
Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

author:No.1 Food Mansion

"Hello everyone, this is the No. 1 Food Mansion, focusing on sharing simple home-cooked dishes and delicious supplements for children, and using food to broaden the taste of happiness in life."

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Ginger hen duck as a very famous cuisine in Fujian region,

It is characterized by its moist but not greasy, warm and dry,

It has always been deeply liked by the people of Fujian.

Although it is possible that your chances of eating ginger hen duck in life are relatively low,

But because the fast food industry is now developing so rapidly,

I believe that it should not be difficult to eat this delicacy.

In fact, relative to the author,

It's not difficult to finish this dish at home.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

And compared to today's cuisine,

The author also incorporates the experience of daily cooking,

Try to make the process as easy to learn.

This allows more people to finish this delicacy at home.

If you are also interested in today's cuisine,

Let's take a look at how it's cooked.

Hope to like it.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

【Food name】:Ginger hen duck.

【Preparation Ingredients】: Handle a clean whole duck, two star anise, two pieces of cinnamon, 30 slices of ginger, 3 spoons of rice wine, three spoons of cooking wine, two spoons of oyster sauce, one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, 1g of salt and chicken essence.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Step 1: First, cut the prepared whole duck into small pieces, put it into a 400ml pot of water, add three spoonfuls of cooking wine, boil on high heat for seven minutes and then fish out, filter the water, control and set aside.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Step 2: Add the right amount of oil to the pot, pour half of the ginger slices at 50% oil temperature, stir-fry on high heat until slightly charred, then pour the prepared star anise and cinnamon into the pot and stir-fry.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Step 3: Then pour the prepared duck pieces into the pot, stir-fry on high heat until the skin is slightly dry and charred, add the prepared oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, and water flush with the ingredients, stir-fry a few times on high heat and bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 25 minutes.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Step 4: Finally open the lid, add the other half of the ginger slices, prepared salt and chicken essence, properly stir-fry a few times, cover the lid, continue to simmer on a low heat for about 6 minutes, you can open the lid, collect the juice on high heat, and put it on the plate to taste.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

Compared to today's cuisine,

The cooking method of its main body should be regarded as a very simple existence.

If you also like this delicacy today,

Try it yourself at home.

The author believes that

Your family will also love to eat.

Share the simple recipe of ginger hen duck at home, fresh and delicious and nutritious, and the family will say that it is great when they eat it

So today's cuisine is shared here. If there is still something you don't understand in the text, you can also chat with the author privately, and I will try to answer questions for you as much as possible. This article is personally original by No. 1 Food Mansion, welcome to like, collect, pay attention to, comment Oh, we will not see tomorrow. No. 1 Food Mansion – Food needs to be shared with others to feel happy

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