
Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

The inspiration for making this dry pot chicken wing came from a dry pot shrimp eaten outside a few days ago, spicy and fragrant, evocative, and when I came back, I fumbled myself to replace the shrimp with the children's favorite chicken wings, and the taste was still as good as ever! Very popular! One plate is not enough to eat!

by Guo Ma private dish 【Dou Guo Food Official Certified Master】

11 chicken wings

2 potatoes

Dried chili peppers 20 g

Celery 80 g

1 head of garlic

1 piece of ginger

Pixian watercress sauce 1 tablespoon

1 teaspoon light soy sauce

1 teaspoon sesame seeds

1 teaspoon cornstarch

1 teaspoon chicken broth mix

1 teaspoon cooking wine

1 scoop of salt

Cooking oil to taste

Peppercorns 5 g

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

1. After thawing the chicken wings, wash them and soak them in cold water!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

2, use a knife to draw a diagonal knife on both sides of the chicken wings, so that when marinating for a while, the chicken wings are more likely to taste!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

3: Put the chicken wings in a bowl and add cooking wine, soy sauce, corn starch, salt, ginger, garlic cloves and marinate for 30 minutes! (You can also marinate it one night in advance and refrigerate it for storage, so that the chicken wings are more flavorful!) )

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

4: Peel and wash the potatoes into thick and even slices, soak them in a bowl and wash off the excess starch!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

5、 Wash and cut the celery into sections and set aside!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

6: Peel the garlic cloves and leave the whole, cut the ginger into slices, cut the dried pepper into sections and set aside!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

7, the pot is hot, pour the right amount of oil to 70% heat, put in the marinated chicken wings over medium-low heat and slowly fry, while frying, stir with chopsticks, don't stick to the pan!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

8: Fry the chicken wings until the surface is golden brown, then drain the oil and set aside!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

9: Drain the potato chips and fry them slowly in a frying pan over medium-low heat.

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

10: Fry until the potato chips are cooked, the skin is a little crispy, you can drain the oil and set aside!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

11: Heat the pot and pour in the right amount of oil, add ginger, garlic cloves, peppercorns, dried peppers and stir-fry over low heat to create a fragrant flavor!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

12: Add a tablespoon of Pixian bean paste over low heat and slowly fry the red oil!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

13、Pour in the freshly fried chicken wings and stir-fry evenly!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

14、Add the fried potato chips and stir-fry evenly!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

15、Stir-fry the chopped celery for a while!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

16. Add an appropriate amount of sesame seeds and chicken essence before cooking and stir-fry evenly!

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

17. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

18. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

19. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

20. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

21. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

22. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

23. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

24. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

25. Finished product drawing

Dry pot chicken wings to prepare

26. Finished product drawing

The chicken wings have already been salted, and the Pixian bean paste is also very salty, so there is no need to add additional salt when stir-frying this dish. If the taste is heavier, you can taste it before starting the pot and add it in moderation!


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