
Ginger Hen Duck (Taiwanese Authentic Recipe Revealed)

author:Chef Wang's Food Diary

Ginger Hen Duck (Taiwanese Authentic Recipe Revealed) 

Ginger Hen Duck (Taiwanese Authentic Recipe Revealed)


Ginger has a strong flavor, the taste is not slightly bitter after the fragrant, is the autumn and winter season to warm up, nourishing delicacies.

raw material:

Half a red-faced duck (2 dry grams), 250 grams of ginger, 5 grams of sand ginger slices and keqi, 10 grams of red dates, 1500 grams of Taiwanese rice wine, 1 packet.


50 grams of black sesame oil and saucer juice, 5 grams of salt, and 3 grams of rock sugar.


3 grams each of angelica, jade bamboo, yellow parsley, Sichuan peony and cinnamon, 5 grams each of sand ginseng and ginseng, and 2 grams of licorice.


White watercress, sugar, ginger and duck soup 20 grams each, spicy tofu milk 50 grams, rice wine 150 grams, sesame oil 3 grams.

Preparation Method:

(1) Wash and cut the duck into pieces, wash the ginger, take 50 grams of slices, and use a juicer to squeeze the ginger juice for later.

(2) Heat the pot on the heat, put in the black hemp; when it is 40% hot, add ginger slices, sand ginger slices and stir-fry the aroma, add the washed duck meat, fry until the duck skin comes out of the oil, after the ginger slices turn yellow, add rice wine, boil and put into the casserole, add the material package, red dates, salt, rock sugar, goji berries, cook for 10 minutes.

(3) Drizzle with ginger juice to enhance the taste. Serve with a dipping saucer.

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