Marketing Docking and Poverty Alleviation Area Agricultural Brand Promotion Activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Event") sponsored by the Department of Market and Information Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was held in Guangzhou, and more than 10,000 kinds of characteristic agricultural and sideline products from all over the country were gathered and exhibited at the event, covering fruits, vegetables, grain and oil, aquatic products, livestock and poultry, sugar and wine, tea, digital agriculture and other categories, attracting many buyers and ordinary citizens to come to the event.

The activities are divided into categories, and a number of theme pavilions have been set up, including the "National Rural Revitalization Key Help County Theme Pavilion", "Smooth Circulation, Docking Production and Marketing, Science and Technology Empowerment, Rural Revitalization Theme Pavilion" and so on. Among them, the "National Rural Revitalization Key Help County Theme Pavilion" built by the representative of Internet enterprises "Pinduoduo" has attracted wide attention. In August this year, the Central Rural Work Leading Group Office and the State Rural Revitalization Bureau announced the list of 160 national rural revitalization key assistance counties, at this event Pinduoduo actively responded to the call, providing free participation opportunities for more than 400 agricultural enterprises from 160 key rural revitalization counties, Xuanwei ham, Yanyuan apple, Wuxi bacon, Duyun tea, Zaoshui fungus, Qinghai Lake yak milk and other agricultural and sideline products with local characteristics were included.

<b>Take the e-commerce East Wind, special cuisine to the whole country</b>

Subject to problems such as output, sales model, marketing and publicity, local characteristic agricultural and sideline products often face difficulties in production and marketing docking, and the emergence of Pinduoduo has alleviated the problem of production and marketing docking of characteristic agricultural and sideline products to a certain extent.

"From the mountains to the cities, it is not easy to sell agricultural products well. Later, Pinduoduo appeared, and the support for agricultural products was great, and I did not expect that a small cake would explode on the line. Sherwin-Williams ham producer Wang Weiyi said.

As a representative of Xuanwei ham manufacturers, Wang Weiyi is very fortunate to be able to seize the outlet of e-commerce in the tide of the times, "e-commerce has brought huge development space to niche agricultural products, and now Xuanwei ham has been served on the table of the people of the whole country." ”

Wang Weiyi is an authentic Xuanwei person, watching his grandfather make Xuanwei ham from childhood, and he knows the production process of ham very well - "Fresh legs are cut and shaped, without special additives, only smeared with salt, and after stacking, pressing, washing, drying, fermentation and other steps, in order to get delicious ham." ”

After graduating from college, Wang Weiyi simply started the business of Xuanwei ham. At the beginning, it was a model of small family workshops producing and selling themselves, with a production of only a few tons. In 2005, Wang Weiyi transformed into an e-commerce company, and production and sales increased, but because the product was too niche, there was no explosive order until a cloud leg cake was launched in Pinduoduo.

Wang Weiyi introduced that the traditional cloud leg mooncake in Yunnan was initially sold, and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, no one bought it, so it was renamed cloud leg cake and ham crisp, removing the holiday attributes, and the products can be sold all year round. But this is not the main reason for the explosion. Wang Weiyi analyzed the background data of Pinduoduo and found that compared with products with large heads and strong satiety, current consumers prefer snack-based snacks. The original cloud leg cake weighs about 100g, one is not in line with the current consumption preferences, and the other is that the unit price is higher and it is not easy to trigger consumption behavior. After research, Wang Weiyi decided to improve the cloud leg cake. He first reduced the grammage of cloud leg cakes to 30g/piece, and then developed a variety of flavors of small cakes such as egg yolk and mushrooms according to consumer preferences.

In addition, because it is self-produced and sold, cutting off the link of middlemen to earn the difference, the price of cloud leg cakes is reduced by 35%, and a single cake is less than 1.5 yuan.

The improved cloud leg cake not only has a lower unit price, covers a wider range of consumer groups, and has more choices, but also quickly became a hit of Pinduoduo, sold throughout the country, and has sold more than 200,000 units so far.

<b>Innovation stimulates consumption, and agricultural and sideline products look for new possibilities</b>

Not only Xuanwei ham, under the support of Pinduoduo, more and more local agricultural and sideline products have entered the public vision, and Longshan County Lily is one of them.

Longshan County is rich in lilies, but because it is located in the northwestern border of Hunan, lilies are not well sold. "My father used to carry lilies and walk more than a dozen miles to the county seat. Later, unwilling to let foreign merchants control the sales channels, he went to Shanghai with his friends and opened up the sales channels in East China. Zhang Yi, a young man from Xiangxi who was born in 1998, said.

Zhang Yi just graduated from college last year and began to assist his father in selling lilies after graduation.

Although his father opened up the sales channels in East China, Zhang Yi felt that he could not stop here, he wanted to open up the line and broaden the sales channels of Longshan Lily.

After some preliminary preparations, Zhang Yijia's Longshan County Lily went online to Pinduoduo, and he himself sold goods live in Pinduoduo to explain the eating method and efficacy of lilies to netizens. Face-to-face communication with consumers not only brought Zhang Yi nearly 10 million sales, but also collected many product improvement opinions, such as canceling plastic film, switching to breathable cartons, and avoiding lilies being stuffed in the summer. These opinions are applied to subsequent products, which increase consumer satisfaction, which in turn promotes sales and forms a virtuous circle.

Like Wang Weiyi, in the process of selling lilies, Zhang Yi also discovered more current consumer demands and developed a series of lily-related ready-to-eat products such as lily noodles.

Zhang Yi said: "Many domestic brands have strong product innovation and rely on insight into users to create differentiated products. In 2020, in addition to fresh lilies, lily nutritious noodles were launched in my Pinduoduo store. At the same time, lily powder similar to soy milk and sesame paste is being developed, which can be eaten when brewed in boiling water and can cover more consumer groups. ”

With the emergence of positive feedback from the innovation of characteristic agricultural and sideline products, more and more new farmers are gradually realizing the importance of analyzing consumer needs and improving products.

Product innovation has led to a surge in sales of cloud leg cakes, and has also stimulated Wang Weiyi's enthusiasm for improving Sherwin-Weiwei ham. Xuanwei ham is a national intangible cultural heritage, but also one of China's "three famous legs", thin skin and thick flesh, large bones, delicious taste and other characteristics make Xuanwei ham famous, but the ordinary Xuanwei ham is large, the unit price is high, consumers need to carry out additional treatment after getting it, various factors lead to Sherwin-Wei ham sales are more general. Wang Weiyi improved Xuanwei ham in response to these problems.

At this exhibition, Wang Weiyi brought the newly developed cooked ham, which weighs only 10 grams per package, which is not only convenient to eat, the unit price is low, but also fits the consumption habits of consumers who prefer small snacks.

In addition, according to Wang Weiyi, he has set up a research and development team, and the follow-up will develop various products based on platform data, hot words, etc., as well as young people's preferences.

The innovation of agricultural and sideline products with local characteristics is not limited to product research and development, and the improvement of the industrial chain and the further improvement of the processing level are also an innovation. As a representative of the exhibitors in Gonghe County, a key county in Qinghai Province, Ma Jinxiu, the relevant person in charge of Qinghai Xuefeng Yak Dairy Co., Ltd., said that in recent years, the company has cooperated with the research and development teams of well-known universities such as Gannong University and Harbin Institute of Technology to improve the scientific and technological content of products and carry out deep processing. Create a plateau special milk industry chain covering planting, breeding, raw milk procurement, cooperative standardization, scientific breeding and epidemic prevention testing in agricultural and pastoral areas, enhancing scientific research and development and deep processing, efficient storage and transportation of cold chain, and from source to shelf. It is understood that since last year, the sales of Qinghai Lake brand yak fresh milk, Tibetan yogurt and other products on Pinduoduo have become more and more popular, and the fans of its official flagship store have increased by nearly 10 times.

<b>To help alleviate poverty, we will start from the cloud spelling of pinduoduo farmland</b>

Since its inception, Pinduoduo has created the "Farmland Cloud Spelling", which provides long-term stable orders for agricultural cooperatives and family farms by aggregating the scattered and temporary needs of consumers; reduces the circulation links in the middle, so that farmers have a greater say in the pricing of agricultural products.

Driven by the "farmland cloud spelling" model, as of December 1 this year, the sales volume of more than 100,000 agricultural products on the Pinduoduo platform reached more than 6,000, an increase of 43% year-on-year. More than 50 agricultural products with more than 1 million single sales have been sold. The order volume of landmark agricultural products such as Yanyuan apple, Huili pomegranate, Gannan navel orange, Wuming wo citrus, and Hairy crab in Gucheng Lake achieved a year-on-year increase of 180%-200%.

Now, The small family workshop of Xuanwei ham manufacturer Wang Weiyi has been upgraded to a professional factory with an annual output of 10,000 tons, and Zhang Yijia's Longxian Lily has also grown from thin sales to nearly 10 million per year. Positive feedback is far more than this, some data show that the hot sales of Xuanwei ham have led to the increase of jobs in surrounding counties and towns, and truly realized the poverty alleviation through "farmland cloud fighting".

The relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo said: "Pinduoduo hopes to effectively participate in the process of helping the country's rural revitalization, through the joint cooperation of other agriculture-related platforms, under the guidance of government departments at all levels, to do some practical things for 160 key rural revitalization counties to help help the production and marketing of high-quality agricultural products and industrial transformation and upgrading." In the future, the platform will continue to pay attention to the development of the national rural revitalization key help counties, and play an active role in accurate production and marketing docking, agricultural brand upgrading, and e-commerce talent training. (Trainee Editor Wang Jie)

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