
The preparation of Sichuan-flavored dried pot chicken wings

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of Sichuan-flavored dried pot chicken wings

Practice steps

1, prepare all the ingredients, the general side dishes can be changed according to their own preferences, like potatoes, greens, fungus, rotten skin, a lot of can be, but be sure to choose easy to cook Oh...

2, buy back the chicken wings are best soaked in water, remove the blood water, and then in order to better taste the surface of the flower knife, of course, in order to look good I only got one side...

3, chicken wings with cooking wine, soy sauce, green onions, ginger, salt pickling for about half an hour, it is estimated that many people want to ask what the proportion of marinade ingredients, everyone's home taste is different, according to their own taste to adjust the proportion, you can also add their favorite marinade can be.

4: Wash and cut the celery into sections and set aside

5, dry pepper cut section spare, remove the seeds, I want to say that like the pepper on the spicy pepper, that does not like the pepper on the pepper is not spicy pepper, there is that feeling on it, the atmosphere understands no...

6, this dish of ginger garlic cut a little larger, not too small Oh.

7, potatoes try to pick a little more evenly, so that the size is as good as it looks. Cut into thick, thin round pieces

8, cut well and put the water starch in the water to go, otherwise it will become black...

9, the pot with oil, 70% hot, put in the chicken wings on low heat and slowly fry until, recently I have fried with rapeseed oil, found that the color is so beautiful...

10. One side is fried golden brown and then turned over to fry. Remember, during this period, you must use chopsticks to flip the chicken wings from time to time, so as not to stick to the pan and look bad.

11, fried to the golden brown can be out of the pot, see, is not very beautiful ah... In fact, at this time, I really wanted to eat.

12: Fry the remaining oil in the pan with potato chips, and the pieces do not overlap

13, feel fried to crispy time can be out of the pan first...

14, the celery bought this time is a little old, so it is too much oil... It won't be long.

15: Leave the bottom oil in the pot and add a little watercress sauce to stir-fry.

16:Add the chopped garlic ginger cloves and sauté together.

17: Add the cut dried chili peppers

18: Add the fried chicken wings and stir-fry well

19: Add a little sugar to freshen up

20: Add a little salt

21: Add the parsley in the oil

22, finally put in the fried potato chips continue to stir-fry, put in the appropriate amount of chicken powder to taste, you can come out of the pot.

23、Then plate, sprinkle with green onions and a little sesame seeds...

24, see if the saliva has flowed to the ground,

25, the key to this dish is that the process of frying must be very patient. Otherwise it will be fried... You get the idea. Sister Xiao [Mommy] ate five or six of them very much, haha

26, made the braised pork that dad loves to eat


28, do you know what this is, origami tofu.


Relatives who like food can pay attention to my food WeChat; lizi286421, there are food groups can apply to join, which are people who love food Can also pay attention to my Weibo: beautiful sister's petty bourgeois life Wait for me to toss the house and start toss beautiful plates, tablecloths, there must be something you like Oh...

Mood story

Finally I went back to Zhejiang, I have to find a house again, June day of moving you know, today is 36 degrees straight up ah, my god the house is to find a good, the key has to wait a few days, I let him give me all the things inside to clear back... In order to create a feeling of taking pictures, these two days to buy things laboriously in my brain shell, headaches, finally almost done. So loving life still has to pay a price. Plus the Virgo character you know. So recently there is no time and no place to toss food, this recipe a lot of personal messages I have not had the heart to write, tonight just have a little free time this is not a hurry to write... It is estimated that tomorrow when he moves, I will have to start decorating the house, and it is estimated that I will have to wait for a few days...

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