
The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

The freshness, crispness, crispness, tenderness, oiliness and rich aroma of Sherwin-Williams ham are long-lasting. The little sister came back from playing in Yunnan and brought a piece, which can be fully addicted.

by Ruri-yō

Potatoes four small

Half a carrot

Peas to taste

Rice two and a half cups

Sherwin-Williams ham to taste

Onion ginger to taste

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

1. Cut the vegetables into appropriate sizes

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

2, ham slices (I cut a little too big)

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

3: Wash and soak the rice in water for half an hour

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

4: Fry potatoes and carrots in an appropriate amount

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

5: Fry until golden brown and remove

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

6: Put the right amount of shallots and ginger in the pot and put the rice into it and stir-fry until fragrant

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

7: Add the fried potatoes and carrots and stir-fry

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

8: Pour into the rice cooker and add the cloud legs to add the appropriate amount of water to open the cooking mode

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

9, when cooking is really full of fragrance ... Let's start with a bowl...

The preparation of Sherwin-Williams ham stew

10. Eat!

It is recommended that the cloud leg cut a little smaller and simmer directly in the iron pot is better (I need to leave for a while in the middle to choose the rice cooker)


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